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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yeah, that's limited in the db structure to 3. I stuck with the ICAO convention on that. I'm not sure what it'll take to change it, aside from changing the length in the sql tables, not off the top of my head at least.
  2. Well, you can create a module with events, but I haven't hashed out an events system for the admin. You can use the "register_complete" event when they actually register to create the profile: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/development:02_events_list#registration_complete Scroll up a bit to see how to create the module, and then the event. Hopefully that makes sense. You can use "registration_precomplete" even to get the user info, but in this next build I fixed it to postcomplete includes the user info. That will 'fire' when they create a profile, but before it's approved. The next update will have an events subsystem for the admin panel; I haven't done it uptil now because no one is really using it.
  3. Well, you have forums already, with PMing systems already which are better than what I'd create, so I don't see why I should duplicate a messaging system when there's one already created/being used.
  4. Um, there's no way to do that now, since I've only got 2 icons assigned, but it's a good idea. I'll get back to you
  5. Revert to the default template if you're using your own template on the map page. Make sure the API key is proper and check for any javascript errors on the page (check the error console in firefox)
  6. After this update, I'll take a look into it. I'm at my 'feature cutoff' date and that might be a bit complicated to do.
  7. Nabeel

    i need help

    Don't make edits directly in the core/templates folder, copy the template you're using into your skin folder, so it won't get overwritten
  8. Hey everyone, I think I am going to remove flight legs. Now since you can enter letters into the flight numbers, the leg's are kinda "obsolete", since you can just add it as part of the flight number. Also, FSACARS and FSPAX don't support it, so it's throwing things off with PIREPs and those finance calculations, and other 'future plans' which I have in mind. It just adds another layer of complexity, which is just giving me a big headache, and doesn't really serve a huge purpose (I don't think many of you are using legs) Just giving a heads up. Nabeel
  9. Dave, you sure it was the profile fields? I'll check it out though. I'll check the .info also, may just be a reg-ex problem
  10. It's monthly fees, though you can just add up what they will be for the month. Since it can change month to month, I'm devising how to handle that, as well as how to handle fuel/fuel costs. I'm trying to find a service to look up the current avg cost, and incorporate that for when a flight is flown, it'll charge that price on.
  11. If you're using Firefox, check out the error console. I'm testing it now, albeit on the latest build, the pilot id, etc was giving issues. Now the doubling won't matter. But if you open the error console, clear it, then goto the ACARS map page, if there's anything, it'll show up. But I was getting some Javascript errors with it not liking the remote URL, but I'm reading now that's due to the fact that it's on "localhost"
  12. Hey, Are you getting any Javascript errors?
  13. You should post what you want your design to look like, the design template, etc, so there can be a more accurate idea.
  14. Scroll down a bit in the main forums, it's the last forum there http://www.phpvms.net/forum/index.php/board,17.0.html
  15. Well, make sure you delete everything, for phpVMS, delete anything in the database. Then run the phpVMS installer, it will put in the tables. Make sure it's uploaded correctly. Then run the install/install.php. You'll enter the database information there. Then it'll install everything on its own.
  16. Hey, Well, first, fspassengers is coming in the next update (not sure if you read the front page). So you don't need to create scripts, etc for that. That'll be built in, using the existing scripts/platform. That code you pasted is just verifying the form field input, from the first page of the install. Just makes sure that everything is entered. That error usually comes when PHP5 isn't enabled properly. Perhaps you also accidentally deleted the htaccess file? Try re-uploading as well, sometimes files get corrupted when using FTP on upload. Also, are you using the beta, or the release version? Make sure it's the release. Beta still has some problems.
  17. No problem. It takes some time for that to propagate. If you domain changes, you can change the address in core/local.config.php, in the SITE_URL setting
  18. I guess 2008 wasn't the best year Untitled.jpg
  19. Just add them through that dialog, just the lookup won't work. Enter the name/lat/long in manually right there. There's a bunch of sites you can check, there was another thread before with the information in it.
  20. Interesting, I'll have to look into that. Might be a host setting. Thanks. Glad it's workin for ya now
  21. In the core navigation? What exactly did you change? Make sure your SITE_URL is correct in /core/local.config.php
  22. Java enabled? Google maps you need the API key, which you enter into the admin directory. Can you put a phpinfo() file in your /admin directory? Admin you need to goto: yoursite.com/admin or admin/index.php, there is no admin.php file.
  23. Did you have to turn php5 on? That's an odd line to have the error on; it shows up when PHP5 isn't installed at all or correctly, or enabled. Did you enable it through htaccess? Maybe you have to also enable it for the admin directory
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