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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. He has this up on github now. The best way is to fork his repository for this; this creates a copy of it under your account. Then you clone it to your computer, make the changes, commit and push. Then those changes are in your repository. After that, you can do a pull request, and Dave can look through the commit and see if it's acceptable, and then the changes will merge into his master copy.
  2. Forum attachments seemed to have been restored now
  3. What was the problem and how did you solve it? It might help someone else with the same issue in the future. Thanks
  4. I don't know what that means. If you followed the instructions on the homepage, then your slowness isn't from the phpVMS server. Anyway, the downloads site has been restored: http://downloads.phpvms.net/
  5. That's wherever you setup the cron job, probably in cPanel. And that other error isn't from phpvms, that's external, and that error will cause errors in everything else. That should be the first thing to look at
  6. I've never seen them; US tours are few and far between nowadays
  7. Still working on it, trying to recover mysql from the box but am hitting some snags On what? Did you disable the API as-per the instructions on phpvms.net?
  8. Changed Files: m .gitignore m core/common/StatsData.class.php Merge pull request #63 from phpVMS/master Merge changes from dave View complete changes Download from here
  9. Changed Files: m .gitignore m core/common/StatsData.class.php Merge pull request #1 from webbyDavidClark/master TopRoutes Fix View complete changes Download from here
  10. If you search 'geonames' a thread just came up for that... I can't look for it right now (I'm on my phone) but it will have that fix
  11. You need to fix the menu.js errors, those aren't phpvms files.
  12. Changed Files: Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:webbyDavidClark/phpVMS.git View complete changes Download from here
  13. Changed Files: m core/common/StatsData.class.php Changes To Repair TopFlights() Function in /core/common/StatsData.class.php View complete changes Download from here
  14. Changed Files: m core/common/StatsData.class.php Changes To Repair TopFlights() Function View complete changes Download from here
  15. That would do it. I forgot about that - I thought the default was still set to geonames.
  16. No line number or anything?
  17. If you read the errors, you see there's a problem in your menu.js file which is causing your problems.
  18. Also for those errors, open the FF/Chrome error console and see if you're getting any errors there
  19. Can you check the FF or Chrome error/developer console to see if there are any errors?
  20. Search the forum, this error has come up a of times. Those paths to the scripts also seem wrong, make sure they're correct. They should be going to lib/js (at least for jquery)
  21. Yeah, I'm sure there is some limit. When you load that maps page, if you look in the console under FF or Chrome, are there any errors thrown?
  22. If you run the upgrade script, it will calculate the diff and changes between what your database is and what it should be
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