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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. This looks like a really interesting plugin. For git, an empty directory, people usually just add a blank file called "empty". That's because git tracks files, not really directories
  2. The same parameter can't have two values, unless it's a nested array: $params = array( 'retired' => array(2, 4) ); if(in_array(2, $params['retired']) && in_array(4, $params['retired'])) { // both values exist }
  3. 78% on the restore, man it's taking sooo long haha
  4. Cancel it and then try again, it should hopefully complete. Sometimes it gets delayed first
  5. local.config.php is in the "core" folder
  6. Attachments will come back as soon as my backup is completed. There is more information in the Annoucement's thread. The delay isn't from the fuel lookup - it's from the "airport info" lookup, where it's reaching out to a web service (I can't remember now), to get the coordinates of that ICAO.
  7. Sorry, what's the problem with the screenshot? I don't follow
  8. Yeah, eventually you will have a problem. I recommend a VPS over a dedicated server tbh. Ahh, that's interesting. I need to see if that's a known bug (where connections remain open on a time-out) - but do you have control over your MySQL config files? I believe there's an "open time" in the my.cnf file for connections that are supposedly idle, probably turning that down is a good idea. There are a number of MySQL optimizations you can do; my favorite script for figuring some of these things out is the rackerhacker mysqltuner scripts (originally from rackspace, actually). These help if you can control the configuration of MySQL. On fivedev, I run this quite often to keep the database in tune based on average usage, and it works quite well. I tried to index columns the best I could; the majority of your database size is probably from the size of those indexes. But greater indexes means greater CPU to process and keep them up to date. Having a cron for vaCentral is the best idea, and should be relatively straight-forward to do.
  9. There are the entire acars functions in lib/js/acarsmap.js that also need changing. Not a small task
  10. Really? That's strange, vacentral wouldn't be hooking to the database, though I could see that the processes would be timing out. I put on the front-page some tips to disable vaCentral for now from within phpVMS to keep that from happening. I also need to implement a short 2/3 second time-out for that vaCentral connection; I think it's 90 seconds by default in PHP... eek.
  11. That version on github should be working, but some (minor) things might be broken. However, that's a beta. Try this for the full version: http://www.phpvms.net/dl/phpvms.full.zip
  12. IMO, he's too big for any shared host - probably best for him to move to a VPS. We'll figure something out
  13. You can't really cut down traffic, just means your VA is growing. You'll have to find a better host. You've outgrown them, be happy
  14. This sounds more like they're now allowing more than a few database connections, and not necessarily a phpVMS problem - you just have too much traffic. Can you ask them how many user connections to MySQL are allowed?
  15. Who's your host? I'm suspecting they're actually limiting you quite a bit. How many airlines/pilots/PIREPs on average? For 170MB, must be quite a few. Actually, if you're running the release version, there is one *really* expensive calculation done when PIREPs are filed, but doesn't become a problem until you have quite a few PIREPs being filed. The problem came down to how the time was being calculated - and it's quite slow since it was essentially a string-compare function. It's been fixed in the latest betas. I've tried to find some of the commits where this slow code was fixed, but honestly the better way to check would be to upgrade to the latest beta, since it's almost a hodge-podge of fixes. https://github.com/n...717e136cb7d58b7 https://github.com/n...6ca1c701#L0R236 (updateTotalHours) But those small changes made a HUGE difference both CPU and RAM usage. It's also funny that these commits are from almost a year ago... I need to get this next version out the door :\
  16. Make sure your host has gd installed. Are you on a free host?
  17. Nabeel

    Holding page???

    In the same directory as index.php (the same level as the core and admin folders)
  18. I'm really digging it too, have to make a few adjustments, but there have been quite a few improvements, so I'm very happy with it overall. IPB has great support, too. The backup recovery is at about 50% - it's an 80GB volume with an incremental backup - so rolling up all of the files with the incrementals is what is taking so long. After that point, recovering whatever data I can manually is the next step, hopefully that won't take forever. I'm planning to first get the API server back up and running, and then vaCentral, and then the rest of phpVMS.
  19. What you'll have to do is have a script that goes through the records Wordpress posts table, looks for your keywords (you can use substr_count), and then adds it into the phpvms_news table. You might add a extra column to the phpvms_news table called wordpress_post_id, so you can tell whether you've already cross posted it. Wordpress might have hooks, or a simple admin module, that can run that after you create a new post. Something like: SELECT * FROM wordpress posts loop through posts, find keyword If found keyword, see if post_id is already in the phpvms_news If not, then add it
  20. You just need to upload the install folder. But if you're downloading it from github, it won't work - they're different versions. You need the 'install' folder from the version you've installed
  21. Follow the debug instructions in my signature
  22. We have quite a few addons, which is great, but the problem starts happening with keeping the latest versions, and sometimes people have stuff uploaded to different places, and then hosts go down or change, and some of the stuff is lost. I ask everyone who is writing an add-on to please go down this route. I would like addons to be uploaded to Github or Bitbucket (whichever you prefer, though Github is better for reasons you'll see), as a public repository. It's not too much extra effort, but it ensures that: Your code is available (especially after the forum crash) If people want to improve your code, or help fix a bug, it's easy Every knows what the latest version is There's an integrated bug tracker and wiki for you to keep docs and issues, Zip/tar files are automatically generated and kept, you don't need to upload them to your own server I have also created an organization at Github called "phpVMS" (https://github.com/phpVMS), to where I can fork and add your code in - this way everything is organized in one place, available and accessible for everyone. I believe it's a great way to get more participation, and also to use the tools that are currently available. How to use Github Setup/Install git Register at http://www.github.com Create a new repository - call it something descriptive - "TopPilot" (using simpilot as an example). You can add the "phpvms" prefix if you'd like Package up your code in one directory, without any phpVMS files (again, simpilot as an example). It should only be the files for your addon A suggestion: package your files in a way so that when you extract a zip file, all of the files go to where they should - example: if you to put files in core/templates, create a folder called "core" and inside of that, create a folder called "templates", then place your files there Create a README file, with instructions on what to do (where to put files) Follow the github instructions for creating and updating your repository Notify me, so I can fork it and add it under the phpVMS Organization If you need help, do not hesitate to let me know
  23. Hi all, As you've definately noticed, phpVMS and vaCentral have been down. While I'm still tracking down the cause, I believe it to be malicious in nature. As of now, avatars and forum attachments are unavailable, until the backup recovery completes. The documentation above is also unavailable until some certain pieces of data are recovered. I don't have an ETA on the completion of recovery. But, over the next few weeks, I will be bringing back online vaCentral and the main phpVMS site - while I'm not sure of any data loss, I don't believe there to be any. I will keep you all in the loop of far as the progress. Thanks all for your patience.
  24. The pireps are being recorded, the news feed is a separate entity, I haven't had the time to figure out what its problem is
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