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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That's strange - what MySQL version are you running? Can you do an export table for the pireps table?
  2. Have you set earning for ranks? Did you accept pireps?
  3. Can you PM me a dump of your schedules table from phpmyadmin, and tell me which were added after?
  4. If you do a search, someone came up with an entire list of 20-30 items I believe
  5. Great, thanks for your patience, sorry for the delay
  6. I wonder if this is a kACARS problem, not phpvms?
  7. Is there a specific error?
  8. Those are notices, they can be ignored. Change your PHP error level to add: & ~ E_NOTICE so E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE
  9. Guys, enough, I don't want these forums to turn into just arguing and bickering, and then no one wants to bother with anything. This isn't the place for it, and it's completely unnecessary
  10. See if it's working now. Today was the first time I've been online in a while, and someone reminded me that it was happening. I completely forgot - I've had a lot on my plate lately. Let me know if it's working now
  11. Hi all, Sounds to me things are getting a bit out of hand with people being either rude, or impatient. Just a reminder: If you bump your posts - once, after 24 hours. Don't be rude - it doesn't get your anywhere No fighting, bullying, begging or arguing - you get two warnings - no third. You get banned Don't be a child. This is a completely volunteer project. I'm extremely great full to all the mods and everyone who has been here helping out and keeping this project alive and kicking - even after 3 years. I haven't seen another project with this much loyalty. I thank all of you, really.
  12. Private browsing disables cookies, I believe. Cookies need to be enabled.
  13. Have you tried a different image? Sometimes the image could be corrupted. I haven't come across this issue before.
  14. Might be getting some time to crack at this again. What issues are there with the latest beta??
  15. Changed Files: m admin/templates/sidebar_schedules.tpl close #49 removed inactive schedules link View complete changes Download from here
  16. Should be all fixed - I was getting random mysql crashes 2-3am, tried to do a distro upgrade... didn't go well. Restored from a snapshot, now re-tried the distro upgrade. A few packages were messed up, but I believe they are all sorted now. Sorry all!
  17. Hi all, I apologize for the sporadic downtime in both vaCentral and phpVMS - I'm working on a few server issues which have been cropping up. Thanks for your patience
  18. I didn't regen the checksums on the last build, you can ignore some of those
  19. I wouldn't touch that type of thing with a 10ft pole.
  20. Changed Files: m admin/templates/groups_grouplist.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml fixed #43 group edit button View complete changes Download from here
  21. Changed Files: m admin/templates/groups_grouplist.tpl m core/common/CentralData.class.php m core/common/PilotGroups.class.php m core/common/StatsData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/install.sql m install/sql/structure.xml fixed #43 group edit button View complete changes Download from here
  22. If you go in phpMyAdmin, to the phpvms_groups table, what's the "core" column value for one of the groups you can't edit?
  23. If you do an export, delete a couple schedules, and import it right back in, does that work?
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