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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Seems like a login error, not registration. I'm betting the problem is with reCaptcha
  2. It gets incredibly complicated,,, that's why I added that field as mark pointed out
  3. Can you enable the debug log, and then try registering? I'm leaning towards a recaptcha problem too... this has come up before, it's 99% of the time recaptcha
  4. A re you getting rejected emails in that host account?
  5. I think the issue might be that MySQL is in strict mode. Can you try this http://lynnepope.net/turn-off-mysql-strict-mode
  6. Perhaps. I've been installing/testing on MySQL 5.1. I don't know what changed have occurred in 5.3+ See if you can get a copy of 5.1. I'll try to figure out what's going on with 5.5
  7. What's the error? I know Phoenix have done a ton of custom work, and have a ton of custom code/replaced code running. They've helped me optimize problem sections of phpVMS quite a bit (areas that are had to see any inefficient code until you're around their size)
  8. Thanks! Re: Linode - phpVMS (site, forums), vaCentral (main site and API server), and my main site are hosted off of a Linode 512. They're great machines, and awesome service. It's held up amazing, especially with the amount of traffic and data going to the API.
  9. BTW you should do $getid = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['user']); $rs = mysql_query("SELECT 'name','age','country' FROM users WHERE id='$getid' LIMIT 1"); list($name, $age, $country) = mysql_fetch_row($rs); Otherwise, you're ripe for SQL injection attack.
  10. IN the admin panel, go to ranks, and then set the pay they get
  11. Changed Files: m core/codon.config.php m core/common/Auth.class.php m core/common/CentralData.class.php + core/models/models.php + core/vendors/orm/idiorm.php + core/vendors/orm/paris.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/install.sql m install/sql/structure.xml m unittest/utils/vac_diag.php ar/orm included View complete changes Download from here
  12. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php close #51 fixed colname View complete changes Download from here
  13. Changed Files: m install/sql/install.sql close #50 add default value to price col View complete changes Download from here
  14. Should be fixed, sorry aobut that. Your PIREPs were logged, though
  15. Can you run this ALTER statement and try? ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pireps` CHANGE `price` `price` FLOAT NULL DEFAULT '0';
  16. Strange... make sure you have prices for all of your schedules... I think that's what's missing
  17. What about the pilots table? Can you do a complete reinstall from scratch? For some reason, your tables aren't created properly. I wonder if it's a MySQL issue
  18. What tool are you using? Just a screenshot of the columns will be fine.
  19. I need the .sql dump file, with the table structure, no data
  20. It looks to me your database didn't setup correctly. Did you run the installer, or manually import the SQL file?
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