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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I wouldn't run the update.sql lines manually, the only reason being then I can test an update to make sure it's working through that way. I think I know what the problem is with the rewrite rules, I'll fix that soon
  2. Thanks, also I guess separate exports for by month/year? Or just tabulate all months in one export? Let me see what I can come up with
  3. I've fixed the installer/updater in this last commit, hopefully that will work
  4. I hope you guys are using test sites and not your live sites I'm looking into all these issues. For the finances showing up as zeros - does it happen when you resetting the pay? Or is it when you file a PIREP? And where is the PIREP coming from? Just trying to see how to duplicate it. Edit: This is because the update.sql doesn't run properly. Download the latest commit to see that it does... As for the rewrite issues - I think I know what the problem is. Lemme look into all of these.... thanks guys For not being able to add new schedules: Is there an error? I believe this will also be fixed with the update.sql file....
  5. Changed Files: m install/Installer.class.php m install/templates/footer.tpl m install/update.php m install/update.sql m lib/rss/latestpireps.rss m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json installer fixes View complete changes Download from here
  6. Did you just download the beta now? As of the last... 20 minutes?
  7. Changed Files: m core/version m install/structure.xml m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json precom update View complete changes Download from here
  8. Changed Files: m .gitignore m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json prepare fixes View complete changes Download from here
  9. Changed Files: m install/Installer.class.php m install/structure.xml m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json update fix View complete changes Download from here
  10. Changed Files: m .gitignore m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml m lib/rss/latestpireps.rss m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json hooks fixes View complete changes Download from here
  11. Changed Files: + .gitignore m lib/rss/latestpireps.rss m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json + unittest/utils/unit_test.php + unittest/utils/vac_diag.php + unittest/utils/vatsim.php Directory cleanup, added .gitignore View complete changes Download from here
  12. Changed Files: m install/Installer.class.php - install/major m install/update.php m lib/rss/latestpireps.rss m unittest/reports/coverage.xml m unittest/reports/logfile.json Updater fixes View complete changes Download from here
  13. Can you email me the error log? White page means a PHP error somewhere, are there error logs on your host? If it's still happening, if you can give me access, I can look faster than I can give instructions on how to look
  14. Can you try this full htaccess: Options +FollowSymLinks Options All -Indexes # Rewrite Rules RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L] <FilesMatch "\.(htaccess|htpasswd|ini|phps|fla|psd|log|sh|tpl)$"> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> Try getting to a .tpl file as well THanks
  15. Are you on a beta? That error would come up if you've mixed/matched versions. You might have to do a clean install
  16. Once they register, you can change pilot IDs, there's an admin option
  17. Did you run the /install/update.php?
  18. Set the URL_REWRITE setting to true
  19. Changed Files: m core/bootstrap.inc.php rewrite mask off for action.php View complete changes Download from here
  20. Changed Files: m core/templates/schedule_searchform.tpl fixed airport search filter View complete changes Download from here
  21. Yeap, that would be it. Infact, you can test it real quick, see if it works... Place into /core/classes: https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/raw/master/core/classes/CodonRewrite.class.php Then in the root (next to index.php), place in a .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L] See if that works. I can't edit the CodonRewrite file due to a permissions error, and he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
  22. Changed Files: m core/classes/CodonRewrite.class.php Handle q= for parameters for apache rewrite View complete changes Download from here
  23. This ends up need a few changes with how URLs are handled, so it will be available on the next version for sure. I'm testing to see if an updated version of just the CodonRewrite class will help, so you can have it for current releases, at leas, by just updating that file, and an htaccess Everything uses the url() function in bootstrap.php, so the fix ends up being pretty simple, but that doesn't even need changing.
  24. There is a rewrite option, you just need to setup the HTACCESS to work properly. I don't have access to an Apache server with phpVMS on it - if someone wants to give me access to mess with it, I can take a look
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