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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Changed Files: m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/PilotData.class.php pilot pay fixes View complete changes Download from here
  2. Changed Files: m core/common/PilotData.class.php deprecated flighttime column for flighttime_stamp in total hours View complete changes Download from here
  3. What is each column? The view seems different from mine I believe I'm going to have to change the way pay is calculated, either from all of the PIREPs, or a separate table If it recalculates the pay, then the pilot's pay will be messed up (as it will go back to per-hour). I think I see the issue (code-wise)
  4. Can you take a screenshot of that row/PIREP in phpMyAdmin?
  5. Hey, Can you run the following and post the output: /install/checkinstall.php /install/checkdb.php Thanks
  6. In the config file, there's a place to enter those coordinates.
  7. I checked the code, it shows the total payment for that flight to the pilot, it's not per-hour, so the description is wrong anyway
  8. Changed Files: m install/Installer.class.php m install/dbtest.php + install/fixtures.sql m install/install.sql m install/templates/header.tpl install fixes and changes View complete changes Download from here
  9. You've got a blank space or something, either in a configuration file, or if you've got any addons
  10. Ah, I see what you mean. I'm not sure at that point that I really know which way they were paid. Is it enough to change the wording on that field to indicate that's the total amount they were paid?
  11. This has been fixed in the next beta/next version
  12. Changed Files: m core/app.config.php m core/classes/Util.class.php m install/templates/config.tpl enable ssl support for smtp (gapps) fixed #16 View complete changes Download from here
  13. Hey no prob - what do you mean a switch? If it's filled in, it'll use that
  14. Yeah, that is very strange. Never heard of that happening before. Are you on a free host?
  15. Exactl. Kind of defeats the purpose of having live prices if you don't like the price and are going to change it to something lower
  16. How much did it change? Need to know some numbers
  17. Have you changed the config options for the signatures?
  18. In Firefox, if you look at the Error Console, is there anything in there?
  19. Were there any errors during install?
  20. I'm confused, what's going on?
  21. Are there any javascript errors? Can you run /install/checkinstall.php and /install/checkdb.php
  22. Bottom left click the little magnifying glass icon
  23. Are there any javascript errors? Run /install/checkinstall.php and /install/checkdb.php
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