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Everything posted by joeri

  1. Zeus manny free hostings don't provide all the functions you need to run phpvms correctly you will se in time when your va grows and uses manny more bandwith they will screw you over telling you need to get to paid hosting or they can't continu provide the service for you
  2. yes justr delete the braskets i belive they called (") at hthe beginning and the end
  3. have you changed all the coding to french? iff so have you also changed the table names to french
  4. search the forum come up manny times
  5. change the part <?php $count = 10; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> to this <?php $count = 1; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> schould show 1 pirep now
  6. i know the ceo he also had a ryanair running without permissions and did stuff like that they got closed . so won't be long iff the same happens here i think
  7. We are now accepting requests for modules/skins/acars. The prices are listed below: Modules - Start at $10.00 ( depending on complexity ) Skins - Start at $25.00 ( depending on complexity ) ACARS - $60.00 Base ( extra features are $10.00/per feature ) Take a look. at our past sites: aavirtual.net unitedairlinesva.org xojva.com Thank you! Orriginal post made by tylerj (just to get it open again without the other posts in there)
  8. maby just leave it there for next year you can't be early enouph
  9. and closing this one discussion was made in the past and it also went down the drain so this is stopping things befor they get out of hand
  10. and closed
  11. how did you pay iff you paied with paypall make a complaint there iff you paid via visa or mastercard make a complaint there and also let vabase know off this the money wil be fast on its way to you. btw just post on their forums and stuff how bad it is keep registering with other names (this is how i got my refund within 5 days after i started my laster campain
  12. yes plz send me one
  13. worldwide or only US/canada as i tried to look it up but only found a US tradmark but no worldwide/ europe
  14. sorry sir never tried the step to the "dark side" of flightsims. how are those planes painted is it simular to msfs or in a different way?
  15. first off all i am not part off simpilot group simpilotgroup is a 1 man show. second i am unsure where you get the 400$ generic setup as phpvms is free you pay for the addons from simpilot . as for the other builder i cannot speak on their setup as i never ussed teir service but looking at their site they are also building or selling a prebuild thing so is it all custom then or is it also generic. but thats something i cannot comment. Jeff you are correct it seems that yet annother chilled has found its way to the forum
  16. corry as o non programmer i don't look behind thelayout (let me explaine iff you would go out to buy a second hand car do you open the hood and look at every thing would you take a ride and would you listen to every sound every rotation every sound that comes from the cam's and diff? iff you are a car specialist yes you woul do because you know what to listen for iff not you wouldn't know what to listen for) same here for me i use it and thats it. tus i see just anoter verrry simular acars with a basic layout same as xacars they all look the same . thus again i say it looks verry simular to kacars if they would do everything from 0 they could atleast do something zt the layout. i am not against anny acars builder but telling you ave reinvented the weel no i don't think so. but i wish you all the best in developing your systems also i went to your own website for anny referances but the onlything i got was 404 not available so to mee that looks not good. @jjennings you joined today at 5.47am stating the following at your registration" To use PHPVMS in my VA" so i think you don't have anny rights off complaining as you never been on these forums and even iff you ever used vms you are now going over to an other system so wy still come here and complain
  17. your site looks nicely done only thing i personaly don't like is the whole spacy thing iff i didn't know better i would think you had beaten virgin in the outerspace traveling
  18. so i tested out the jbu acars still looks so simular to the pay version off kacars it has the same options to be honnest pay version of kacars has manny more options. the only thing that would be better is that you are cheaper
  19. ok so i registerd at simjetblue but the acars isnt availaable there only the standard fspax,xacars,fsacars and fsfkightkeeper
  20. not to be a pain in the ass but it looks verry simular to Jeff's acars.
  21. lol and then you go to the other softwaredeveloper asking for help i think thats ot a good idea. you could email simpilot he might be able to help you
  22. i know its a terrible idea thats why i mentiont the "in extreme"
  23. or in extreme iff you know its only from polland just block all connections from polland
  24. dear francisco you don't need to read the whole forum but the forum has one super option its called "Search" verry easy in use and then you would have seen your problerm. marking this closed
  25. ok closing this one down again they are going to the server its only not showing on the client side stop posting this problem Nabeel is looking at the problem and the only thing that is a small problem is that its showing a local error thats it .
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