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Everything posted by joeri

  1. ask permission
  2. are you on free hosting
  3. this has i belive to do with how your settings are done utf8 unicode or something like that
  4. they are changing servers for him
  5. reupload the error file
  6. this is hte link www.simairlines.com/aalphpvms it showes the hp but then nothing annymore
  7. hello all i have something strange here i was helping a friend installing vms installation went great checkinstall and checkdp also ok homepage shows but when i pus anny link or try to login i get this error No input file specified. annybody seen this or am i the first
  8. looking at your site the last flight was aboud 4 hours agao on vacentral and on your site its stating only 1 flight today. ich habe mall gegukt auf ieren hp da war 1 flugh hoite etaw 4 stunden geleden.
  9. -first problem is a different server setting everybody has it. Nabeel will change those when he commes to it. yesterdays score is not fully operational so i wouldnot look at it gr joeri
  10. i have the same problem mark.it kicks in when you pass 25 and get older working solution for me read the topic 2 times works 9 out off 10 times gr joeri
  11. had the same one a coulple off months agao nothing you realy can do i just denied his registration for about 6 times and then he lost intrest in my site
  12. nice only thing i would change is the HDD split it in to 2 HDD or even 3. gr joeri
  13. joeri

    Kacars: STOPS?

    as mentiont in 3 posts you will need to give leg numbers like malta to paris with a stop in rome malta-rome 501a rome-paris 501b
  14. joeri

    Kacars: STOPS?

    it wont know it it will pull the data as you say from malta to paris as mentiont its not possible to make seperat flights using 1 flightnumber you will need to add an a or something to the flightnumber or it will not get reqognised phpvms will see the flight as malta- paris even iff you land at rome
  15. your rank is 139 with 18 pilots in yuor va
  16. joeri

    Prob with Kacars

    maby stupit but in the settings there is an options search by flight iff selected unselect and try again
  17. joeri

    Kacars: STOPS?

    yeah you are correct this is how we simulate it just 1 flightleg for all dep land and send pirep iff you go further just start all over.that would ye pthat would be one flight but sadly the sim isn't that far developt to understand that and i think it would get to complicated if you would implement the in a way in kacars. personaly i feel that kacars is just the thing for pireping its easy to setup easy to use ready no problems at all i also owne fsflightkeeper indeed it shows manny more info in the pirep but it so difficould to setup i have pilots from ages like 70-80 they go nuts with fsfk love kacars. only thing i would like to see in the future iff possible is a alternate airport section and working i mean :-) iff its not possible nahhh i don't even miss it but it would be nice. gr joeri
  18. joeri

    Kacars: STOPS?

    hey Jeff i am gonna quickly pick in on this. most belgium airline do this to get full planes and also some dutch airlines do it. mostly to get full aircrafts like jetairfly we made a trip from brussels to spain we got out and other pax stayed in the plane to fly to their destination a lot further in spain. also on my trip to mexico we first landed in cuba to leave some pax there. so its common here in europe i think. but almost undoable in fs. i tried all the major loggsystems they all start at takoff ans stop on landing. to airdeancav we fix this by splitting up the route something like a flight from brussels to rome and the malta we would do it like this TAY0123a ebbr-lirf TAY0123b lirf-lmml. so the trip is like in reallive but in reallive its possible to have an flightnumber for multiple legs thats not possible in phpvms or all the iother soft out there gr joeri
  19. joeri


    you can look here http://www.simpilotgroup.com/index.php/home/modules this has all the modulles from simpilot also the tours module. gr joeri
  20. hello Lucas currently u are on the last stable version off phpvms the other version is the beta and its pretty stable but there could be some problems. gr joeri
  21. joeri

    auto retire

    found the problem i had a cron job running and after i disabled it in the local.config.php it was working again.
  22. hello all i am having a problem with the auto retire its set to 30 days but its not retireing anny pilots annymore.
  23. then i will close this one no spamming the forum
  24. do oyu have msn or skype pm me those and we will do it from there. gr
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