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Everything posted by Ephendi

  1. Thanks, i work today on it and this works for me: $search1 = (array( 'a.registration' => $route->registration, 's.bidid != 0' )); $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($search1); $disabled = $schedules[0]->registration; if($route->registration==$disabled) { continue; }
  2. Can someone help me with this topic? I finished code to show schedules for aircrafts located on airport based on last pirep. Next step and need help with code, probably in Schedule.php and schedule_results.tpl -> when flight is in bid i need to bided aircraft will be hidden from all schedules to time, when flight is in bid.
  3. Solved it works.
  4. RSL yes, but there is for me unaceptable obligatory airplane rotation. Perfect for me may be your flight schedule with remembering airplane position. If pilot is on location A and airplane on loacation B pilot must transfer as in real to this B point and fly . And absolute perfect (as in real) is as in ryrvirtual.com - airplane is locked 24 hours for scheduled pilot's fly. But this is not phpvms ryrvirtual runs on own system.
  5. Please how it possible change sorting of flight results table by aircraft?
  6. Thanks for suggest. Problem solved some mysql table was in myisam not in innodb, then relation non exists.
  7. Hello, via admin interface i cant delete pirep from recent PIREPS. 1. click on Dete 2. confirm OK 3. pirep is hidden from table 4. when i click again on all pireps this "deleted" pirep is still there, in sql database too. Thanks for help. Peter
  8. Can you help me how to make VATSIM ID in custom file make required?
  9. Yes perfect, past days AirBridgeCargo buy new 747-8. For SSG we are waiting for anounced ABW livery.
  10. Thanks. News: Now all flight schedules based on real airlines flights.
  11. Posts was mistake, my browser shows only connected... then click again 4x and whups more posts was send. Sry.
  12. Hello, anybody know contact address to vacentral admin? I can't upload logo of my VA. After upload small image i see nothing.. Peter
  13. Welcome to the Air Bridge Cargo VA operating on Boeing 747-200F,747-300F, 747-400ERF, 747-800F. Our hub is on UUEE airport. http://abw.vdavirtual.com New pilots are welcome!
  14. Volga-Dnepr virtual cargo is operating around the world using aircrafts AN124, IL76, IL96, Yak 40. Virtual airline Virtual-Dnepr address: http://www.vdavirtual.com . Scheduled flights and free flights with tons of gross around the world (airports from our database) using ACARS, kACARS, Xacars systems. Flying on VATSIM and IVAO networks. Flights livery for FS2004 and X-plane. (AN124, IL76) Welcome to Volga-Dnepr virtual cargo service.
  15. Finaly new design! Try on http://airslovakia.svkvirtual.net Aaand VA have fleet status and schedules as real Air Slovakia last year of its existence.
  16. No news with this? I want this module - it's better than pilot transfer or... it's realistic. RealScheduleLite have problem - two or more people can book same aircraft and position of this aircraft is visible after pirep is send. My idea is - when aircraft is booked , no other people can do with this aircraft, must wait to landing and send pirep and then book from destination airport.
  17. Will be released (not) lite (not)beta 1.1. RealSchedule? I'm interresting to addon whitch have implemented all of corrections and to be as real possible with aircraft reservation. When pilot 1 have booked schedule other pilots can book this aircraft on their track after landing and send pirep of previous pilot on last leg . This is close reality... enable bid on bid true wont work with this plugin
  18. Somethink new with this aircraft reservation? It's year from last post ...
  19. Hello, nice work, but after transfer is missing payment cost in confirmation page - you was transferred to... and no number, only $. In profile is total money minus this payment ok. E.
  20. Thanks Mr. Bean... Sure, skin must be changed, but i'm not graphic professional, but i'll try it..
  21. Removed . Thanks for info. Your demo links caused mistake. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3170-rank-listaward-list-v10/ From my point of view, demo is free for use. From your not. OK. Understand.
  22. No answer yet? I'm interresting about it too...
  23. Hello, RSL not reserve (Bid on bid) aircraft which is booked. This system is perfect. Only my idea was, when i'm on airport and see all flights, i will see only this flighs for which is in this airport airplane (maybe select from database for aircraft based on last stored pirep with arrival location). For programmer is it easy. Not for me . Aircraft will not manualy transferred, only based on (aircraft id and last arrival pirep). No aircraft transfers. This do automaticaly based on pireps. Then aircraft not must have legs . Only on airport (when i'm transferred) see available schedules with available airplanes. When no airplane, schedule is not displayed. This is close to reality. And i love it.
  24. Welcome. www.svkvirtual.net.
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