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Everything posted by VAEA

  1. I would say you are missing a </div> somewhere
  2. What is the name of the schedule search module you are using. I cant ever remember seeing anything called scheduleaction
  3. Hello if this is free hosting that will be your problem. PHPVMS is not compatable with a lot of free hosting
  4. No worries. You can let me know if it works
  5. Try this Keith https://digicompdiy.wordpress.com/2013/02/17/make-your-images-pop-out-with-just-css3-and-html5/
  6. It is changed . If you visit here you will find the info https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/web/
  7. If you log into your paypal account you will find a there should be a section saying something like embed a donate button
  8. Pm sent
  9. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Hi all. I have changed the menu on this skin so that it is mobile friendly. You need to replace the CSS file and the core_navigation file. The new files are attached new css and Nav.zip
  10. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Would you know what should be in there please
  11. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Ok Thanks but maybe you could tell me how to make it mobile friendly, as I said I am an amateur
  12. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Thanks for the reply Ctabuyo. Didnt work unfortuantely. I did try this as well but no luck @media screen and (max-width: 643px) { ul.cssmenu, div.cssmenu > ul { display: block!important; }}
  13. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Hi , The URL is jet2virtual.com I havnt used bootstrap. I must stress I am a total amateur at this. This is my first skin
  14. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    I have a slight problem. The NAV bar does not appear on mobile devices. Can anyone help please
  15. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Here is the finished version with a better screenshot. It can be viewed properly at jet2virtual.com https://www.dropbox.com/s/71hdsibay4sobgn/Jet2%20site.png?dl=0
  16. VAEA

    Caalair Skin

    Ok guys I thought I would have a go at doing a skin from a template. Here is my first attempt. Thanks to ITRobb for his post tutorial. Screenshots are at https://gyazo.com/6a...97c35c9b5bbc0f8 https://gyazo.com/99...283b5cb5fd7f62f Feel free to use Can also be downloaded here caalair.zip
  17. Thank you so much guys. All working now
  18. Anyone help please ^^
  19. I am exactly the same. Can you advise what I need to do. My VA Rank has dropped fro 72 to 101 Thanks in advance
  20. Hi this is a great skin. I am having problems changing the blue at the bottom of the pictures to a different colour. I have been through the CSS and the bootstrap CSS. I think it is something to do with <div class="alert alert-info"> but I cant find where to change the colour. Can anyone help please. Thanks in advance
  21. My website is also running very slow.
  22. Perfect Daniel works like a dream
  23. Great module. Thanks for sharing. I too have the problem of the image link not being saved in the database and have had to add it manually. Have been looking at the code to see if I can see the problem but no luck
  24. Came accross this and thought I would share. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/automatically-website-posts-facebook-status-updates-32368.html Follow the instructions and it uses an RSS feed that sends your pireps to facebook and twitter
  25. Hi there, Was there any development on this. Cheers Alan
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