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Everything posted by Leiserson
Its not. You closed the <td> tag but not the input type tag. So after value="" add a />.
Between and a job and school I dont have much free time. It and the pilotshop have made progress but this one should be done quicker than the pilotshop. As soon as I have sufficient time to work on this I will.
Why you put this in the FAQs is beyond me. Support forum or general discussion makes more sense. And to answer your question...anything is possible. there are many approaches you can take with this but Id recommend using a widget translator if you aren't a seasoned coder. If you are look into translation mods or something of that nature...
Jeez lo weez... Wrong forum! Post in the systems general forum not in Vacentral's!
Its been pushed to the rear of my priorities at the moment! As soon as I get time ill work more on it...most of the user side is done. When I get the chance ill begin work on the admin interface
You missed his point entirely. He means if the list extends beyond a certain row then knock it over to another page so it doesn't fill the entire height of his site with schedules, pilots etc. Pagination is something of organization and control over your content. You are just calling up all of the pilots...
Maybe its me or are people not getting the reason behind why this occurred. Microsoft is a leading developer in information technology and though it may be a multi billion dollar company.... It too is affected by the economic downturn. Now people take the closing of ACES as an insult and something in complete distaste.... they do not realize that for them to bring ACES back in the near future would mean more job cuts in other divisions which in return would be hurting more people overall. I say go ahead and petition but asking a company such as Microsoft to bring back one of the lowest profit earning divisions in its franchise is just plain selfish and illogical. Now i think its ambitious on the communities part to take a stand ...but please realize what you are asking a company to do in tough times such as these before you petition. I myself give my full support to creating new! better simulation software! Xplane isn't so bad but in the end we want something sexy and able to perform to todays standards... So why not support private developers that have the ambition to start new projects such as flight simulation software?! Just my opinion on this matter!!
That second one is blegh. The first skin is getting there... just avoid using the same standards for each ski. Change it up
If you need a nice clean 2.0 skin... Feel free to contact me and we can work something out
>> no comment towards what language you confused English with. Be more specific as to what your looking for and maybe I can help. You threw out a slew of different stats there all of which can be found in the API ( Click on DOCS then find you way to the API from there ). HTML code is frontend...this system is written using a php design pattern. I would familiarize myself with the whole system before asking for help with pulling data.
thats not your hosts fault. That a layout issue. Learn how to validate your markup better and learn some css standards. it will help with cross browser support.
What is your host?
This is an easy solve! As we all know IE has issues when it comes to rendering pages that use dynamic CSS. By dynamic I mean layout styles....Now some easy fixes would be to use a CSS reset ( google it ) to set the default values to null so the browser doesn't go off and assumes the defaults for you Wrappers height and width. Now another solve could be in the float placement of your layout. Be sure to validate your CSS and often test it within a cross browser setting to insure platform availability. Now seeing how IE is only about 25% of the browsing market...you should be fine. Most of us have gone on to use the wonderful chrome or the mediocre firefox which should render it perfectly!
I think you are correct in saying that its the total. I'm not completely sure... but I would be willing to bet it is.
the MIME type is simply put the extension of your file. Now insure that your css has the correct .css and in your <link> tags that point to it....that you change the type to "text/css" because it looks like that's whats causing the error.
make sure you are linking correctly using the system standard ( <?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/yourskin/images/imagehere.ext ) I would highly recommend that if you have images located somewhere else on a different systems image repository that you move it over if you plan to use it within the skin.
-spaz- YAYAY
This would require alot of tweaking in the core/ files. Which I do not recommend doing if you aren't familiar with the MVC design pattern or php in general. Now you could always just work with the booking, many military organization( My dad is in the army and we happen to live on Ft. Hood known for the aircav) utilize bookings to manage the flights coming in and out of the base to insure that everyone can get hours logged and it also allows for people to have a buffer between finding the flight and actually flying it to allow for preparation, or in many cases with virtual flying...just a buffer to get by other activities so we can avoid the ball and chain that comes with finding a flight and then flying it right then and there.
Why are you using frames in the first place? Modern day development practices have found ways to organize content without having to keep a frame set on the page. Page divisions could easily work well for you! Re-skinning the system to look like the much larger site you have would be the best thing. If you need a complete 2.0 re-work of your web solution.... throw me a PM and we can discuss my services!
That my friend is a CSS issue in its purest form. Read up on classing and page divisions....it looks like your using a free css template...so I advise you read and interpret the code in order to gain a better knowledge on how everything functions. I personally use a ContentWrapper... header.tpl <div id="ContentWrapper"> <!--This is where your system generated content will go ( Schedules etc.)!--> footer.tpl </div> <!--That ends your content wrapper division!--> stylesheet #ContentWrapper{ width:WIDTH OF YOUR SITE; height HEIGHT OF YOUR SITE; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;} Those margins center the content region... *If you want a custom skin contact me and I can create one for you
Here is some replacement code for your $_GET module statement.... just run this with the appropriate module name replaced in all caps to insure it runs. Run else statements to make default views just in case you don't want to do a module by module sidebar view. <!--Check what module the system is currently on and then display the data that corresponds with that module!--> <!--Check to see if we are on the frontpage( Modules/Frontpage )!--> <?php $module = Config::Get('RUN_MODULE'); ?> <?php if($module == 'FRONTPAGE') { ?> <!--Run your conditional data here!--> <?php } ?>
Please post this in the general discussion or support forum, or better yet read the features to spare the clutter of random threads. Thank you, Jake
Hey Guys, Recently I have been working on a PAX module when I hit a stump. I was going to take special events ( such as christmas and easter etc.) and make them high flow days were the PAX would increase. Now after adding these into my module set, An idea spurred into my head. Why dont i take a break from this hard stuff and make something simple we can all appreciate?!?! SO! Over the next few weeks I will be working here an there on an events module! The events module will show up in the content area of your Administration panel and will allow you to add/remove/modify events to the system. These events will feature a short description >20 words and an optional thumbnail. Now you can also add a long description that will enable a popup modal to display the rest of the information on the modal ( including an extra few picks and maybe a calendar if i can get it to work ) activated by clicking a Learn More link under the event posting. Sound cool?!? Give me a few winks of random development and Itll be up shortly xP
hmmm quite i buggy
Yeah. They sacrifice functionality and features for ease of access. I would recommend anyother host from the range of BlueHost, HostTank etc.