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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. CPC900

    SMF forum

    I am trying to skin smf to match the rest of my site. So the second link, I guess.
  2. CPC900

    SMF forum

    Yeah, I had Simpilot's forum add on on mine awhile ago, but it is too limited. Worked good though. I am hoping Dave (Simpilot) is back to indicate how he got his to work fluidly.
  3. Yeah, but that would have made it 1300.00!? Anyways, not sure why it was doing that, but it is fine now.
  4. CPC900

    SMF forum

    Well you have the header/footer stuff in place still. That is what I am trying to figure out. How to add it INTO the existing site. So you are well on your way, it looks like! Is that smf though?
  5. CPC900

    SMF forum

    LOL, I am counting on you!
  6. CPC900

    SMF forum

    Um, yeah. That is easier said than done though. I will let you know if I ever figure it out.
  7. CPC900

    SMF forum

    Yeah, I have been reading where I can, but, it gets a little hard on the head. I want to understand what they are talking about, but I just can't follow along with my aging brain.
  8. CPC900

    SMF forum

    I installed smf 1.11.1, or whatever......and was wondering; what is the easiest way to add the core_navigation.tpl and associated .css file to make the forum look more integrated into the main site?
  9. Will take a look tomorrow, when I am awake
  10. CPC900


    Of course it is possible. I just don't kwow how, offhand. If someone has the answer, they will pipe in here.
  11. Actually, it was at 1300.65 or something. 1300 was the number it had to get to. Not sure if the combination of hours + transferred hours made it funny?!
  12. Has anyone coded the pilot roster page to have it sorted when you click on either Pilot ID, Name, Rank, Flights or Hours? If so, could you share the code please.
  13. Nevermind, it worked now, once I did a another flight. It seems it won't promote until AFTER you do the required hours +1 or something!?
  14. Did that, but did not fix it. Weird?!
  15. Weird. My pilot rank is where it should be to be promoted to the next level, but it is NOT doing it?! I have checked, but I can't figure out why it is not. It has worked fine in the past for people, but I notice mine is not, as I just went over 1300 hours (includes transferred hours), and it just says in my profile "You have 1 hours left until your promotion to Senior Captain".
  16. Oh, ok. So when I fix some data to make it show correctly, I should NOT do the navdata.sql in an update then, because it will overwrite anything I have fixed?!
  17. Sorry, the "Reset cached PIREP routes" took care of that.
  18. Also, is there a way to refresh the data AFTER I change an item in the database, so the map shows correctly?! In other words, refreshing a pilot report map to reflect the newly chnaged/corrected data. I hope I am not confusing anyone here.
  19. So, has anyone had the same issues with the navdat.sql file?! It does NOT show accurately where certain VOR's are, nor correct listings of fixes etc. For instance, MANY vor's don't list a correct latitude. It just will put a '0' in there. This is very prevalent in many U.S. vor's. So when someone flies a route, on the map, it shows the vor along the equator. Also, many FIX'es get listed as vors and vice versa, on the map. So what I am getting at, is.....did I do something wrong with the install, or is the navdata file just really bad?!
  20. CPC900


    Who's kidding who.....without Simpilot, phpvms would not be as awesome as it is! I think I have said it before, but I will say it again....... Thanks Nabeel, Simpilot(Dave) and others who have helped with the development of phpvms!!!!!! Also the skinners out there, too!
  21. Where/what would I edit to add that into the admin menu?!
  22. CPC900


    Sorry Thomas, I have been too busy(and forgetful) to send the data. PM on the way.
  23. Yes, please add this. I did not realize it logged system time, instead of FS time.
  24. Works awrsome!! Thanks again!
  25. CPC900

    PMDG 747X

    Yeah, it seems to be only the PMDG 747x that is doing that, or at least, that I have noticed.
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