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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. I have one aircraft stuck on KAcars but can't get rid of. I assume he must have locked up or something and I have tried to clear him from the Live Maps existence, but it won't go away?! How do I clear it out. I have done the clearing of the cache etc. See here: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/acars
  2. Unfortunately Tyler, I had to do the same. Our CP Air flights have multi legs from the real world schedule, but I did the CPC500A, CPC500B etc.
  3. Does this help?? : http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4695-route-map-gone/page__p__31409__hl__%2Broute+%2Bmap__fromsearch__1#entry31409
  4. CPC900

    Main Page

    I don't seem to be able to fix it?! I kind of see what you mean Tom, but I have tinkered with it, with no luck. I vaguely remember something with one of the .tpl files that worked in conjunction with the header.tpl or something?! Will keep thinking about it.
  5. CPC900

    Main Page

    This is where I forget now......where are the references to what .css is being used?! On my header.tpl, there is a clear reference to the .css file. But not so on other pages. ?
  6. CPC900

    Main Page

    Ok, I might have asked this ages ago, but if I did, I an not find it in a search...... My main page is: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC It has NO white line after the header logo. Every other link, such as: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/Whatis ....does not have the white area below the logo?! Is this not all the same from the header.tpl, or is it somewhere else?! It is ONLY on the main page, nowhere else. This is why I am confused. Is it using a different .css file or something?
  7. CPC900

    VMSEditor 1.1

    Just to clear up the install, for some people..... For me, my VA is under the directory: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC So I needed to create a folder "VMSEditor" in my /public_html/ folder and THEN put the "tinymce" folder inside the newly created "VMSEditor" folder(clear as mud). The rest followed the readme directions.
  8. I had copied the route_map.tpl to my skins directory, in case I was to ever change anything there, and it did not show the map after that. Now it is fine, by taking it out of there. Maybe I put an old .tpl there instead of the new one from my updated KAcars, not sure. Anyways, that seemed to be the issue?!
  9. Did the 955(956) update and now I have only these 3 errors, but the maps are still not showing up?! [Checksum failed] /core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Error] ../formtest.php doesn't exist
  10. I will try to update when I get home later tonight; at work now. My job is getting in the way with my VA
  11. Here is my checkinstall.php: Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Checksum failed] /install/update.sql did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/profile_edit.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Error] ../formtest.php doesn't exist [Checksum failed] /admin/templates/route_map.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/templates/news_additem.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/templates/mailer_form.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pages_editpage.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /lib/js/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date Does this mean all these "failed" things need to be fixed or are some to be expected?
  12. I will try to figure it out, but I am confused on what the difference between the admin section and the regular section would be? Why would it pull the info from one and not the other?! I didn't have time last night. I will try to debug and figure it out. The only thing , was adding an updated personal KAcars Jeff(I think). I forget if I changed anything else Drawing a blank here. I will now try to debug.
  13. At work now. Will try to take a look when I get home, after 10pm. But keep in mind, it shows up in the admin panel when I view the map in a pirep.
  14. For some reason, in the pireps, the map for the pilot's route no longer shows?! It still shows up in my admin section, when I click on "view", but for everyone who looks at the flight map for pireps, it is gone?! I updated the schedules for DST, and had to change permissions to import them(old topic solution here): http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3980-importing-new-schedule-solved/page__p__26794__fromsearch__1#entry26794 So I updated schedules correctly and all seemed well, and it was fine on my ealier pirep today, but now seems like map is gone. Weird. Probably something simple. Any ideas?
  15. Mark, but it seemingly IS showing the individual pilots flights?! I gave 2 different links and all I did on the second one was take out the code to make it work with profile_main.tpl?! Or am I just a total moron?! Believe me, that may very well be the case. (Or are you just talking to Rafael, not me)
  16. To clarify what I did..... In my pilot_public_profile.tpl I added this code: and this is my resulting page: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/profile/view/1'>http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/profile/view/1 In my profile_main.tpl I added this code: and this is my resulting page: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/profile Is that what you need Rafael?!
  17. http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/profile/view/1

    That is MY site. If you want to have the map like that, then add the code to your profile_main.tpl :

    $flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '5');


  18. If you put it into the profile_main.tpl and take out this part of the code: it works. Just not sure if that is correct, or not.....but it seems to work for me.
  19. Ah, ok; so just on initial registering. For some reason, I thought I had seen it before, but clearly I did not
  20. Was there not a way for pilots to change the hub they are in, in the "edit profile" menu of the "Pilot Center"?!? I thought there was. I probably deleted it ages ago, or am i wrong?
  21. I like that route map!!
  22. There are MANY, MANY discrepancies that you will end up fixing, especially if you have a lot of routes Just part of my daily job, but have fixed the bulk of them in my database.
  23. Ok, so in that case, what setting do I need to change to have only, say 20 images a page. Mine seems to keep ALL images on the same page?!?
  24. Ok, I am going to try this out. My first question is, does the screenshot_viewer.tpl already have pagination incorporated in it?! I assume not, although it has the resemblance in the code/module by simpilot. I want to make it only show 5 rows of images for the first page, but it shows them all.
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