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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. I assume the folder is showing permissions "777" for the import?! That is the only thing I forget to do sometimes, although I get a different error than you seem to be getting.
  2. Works good. Good job Simpilot!
  3. Awesome. Nice job!!!
  4. As for painting aircraft......there are many examples. Here are a few: http://www.calclassic.com/repaint.htm http://www.john-goodwin.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ http://www.avsim.com/hangar/flight/tutorials/ http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum33-tutorials/ http://www.gjsmith.net/Tutorial/tutorials.htm http://forum.avsim.net/forum/200-the-paint-shop-the-aircraft-painters-forum/
  5. Take care Roger!
  6. Awesome guys!! Thanks
  7. Yeah, I have the problem having the "moving" bar. I show a solid colored bar, with percent number......but the animated gif of it, I have missed Time to take a break. This stuff hurts my head!!
  8. Looks very clean and sharp!! Good job!
  9. That is not a google maps fail, but a phpvms database fail I have had to edit it many times, myself.
  10. Yep, they are gone now
  11. I counted 9 of the question marks on firefox. On IE, they are white squares.
  12. That is just too funny :D
  13. I thought you could do "Monthly", "Per Flight", "Monthly Percent" or "Per Flight Percent". How do you just add one big expense? It's been a long time since I looked at expenses
  14. I assume you want to "Add an Expense" from your "Reports and Expenses/Expenses" section of your Admin Section. Is that what you want?!?
  15. I am still 1.1.11 Oh well, no biggie
  16. For some reason when I tried to add the random screenshot code, I got an error. It worked fine when I added it into "frontpage_main.tpl", but I wanted in the "header.tpl". Not sure why it was fine in one, but got the error using the same code?! Notice: The template file "/..../..../public_html/CPC//lib/skins/cpc/Screenshots/screenshots_random.tpl" doesn't exist in /..../..../public_html/CPC/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 This is line 248: trigger_error('The template file "'.$tpl_path.'" doesn\'t exist'); Any ideas?
  17. Did not work for me?! Just have "Latest Forums Posts" on my page, but no topics showing. I don't get any error, just no data from the forum?! I did have ti change the code to read: require_once('./forum/SSI.php'); because my directory for the SMF forum is "forum", not "forums". Not sure if that is a problem or not?!
  18. Wow, I just re-read what i wrote above......what an idiot I am!
  19. In the pilot center, I would like to have the pilots be able to show all their pireps, but additionally show them by aircraft type. How hard would that be to add some sort of coding for that?
  20. Ok, I have not been following the beta updates. Are these rev2.1.934 updates I should/could be adding to my current version of 2.1.956?
  21. This is how my pilots list shows up: http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/pilots Is that what you want? I can add the code to the forum, once I get home around 10pm EST, if you want!?
  22. Thank you
  23. Looks very sharp! Good job!
  24. I got this from a pilot on our forum: Is there something he is missing, or just an odd error?!
  25. Yes, thanks. I forgot about that
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