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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. What do you want a screenshot of, exactly??? Do you want me to show the whole fuel.tpl? Here is the error I get: 'no aircraft performance data available' Only see just that error here: elseif($schedule->flighttime >='0.00001') { if($result == '0') { echo '<b>'.'no aircraft performance data available'.'</b>';
  2. Quick question......How do I get the drop down menu to stay on top of the acars map?
  3. Sure, will do when I get home much later tonight. Working right now
  4. Thanks. Lots of retro I will keep trying to figure it out. It is a bit of a mystery.
  5. First off, my database is not phpvms_aircraft, it is cpc_aircraft(phpvms_ is replaced with cpc_ in all the databases). Keep in mind everything else works great. If I assign a different aircraft ID# to the schedule, then it works fine. It just seems to be the ones associated with a different airline code. All schedules fall under cpc_schedules. That includes 3 airlines (CPC, EPA and WDA). All aircraft fall under cpc_aircraft (includes the same CPC, EPA and WDA aircraft). So it seems the other schedules that have the EPA and WDA airlines have an issue.
  6. No, no spaces. The only thing I can think of, sort of, is that, when I added the new aircraft to the sql database, they start at ID#1 obviously for the first one, then when it gets to the newer aircraft, it jumps from ID#111 to ID#148 and again from ID#155 to ID#195. Now, I didn't think that would matter. I basically left room between the VA's for future aircraft additions(that's just my way). But, maybe that is causing odd happennings?!?
  7. Yeah, I did that. It does not seem to like aircraft I add since the original VA was started. I must be missing something outside of your module?! I will keep looking.
  8. I had that happen ONCE, but never again. It did the same thing too; opened up multiple windows with the error. I run Kacars though widefs on the network, and chalked it up to computer gremlins. But you said this happens EVERY flight?
  9. I am getting the "no aircraft performance data available" on mine. But it works 100% for the main airline. The other 2 airlines under the same site have different codes and scedules etc., but they get the error. Everything pulls from the same sql database, so not sure why this happens, or how to fix it?!
  10. Hey Dave, did you manually enter the info or did you write something to pull the airport data from the sql database? Just curious?!
  11. Yeah, why would this even be considered?! On that note....GREAT JOB Nabeel!
  12. Awesome, simply awesome Simpilot. You are great at helping this community!!!
  13. Ok, will try to take a peek later tonight. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, I have added associated airlines to my CP Air VA site, and would like to have them under one roof per se, but would like the stats to be separate. Trying to review how best to go about this. Otherwise, I will have to do separate sites for them. Any guidance would be welcome, as always.
  15. That is pretty amazing!
  16. *Bump* Please let me know what is wrong here?! The monthly stuff workis fine, but I get the error for the all time totals, and I can't figure out why.
  17. I re-installed the module, but now I have a problem with this: "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/templates/tp_index.tpl on line 24" Line 24 is: "foreach($all_flights as $all) {" I don't understand where this went wrong. Nothing was edited except for pointing to the correct database in the "TopPilotDataClass.php file". It was working fine the other day! http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/TopPilot
  18. That is why I like running under a 'real' name, but an old one that doesn't exist anymore
  19. In "tp_index.tpl" I don't have a line that says "echo $row->totalhours;". Line 70 says " foreach ($topflights as $top) {" ?!?
  20. I see you meant TopPilot.php See, now I just want to add the transfer hours to the ONE total of "public function alltime_hours ($howmany) {" on Line 57 of TopPilotDataClass.php....I think?! But not having much luck. I don't want to screw up any of the monthly stuff....just that ONE total is all.
  21. Sorry, I guess I meant for the TOTAL numbers for the pilots, not the monthly ones. But I see your point. I just wanted the total hours to add the transferred hours in for that...not for the month totals. Thanks.
  22. BUMP My other question is.....can transferred hours be accounted for in the Top Pilots Hours Flown??
  23. CPC900

    Acars Map

    One thing I used to like, but it doesn't do it anymore, was.... When you clicked on an aircraft on the acars map, it would show the route in red, and would join up to your aircraft current position. Now it just shows a straight line from dep to arr airports. Do you know what I mean by that? Also, can the acars map show the route using the navdata table and not just a straight line?
  24. Yes, I have used the GCMapper before, but I assume you pull the airport coding for each pilot to send it to the GCM page itself, to automatically create an updated map?! Or no?
  25. Simpilot, is the coding relatively easy to do and understand from the great circle mapper site? Because I have NO IDEA how I would go about integrating that in the individual pilot stats. Is there a tutorial on their site? I did not see one.
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