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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. Bluehost. I've bee wondering about that, but, I don't see things happeining that are typical server problems. I've looked at the db data with phpadmin and nothing appears to be a problem. While I'd considered a db connectivity problem, I can't find a reason for a single table or a single record to "hide". ;D
  2. Another member of our VA encountered the same problem. I'm going to compare the directory structure on the server to the config file and see if I can find anything, but that will have to wait till tomorrow. I added over 400 airports today and can't see straight, at this point. ;D
  3. The page is working properly now. In fact, I spent most of the day adding airports. It is spooky how the problems just disappeared without my doing anything. IE8 doesn't appear to have any problem with any part of phpVMS. I wonder what game the system will play with me, tomorrow. ;D ;D ;D
  4. I've tried everything I could think of. Is it possible this is due to the fact that my site doesn't run phpvms in the root html directory?
  5. Tried all of that. No joy. But I did notice something odd. FSPAX is reporting this path: Where is the "/" between FSPAX and ACARS? EDIT: I also not that in the sample config in the FSPAX VA folder, that // is used as a comment. Does that have to have a leading space to be a coment, because if not, how does it parse the // in the base URL?
  6. I've looked at some and will do more, today. This is the default sort on my site. As you can see, it isn't by flight number, but is reverse alpha on departure airport. I didn't modify anything.
  7. This may turn out to be a server problem. I just tried to see what would happen if I used Firefox, rather than IE8. I couldn't log in with Firefox. EDIT: I tried Google Chrome and discovered the login issue has to do with 3rd party cookies, so that was solved. Then, I tried looking up an airport. It worked. Went back to IE8 and it worked, too!!!!! I said it before, and I'm beginning to believe it. There's a ghost in the machine. (Phrase from the movie I, Robot).
  8. Will try that. Everything I do, produces weird results. ;D EDIT: Still the same:Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; Zune 3.0; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.21022) Timestamp: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 05:00:30 UTC Message: Object expected Line: 6 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: http://www.fspirep.us//phpvms/admin/action.php/operations/addairport Message: Object expected Line: 6 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: http://www.fspirep.us//phpvms/admin/action.php/operations/addairport I'm getting a nagging suspicion that I may have accidentally screwed something up. I've been using dreamweaver to look at variouis files so I could get an idea of how this all worked. Dreamweaver has a "feature" of auto-correcting errors. I think that feature was on when I looked at some of the files. I turned it off when I realized it, but don't recall what files I looked at. :'(
  9. Except that it takes 4 or 5 lines for what can be done in one. The story of my life can be seen in the fact that I bought a wide screen monitor, just at the time everyone started producing web sites that only use the center third of the space available. ;D Oh dear, I might get yelled at for this one, but I find something very curious. Humans generally look for things in alphabetical order, but that list appears to be in reverse alpha-order.
  10. This morning, as I was adding airports, IE claimed an error on a page as I tried to do an ICAO lookup. Message: Object expected Line: 6 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: http://www.fspirep.us//phpvms/admin/action.php/operations/addairport since I made no changes, and it worked yesterday, can I assume this is a problem of wherever it is looking for the data?
  11. I was thinking of a page that would always display routes...for public consumption just the route number, airports and aircraft, possibly in some type of timetable format. It isn't a must have, right now. I'm still trying to get data entered.
  12. I only had one exportable flight. Also, it can export to the FSPAX site, so I don't think it is a firewall issue. I will try another flight with it, today. BTW, if I throw too many things at you, too quickly, let me know. I'm trying to switch my site from VAFS to phpVMS as quickly as possible. We had some ugly experiences there. (Most of our data disappeared, and the only guy who could fix it was on vacation for 3 weeks.) Here, it is on my server, so I naturally figure, it's my fault and can't yell at anyone. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I didn't notice any documentation for FSPAX to phpVMS. Are there any caveats or known issues I should be aware of?
  13. Yes, it uses the FSACARS client and includes a live map. It also can use FSPassengers.
  14. Now, through no action on my part, the ranks are shown correctly in the sigs. There really is a ghost in the machine. ;D
  15. From what I can see, it would work everywhere but the sigs.
  16. The only thing that struck me as unusual is that the password is set at none. Is that correct?
  17. Yep, I'm the same grouch you saw over there. ;D As soon as I find where that option is, I'll let you know. : I'm trying to do everything at once and have real world things to contend with. By the way, the missing route has re-appeared, but I can't take credit for it. I think there is a ghost in the machine. ;D I'm currently revamping our web site, in addition to adding aircraft (the most time consuming part of things), airports and routes. By the way, here is a great resource for looking up aircraft ICAO codes and a host of other information. http://www.flugzeuginfo.net/index_en.php
  18. Yes it does. It isn't a major headache because we'v had no trouble with FSACARS, but several of our members really like FSPAX and I try to keep them happy. ;D
  19. Although I posted this elsewhere, this may have something to do the problems listed below. Seeing a // after the domain, is something I've never seen before. Here are the problems I'm experiencing. Although I added hours for everyone to bring them to appropriate rank, they are all still 2nd officers. : 1st Officer starts at 25 hours. Also, please note the above shows 2 flights while my sig says 1 and doesn't record my earnings properly. In my admin, there is this: Please note that route was flown by 2 pilots, but show no flights. also, it has disappeared from the schedule. I checked and it is active. Sorry to be a bother. I knew things went too smoothly to last. The universe always tags me wit a gotcha, sooner or later. ;D
  20. I've been looking for somethig to figure out why the double slash. I found this in local.config.php define('SITE_URL', 'http://www.fspirep.us//phpvms'); Is it possible that when I installed it, I entered a typo? I've never seen a double slash like that after the domain name anywhere else that I recall. I'm sorry to say that when it comes to php, I'm pretty clueless. :'(
  21. There was an extra "/" after the domain name, and before phpvms EDIT: No difference with a single or double slash.
  22. One of our pilots got this: Attempt To connect to website...Connection etablished - OK. phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS Omega-Air Virtual Airlines/******* selected 8 total flight, 1 flights marked as not exported. Ready to export... -Exporting of 1 Flights started: -Error, unable to export flight number 8 ->Error - The web site didn't replied 1 flights could not be exported. Any thoughts on what this is likely to be? Let me know if more info is needed TIA.
  23. I need some ideas for the simplest way to disolay rosters, hubs, fleet and routes on our site. As administrator, I can see all these things, but to diisplay the information on the site, I need to do something that someone who is no a php proficient person can cobble together. Any suggestions. or have I missed something really obvious?
  24. I'll take a look at it. thanks.
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