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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. I see the new version of phpVMS works with FS Flight Keeper. Is there any benefit to using FSFK rather than FSACARS or FSPAX?
  2. It looks like no one got anything. ;D By now, you've probably found that the Wacom Bamboo is pretty handy.
  3. The only entries pertaining to the sig I can find are: The only switch for the transfer hours appears to be: What would be nice for a wish list item is a category of pilots whose ranks are not determined by hours. Maybe in 3.0.
  4. Everything seems ok. I notice that prior VA hours are now included in the hours shown on the badges. Is there an option to change that?
  5. The upgrade worked...and it promptly retired everyone. ROTFLMAO!!!! Actually, only those inactive for more than 90 days. I have to look things over and see if anything go flummoxed. Looks like the only thing I have to replace is my badge graphic. Everything else seems to be working.
  6. Everything was working and I got sucked into some real world nonsense. Now, things have slowed to a crawl so I can do something new. I trust the upgrade is simple enough for an idiot like me. Of course, you must remember that nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool.
  7. Before I take the plunge and move to the latest version, are there any caveats I should know of. I figure it is better to ask first, rather than get grumpy later. ;D
  8. Will do, but I realize there is one glitch. Out of the box, phpVMS does not have a page to view available airports or aircraft, other than in the admin pages. Guess I have to fire up Dreamweaver, again. EDIT: All I have to do is create a page with the drop down menus from the manual PIREP page.
  9. We have a division that flies bizjet charters. The idea was to provide our piolates with some variety. It didn't make sense to create create separate routes so I concocted a unique flight number with an aircraft, departure and destination ICAO codes specified that were essential, irrelevant. The pilot inserts a valid aircraft code and ICAO codes for a charter flight into FSACARS or FSPAX that do not have to be as specified for that flight number. When I see that flight number I know what it is and can approve it if the codes are reasonable (no trans-ocean flights in a Cessna 172). Since phpVMS to not check to see that the ICAO codes are valid for this flight number, the flight is accepted without my havint to add hundreds of routes.
  10. Thanks. I feel better now. ;D That worked. I'm assuming I can use a similar approach to display routes by flighttype.
  11. It should be obvious from this that I don't know PHP, but the following code <h3>Schedule Details</h3> <div class="indent"> <strong>Flight Number: </strong> <?php echo $schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum ?><br /> <strong>Departure: </strong><?php echo $schedule->depname ?> (<?php echo $schedule->depicao ?>) at <?php echo $schedule->deptime ?><br /> <strong>Arrival: </strong><?php echo $schedule->arrname ?> (<?php echo $schedule->arricao ?>) at <?php echo $schedule->arrtime ?><br /> <strong>Type: </strong><?php echo $schedule->type ?><br /> <?php produces this display. Note there is no type data displayed. Sorry to be so dumb. :'(
  12. One of our pilots just asked an interesting question. Where can he find the type of flight? In other words where is the information that it is either a passenger, cargo or charter flight. I looked, but couldn't find it except in admin where I edit the routes.
  13. Maybe I forgot to sheke the paint can up before using it. ;D It's a cosmetic thing that doesn't worry me too much.
  14. I've used up my color allowance. :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. I seem to have run out of colors. Is it something I did, or need to do?
  16. Omega-Air Virtual Airlines http://omega-air.org
  17. Solved. While I couldn't get the script to display the resultant page in a new window or browser tab, it did provide a URL for the translations. I just got rid of the script and created a menu for the languages I wanted to be used. The only glitch now is that the live map complains it is on the wrong domain. on the translated page. I can live with that...for now. ;D
  18. CrashGordon


    I tried adding Google Translate by adding the following script to footer.tpl. <script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.google.com/ig/modules/translatemypage.xml&up_source_language=en&w=160&h=60&title=&border=&output=js"></script> It works except for the complaint that the Google Map key is invalid (since the translated page is displayed on Google's site). I can live with that, but don't like the idea of its removing the viewer from my site. I tried to get the translated page to display in a newwindow by using target="_blank", but that doesn't work. Anyone know of a way I can get the translated page to display in a new window?
  19. The only time I've experienced that is when I accidentally left a field blank and didn't notice it. It would be nice if there were some validation before leaving the page.
  20. Not bad, except for the statement that phpVMS isn't compatible with IE, which is false.
  21. I'm confused. Why is that better than google maps?
  22. You can post a piece about phpVMS on Flight Simulation Forums' VA forum, or provide me with the text and I'll do it. I moderate the VA forum there.
  23. Look around the forum. I can swear I saw a thread about FSACARS/FS crash problems.
  24. I've never been that much into the financial stuff of a VA, but it occurs to me there is one form of expense we don't have. One that is a percent of the gross revenue...for taxes and the like. I'm not sure, but I don't think it would be a major coding problem.
  25. I saw that once, myself. I never inquired about it, because I rarely watch the map while flying and it doesn't impact the flight report.
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