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Everything posted by CrashGordon

  1. Unless I've totally misunderstood, it seems like he was saying that for each of the first 30 pilots, phpVMS was creating a route of the same number as each pilot, and that doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't do that and I know of no reason it would. Now, if he is creating a route for each pilot as a separate step and is having trouble entering routes with specific numbers, it would behoove him to look at all the routes in admin to see if they already exist, either as active of inactive.
  2. I wouldn't have noticed it if we hadn't brought some of our operations back to a traditional hub and route structure. I don't have that many routes to add and have no problem looking up the distances.
  3. Pardon my confusion, but how does it create a route with the same number as the pilot? I've never seen that, unless I'm misunderstanding something here.
  4. Yep. It does the usual "Calculating..." and then goes to 0. Fortunately, the distance is one of the few things I can enter without getting an error when I click on edit route. So, I can get the distance entered manually. Oops. Now, I understand what you meant. It appears torecalculate the distances for the PIREPS, but the routes stay at zero.
  5. Version 2.0.854 Gee, I always assume it is something I broke.
  6. While we were using primarily standin routes which were essential placeholders so our pilots could fly anywhere, I didn't notice the problem since all flights were to and from the same point and thus always returned 0 as a distance. Now, however, I've added some standard routes to the schedule, yet no matter where they are, they calculate zero distance. Any ideas? This isn't an urgent problem since I can calculate the distances on my own, but it would be handy to have this feature back. Thanks.
  7. Thanks to all for their input. I think I've got the gist of it. After thinking it through, I realize it is probably a bad idea. After all, who wants the world to know how many pilots are there in name only.
  8. Displaying different badges for inactive pilots. would that be a major job?
  9. I believe the original problem stems from the fact that Excel does not keep the zeros, except when formatted as text, but if you save as CSV, it loses the formatting. Perhaps, one of these may prove helpful. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLP_enUS352US352&q=forcing+excel+to+display+zero+in+a+cell
  10. So, what happens when someone applying to your VA lies to you about their age? Also, how can you verify that the person claiming to be the parent, really is. That should keep you worried fo a while.
  11. So that's how it works. . Thanks. I thought I was losing what little is left of my mind.
  12. It isn't a case of prejudice. It is a case of protecting those under the age of 13 (or whatever it is in other jurisdictions) from the nastier stuff on the Internet. BTW, it isn't a requirement for joining a VA, it's a requirement for joining the VA's forum. It seems that legislators in lots of countries have decided to make everyone else responsible for the welfare of children...except their parents
  13. Can someone see if they get the same results? Try to add this airport (if you are using the lookup on the phpVMS server), KAVQ. How does it not have any data, but have a live fuel price?
  14. Fantastic. Thanks.
  15. This doesn't look good. "Fatal error: Call to undefined method FinanceData::updateAllExpenses() in /home/dutchgl/domains/aviation-global-airways.com/public_html/core/bootstrap.inc.php on line 58 "
  16. Changed it to "nocode". It appears to have resolved the issue in Google Chrome. I'm now checking to see if it broke anything else. I take it that pirep_new.tpl is the only place this needs to be done. To anyone following this thread, you are not likely to encounter this problem We're using a very strange system here. ;D Thanks, Nabeel
  17. You've given me a clue which I'm going to fiollow, but I'm still puzzled as to why my IE8 displays all the airports when other browsers don't. Additionally, wouldn't that also apply to destination airports? In any event, what would I have to change to ensure that all airports are displayed?
  18. I am going to see if I can find any more information. EDIT: Can anyone suggest why selecting or deslecting the airline, impacts the departure airport, but no other field?
  19. As far as I know. The pilot who called it to my attention said it also happened o him with IE, but I do not know the version. Since I didn't do anything but add additional fields via the admin area, I don't think it's something I broke. (Or, at least, I hope not.) I wonder if the problem can be replicated on a different site.
  20. Version 2.0.854 . Want to know something even wierder. If I select the departure airport, using Google Chrome, and then select the airline, the departure airport disappears and I'm left with a selection of two airports to choose from. Wait, this is really strange. If I select, airline, the dropdown menu for departure airport shrinks in width for accomodate the longest of the 2 remaining airports. If I then go back and deselect the airline, the departure airport dropdown menu disappears entirely when I'm using Chrome. I never picked up on this because it works just fine on IE8, here and most of the pilots use FSACARS.
  21. A new pilot ran into a problem filing a manual pirep. Every time he selected the airline, the dropdown menu for the departure airport only displayed 2 airports. While my screen displays this: His displays this: I'm using IE8. He is using Firefox. I don't have Firefox, but was able to replicate the problem, using Google Chrome. Any thoughts on what the problem is. He can display all the dearture airports until he selects the airline. There is no problem displaying the destination airports.
  22. CrashGordon


    Sorry, but once I saw the popup hyping firefox, I left.
  23. They will work together with no probems at all. I have the Saitek yoke and CH pedals.
  24. I just love it when people who know nothing about intellectual property rights, copyright and trademark law get into something like this. It's the pot calling the kettle, black. United Airlines and UAL are registered trademarks of United Airlines, Inc., so if either party is using them without permission, guess wht that makes them?
  25. You aren't alone. I also couldn't point to the right place on my server. I'm getting too old for ths. : At least that's done.
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