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Everything posted by edmundk

  1. Oh okay, i was asking because i am getting a lot of spam on my website. So if i ran a cron job to reset the auto_increment table to 1 every 15 minutes or so, all pilots would be in order?
  2. Please Delete, it created 2 forums for this post.
  3. How does phpVMS assign the next available pilot id? Can someone paste the code?
  4. I really like your logo, even though it is simple it looks rather nice.
  5. I have seen some sites like that too. I also would like to know what is causing that issue.
  6. Problem Solved, thanks!
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  7. Im sorry, that post made no sense!
  8. Thats really nice, i have something similar but not quite as nice as that. You have a real nice eye for design.
  9. Get a real domain name if you want to make it a long lasting airline.
  10. I looked at that part but there is not a part that says how long it should stay open for, unless i am missing something?
  11. Any Specifics? I have been looking at it for awhile now....
  12. Is there a possible way to edit the ACARs map so the little pop-up bubble does not go away until the user clicks the X button? Also is their a way to get the ACARs map to not auto-zoom in so far? Thanks
  13. Its actually not that bad, but i would change the font.
  14. You did a good job, really. Pat yourself on the back
  15. http://postimg.org/image/jetrwhc9r/ For me it shows that they are a little bit crammed. Other than that i like it a lot! Nice work man.
  16. Well honestly, unless you want a failed virtual airline you really do have to have a custom skin that is visually appealing. If you don't have time then either pay someone to do it or just don't open a virtual airline at all because owning a virtual airline means countless hours in front of a screen.
  17. I don't think you understand, that would be a rather large project and would at least be a couple hundred dollars. Plus you would have to find mac developers in the phpVMS community which is rather rare if at all. They would have to write a whole new program from scratch for your Virtual Airline.
  18. That would require developing a whole new program which would cost a hell of a lot more than $40 - $60 dollars.
  19. edmundk


  20. edmundk


    I am getting this error when trying to do a fresh install. Any ideas? I downloaded it off the phpVMS website. Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in /home2/****/public_html/***/phpVMS/core/common/SettingsData.class.php on line 28
  21. You didn't pay hosting, the company shut it down. Or you could have violated their terms of services. Contact them.
  22. edmundk


    Nope but my host might have, before that error i had some php strict mode errors but they went away. Thanks for the help i will try and change that.
  23. edmundk


    Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in ......core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 436 Anyone else having this problem?
  24. This is really nice! I have not seen anything like this before! Way to be creative
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