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Everything posted by edmundk

  1. You really made this skin? C'mon this looks and is from another site, how do i know you ask? Well it is simply the fact that your template has so many things that a VA website would not commonly have at all. Why would the contact tab include a map? We all know that you got this from somewhere else, unless you truly developed which i doubt because you didn't even care that the pictures are all crammed together on the front page. If i took the time to design a wonderful skin i would make sure every little detail was perfect.
  2. Link? I don't know why everyone doesn't provide a link and expects feedback....
  3. A link might help.
  4. Yes that is easily possible and you could just add your code into the function that removes the bid.
  5. Yeah how do you expect people to remember that. Most popular URL's are short and simple.
  6. Solved.
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  7. Just copy the database over.
  8. Glad to see that you learn from your mistakes, a lot of people on these forums keep asking why their Virtual Airline isn't doing so good and we tell them and they still don't listen.
  9. That's ridiculous! Why are you trying to show us something that you don't even have ready yet? Looks like your a bit impatient anyhow you won't find any pilots here as we are all virtual airline owners. Why should a pilot trust you, they don't know you or what you have to offer, you haven't even shown us a logo yet. Telling people to add you on Facebook is a red flag for me. That is just not professional.
  10. I think it looks fairly well. Good job!
  11. Why are you advertising here? Your not even using phpVMS. Your not going to find anyone here that would be interested because we are all already virtual airline owners, well most of us.
  12. I wouldn't use a SWF because it is unavailable is some browsers and on all apple devices.
  13. You need to add the other piece of code they give you to allow it. I know because i've done it. You need it add it as a TXT in your DNS settings.
  14. Are you using a free hosting company?
  15. You need to change the base url in the local.config.php located in the core folder. I believe that i had to do that when i switched hosting providers.
  16. What hosting provider are you using?
  17. Do you have any prices set for the schedules? If not that is your problem.
  18. Oh, i see it now .
  19. It's stay a long time on my browser. You mean the popup bubble when you click on the little airplane icon correct?
  20. If i had more free time i might consider purchasing it just to improve it and then turn around and sell it again. Since i wouldn't be keeping it, it's not such a good idea for myself. Running 2 VA's would be too much work that i wouldn't want to do.
  21. I don't even think he has managed it at all. Some of the content isn't accurate at all and if anyone is interested in buying it, it is just for the skin. There is nothing special besides the website design that they would be receiving as you said they don't have many pilots and many of them don't fly.
  22. Are you sure that it is the correct MYSQL host? It might be localhost. Double Check.
  23. You can get a domain for .99 cents! 1and1.com . It's not expensive at all, if you just use a subdomain you won't get any long term pilots. It also makes you and your virtual airline look bad. Show me a virtual airline with a subdomain that is successful, you won't find any. Try to strive for perfection and don't always take the "free" route because it shows it really does, it shows that you don't want to commit and people can tell that your just 50% committed. Take the advise here seriously, these people have successful virtual airline and are growing everyday.
  24. A subdomain and a @gmail.com email address is a red flag for me.
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