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Everything posted by G-NEWC

  1. Well, I'm stumped. I've reinstalled FSX, FSUIPC, and Xacars, and still no luck. I'm parked up at EDDL, with xacars and FSX running, engines off, brake on, and at a complete standstill, yet i am still getting the following: Anyone any ideas?
  2. Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount();?> pilots Hours: <?php echo StatsData::TotalHours();?> hours Sorry I'm unsure about the latter two. I believe the stats you can show are listed in the docs. ! I don't think that the last two topics you created should be in the vaCentral forums, though...
  3. Yeah i see now, didnt realise Nice looking site you've got there, anyway.
  4. Could we have weekly and monthly stats based on pilot website login time, flying hours, number of pireps flown, and NM flown by any chance? Preferably in graph or text form...it takes me ages to count up the PIREPS per pilot in the SQL and then enter them into a graph maker. :L Cheers
  5. I put mine into a table to show one per line, with the description of each award on the right hand side. Try the below to show the image...i think it is commented out on the actual code already. For example ; http://linkvirtual.info/index.php/profile/view/28 <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="" /> Whilst on the subject of awards, would it be possible to have awards automatically added to pilots that have completed a certain amount of hours? It's a little tedious adding awards manually for 180 pilots
  6. Tried to edit the htm file in core/pages and i'm getting the following after trying to save; [a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive] Have tried editing the permissions but it won't allow me to. -James
  7. Sorry to bump an old topic, but if i wanted to show the ACARSmap on one of these pages, what would i have to put? Cheers
  8. Im guessing you are running the latest beta...the same happens for me and i had to change it thru the SQL. Not sure if i was supposed to do that, though...
  9. Hi Guys, I Have this code to connect to the XML document on our FShost server, but it is not displaying each player, only one...if anyone could edit to suit, or explain to me why this is happening it would be great. <?php // XML Page $feed_url = ""; # INITIATE CURL. $curl = curl_init(); # CURL SETTINGS. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,"$feed_url"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); # GRAB THE XML FILE. $xmlX = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); # SET UP XML OBJECT. # Use either one of these, depending on revision of PHP. # Comment-out the line you are not using. //$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlX); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlX); foreach($xml->Players as $item){ echo " Name: {$item->Player->Name}<br /> Aircraft: {$item->Player->Aircraft}<br /> <br /> "; } foreach($xml->FlightPlans as $item){ echo " Name: {$item->FlightPlan->PlayerName}<br /> Plan: {$item->FlightPlan->Plan}<br /> <br /> "; } ?> EDIT: here is the page http://linkvirtual.getfreehosting.co.uk/fshost/aircraft.php Cheers.
  10. Thanks Nabeel. Yes, this was the Beta.
  11. Hi, I think there is a slight issue with the core_navigation and issueing admin rights through the Pilot Groups. I have added the group "Operations Manager", and do not wish to give full admin rights to this group. I have not clicked "Full Admin Access", but only "Access Admin" and a couple of other permissions, such as the ability to edit PIREPS & Add News. Because this is not classed in the group "Administrator", this member of the group cannot see the "Admin Center" link on the top of his/her header on the webpages. Therefore cannot access the admin panel apart from going to URL/admin. Could this be fixed,so that these groups can also have the "Admin Center" link on the top of the homepage? James
  12. Hmm it's an old post... I'm sure on the recent reports it is $report->variable... Ive done a few on mine, from memory... $report->arricao $report->depicao $report->flighttime $report->aircraft I would also like to get information from the ACARS log onto the recent reports...but i'm not sure how to get the data from the flightlog onto the site.
  13. Hi All, I'm wondering if it is possible to report the -fpm amount from the ACARS logs onto the home page foreach PIREP filed? Eventually i would be looking to have a league table with these figures on them, but any assistance to getting to the first stage would be appreciated. Many Thanks,
  14. 11 Person Years?? And you did this in how long?
  15. G-NEWC

    Skinning Help

    Dear god. Surely that is the first thing you do when you have a site that yourself and others have worked hard on?
  16. As far as i know, you cannot at the moment...little use to you, i know...but it would be nice to be able to get a full roster shown on the next version, if possible.
  17. Try ManobanWeb @ www.manobanweb.com
  18. Sorry, i meant that there is no forum member being created on phpBB.
  19. Just made a new module called ForumRegister, with the ForumRegister.php file located in it...have the following code in the ForumRegister.php file: <?php class ForumRegister extends CodonModule { public function __construct() { CodonEvent::addListener('ForumRegister'); } public function EventListener($eventinfo) { if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete') { $userinfo = $eventinfo[2]; $fname = $userinfo['firstname']; $lname = $userinfo['lastname']; $pass = $userinfo['password1']; $email = $userinfo['email']; $code = $userinfo['code']; //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ($userr, $pass, '2','1.0', '0','en','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', time())"); $uinfo = PilotData::GetPilotByEmail($email); //echo "Uinfo: ".$uinfo['pilotid']; $pilot_id = "{$uinfo->firstname} {$uinfo->lastname} {$pilot_id}"; $pilot_id = $fname.$lname.$code.$pilot_id; $pilot_id_klein = strtolower($pilot_id); //echo "Pass: ".$pass."<br>"; $passMD5 = md5($pass); //echo "Pass MD5: ".$passMD5."<br>"; echo "PilotID: ".$str."<br>"; $tm = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_email, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_rank, user_lang, user_colour, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".$pilot_id_klein."', '".$passMD5."', '".$email."', '9','0.0', '0', '2','en','0099FF','1','5BN4938HB2','D M d, Y g:i a', '2', '".$tm."')"); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".md5($userinfo['password'])."')"); //echo "Result: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; //print_r($userinfo); } } } ?> Not entirely sure what has gone wrong, but it isn't working...any advice would be greatly appreciated. Have Accepted the registration and all, but still no luck.
  20. All look very similar. Numero tres gets the vote from me. And they are good, better than i could ever come up with.
  21. Yes, as the title says..i have a few questions that i wish to put forward to Nabeel or any other member that has a clue what i'm going on about... We are thinking of running phpVMS & Joomla. Basically, the original idea is to build the Joomla system, linking registrations between the two systems (login on one, which then logs you into both interfaces) and using the registration pages, pilots pages etc of phpvms. Now, for my first question; would iFraming become a problem when linking to the pages of phpvms? I am sure i came across a problem of doing this when i developed our site, but it has slipped my mind. Also, if this is not suitable, is there any other relatively simple(ish) way of linking to these pages to get the display to show up on Joomla? I'm not yet familiar with the Joomla system, but if anyone else is familiar and is aware of another way to do this any advice of any sort would be appreciated; anything that may cause a problem or be difficult to do. Many Thanks, [table][tr] [td][/td] [/tr] [/table]
  22. Perhaps there is a possibility of having an events system, where events can be submitted via the admin panel, similar to news, but a newpage be created with the events information on it? Users will be able to select to "Join" the event and that list of users that have "joined" will be visible to people that view the page.
  23. G-NEWC

    CargoB va Skin

    Very nice! Clean & Modern. Well done.
  24. Try downloading and using a template that comes with a drop down menu coded into it?
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