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Everything posted by Tom

  1. If they're in the US, the right way to go about getting it removed is to send a DCMA takedown notice to their host. There's a handy guide to sending one here: http://rising.blackstar.com/how-to-send-a-dmca-takedown-notice.html
  2. I don't think the FBI are going to care if some kid copy pasted a couple of files. I also don't think they'll be very effective if said kid isn't in the US?
  3. So I was thinking, seeing as phpVMS is hosted on github, we could get around the whole downloading a zip, uploading, etc etc etc. How easy would it be to set up a "stable" branch of phpVMS on github, which the updater can pull a zip of and install itself? (Also if it's not that easy, having a "stable" branch alone would be super handy as the master is not always error-free, and there aren't any historic downloads in the downloads tab on github )
  4. Completely agree with changing to .php, however how would part 2 work?
  5. Buzz, wrong. The difference between HTML4 and HTML5 is minimal. CSS and PHP have been around for ages. There are just certain HTML5 & CSS3 features that won't be supported - you probably won't use many, if any. To answer your question, no there is no magical code that fixes everything. You have to be good at it. The fact that it only looks right in Firefox is worrying. You should be making it look right in Webkit first (Chrome, Safari, most mobile browsers) - it's the biggest % of users.
  6. Fictional airlines don't always infringe copyright. Fictional airlines don't have anyone telling them they have to shut down.
  7. It's somewhat amusing that you'd believe a senior web designer/developer from Boeing would offer to work on a phpVMS website.
  8. Tom

    Live map

    Make it something smaller like 15, 0 might be a bit dodgy
  9. I don't see that in any browser. Sure you're not just getting a cached file?
  10. You should screenshot what you're seeing. As far as I can tell nothing is wrong. Except that you got the wrong phrase wrong: "Based of off Southwest" - I assume you mean "Based off of Southwest" - by which you actually mean "Based on Southwest"
  11. If you're downloading for an install you probably want to download phpvms.full.zip from here: http://downloads.phpvms.net/ If you're contributing, as of last time I asked you should send pull requests to nshahzad/phpVMS
  12. See the following: flyalaskava.org: http://www.flyalaska...ages/anchub.png alaskaairva.net: http://alaskaairva.n...ages/anchub.png I would suggest sending a takedown notice to the host, but his nameservers point to http://virtualusairways.org/ which appears to be run by Taylor Welka
  13. Tom

    Cookie Law

    Using the word extensive meaning "comprehensive", "thorough"; I'd say it was a pretty extensive conversation on the topic of the cookie law with phpVMS
  14. ^^ Not really Assuming .row is wider than the sum of all 3 span4's, their margins, paddings and borders: .span4{float:left;}
  15. Tom

    About the FAQ Section

    It's just one massive image per page. I hope you're kidding? Then again, based on your previous posts you have no idea what good design is.
  16. Free year of hosting = using hosting for a year = can't be bothered to move = renewal. That's how most promotions work.
  17. Taken from: http://www.london2012.com/about-us/our-brand/using-the-brand/ I felt that seeing as you make such effort to protect your own brand you might want to consider others too
  18. Oh ok, I would use JSON then - it's super easy to encode in php from an array: echo json_encode($array_of_things); and you can use this to decode it in your application.
  19. You would send data to the php file in POST variables... I don't know what language you're using but I expect there isn't a decent way to decode JSON (but it's super easy to encode in php) - so XML :/
  20. The best advice I can give is don't use flash. Other than that, do you have the .fla for the file? You can just get it to loop...
  21. You can also redirect server-side, in case they don't enable javascript - more reliable <?php require('core/codon.config.php'); // Call the phpVMS config file if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> Display content you want to display for users who are logged in! <?php } else { header("Location: ".url('/login')); exit; } ?>
  22. eBay? Oh dear dear. Buy direct from the developer! Applies to basically everything.
  23. So it's not in any way attached to the hosting? I can use it elsewhere, move it before the end of 1 year, etc? Would be a bit annoying to get a .co.uk (min 2 years), only have 1 years hosting and not be able to move it.
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