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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    HubStats Class

    You can use round() to round it to however many places you'd like
  2. You want acars.tpl - you've added inline style to make the map container 600px wide.
  3. I have a very low opinion of airlines who do this, let's put it that way.
  4. It's content from the database. It'll be to do with your page encoding.
  5. It should look like this: https://github.com/phpVMS/phpVMS/blob/master/index.php So you probably need to download a new copy.
  6. Reupload the file?
  7. Probably the hosts settings. Just add date_default_timezone_set() with your desired timezone to your local.config and it should be happy again.
  8. Prefer XAMPP personally
  9. This guy again..?
  10. phpVMS already includes a version of jQuery so if you're including it again it'll cause conflicts.
  11. toms2056 - It's on my profile
  12. Yeah I don't mind helping. Shoot me a PM or add me on Skype or something
  13. Yeah, you'll probably want to use cURL - can't remember off the top of my head how exactly to use it but I have a couple of examples...
  14. Yep... as long as you can set up the other site to send it to you.
  15. Easiest would probably be the same as the ACARS program does; make an HTTP request to a script on the other website, send the data in the POST.
  16. Normally they make a HTTP request to a page on your site, sending GET or POST variables for the data.
  17. /?_=aboutus You'd be foolish to make phpVMS use such an awful URL format...
  18. I have no intention of buying myself, but to anyone who does want to... be prepared to have no control over 'your' hosting and domain when they expire...
  19. 1. Are you transferring the domain to wherever the buyer wants? 2. Have you spoken with your host in order to arrange the details of the account to be changed?
  20. Tested in Chrome, Firefox and Safari on Mac and they all look relatively fine except for the nav overflowing to the right in Safari. Silly IE.
  21. That IS a google map... You can change whether it's road/sattelite/hybrid in the config for the map in the javascript/template for that page... have a read up on the google maps api page (probably not the latest version though).
  22. 2, but add some layers; some texture, some dirt... it looks very MS Paint.
  23. The way templating works on phpVMS needs to change... then it'll reduce greatly - with the plaintext files it's just too easy to steal
  24. So send their host a nice letter demanding it be removed due to copyright. It'll be gone sharpish, or their entire website will be
  25. I believe so... I can't remember if the current skin name is stored in the database or not though, so in case it is, use the same skin name for all the languages and just edit the files.
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