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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. No so the 1.9.1 is definitely the problem I am just wondering if there is a way to get round it? Thanks
  2. Hi, This doesn't work still, I have to have that link above the body end tag. There are no other js links in the page minus the core ones and even when I've tried removing them it does not work either. Thanks Jacob
  3. Hi! I need to use javascript 1.9.1 using <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> however when I do it the no route passed issue occurs. Does anybody know how I can use js 1.9.1 without having this error? Thanks! Jacob
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  9. Closed
  10. Hello Go into phpmyadmin click on the pilots table and change the auto increment to the next available number and further registration will process after this number Jacob
  11. The code works brilliantly to login however when I try copying the php from the login I get php errors about declaring the class so cant seem to get it to direct and login at the same time. How do I make the login.php data declare the class? Thanks
  12. Hello! I am just wondering if somebody could tell me the code for the following options on the flight search (simpilot): Flight times so show flights between 5 and 7 hours Show flights on a particular day. Thanks! Jacob
  13. Luckily I was quick enough to delete the folder before they managed to get into the tui. However I find it strange how for the most of va's they are simply adding an index file basicly notifying the admin they need to patch the bug in the site and then once the file is deleted there are no problems... its as if some of them are actually trying to help. However a message to Nabeel instead of going into the sites would have been a kinder way of telling us. Jacob
  14. Ensure you have added the paths where required on the tpls and the css included. Thanks Jacob
  15. haha glad you guys like it Jacob
  16. Hello I have not done a release for a while so here is a skin which uses bootstrap! You will need: Popupnews screenshot center simply drag into your skins folder after editing the layout and style.css file to ensure your airline url is entered. You MUST leave the line which says Skin by Jacob Axford. Download - https://github.com/jacobaxford/axdesign Thanks Jacob
  17. Perfect thanks for that
  18. Hello Yes as it is able to pull data from the site and knows not to show pages when not logged Thanks Jacob
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