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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. Thanks for replying I keep getting fatal errors when trying this, please can you place the form so I can ensure I am placing things correctly? Thank you
  2. Hello, I have an external application with a login built into it however when I submit the login it logins in to the site however instead of redirecting to the page I have told it to it is going to the login page that is on the phpvms system which may be something to do with <form action="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>" name="loginform" method="post">. I have used the basic login form found on the layout.tpl but changed the redirect page, any suggestions? Thanks
  3. Yeah there seems to be a very very large amount of bots on this site liking posts recently is there an addon for ip board that will make the signup form have harder security? Jacob
  4. Desktop has broken... No flying for me until PC World fix it

  5. Hello, I am setting up the pilot brief for prefile with vatsim however I can manage to split the flight time into hours and seconds as box 1 requires flight hours and box 2 requires mins, any ideas on how to split hours and mins? thanks
  6. Yep unfortunately Mark is correct, you'll be lucky if you make it a fortnight before you receive a mass of documents in post.
  7. im sure you wont get shut down... http://replygif.net/i/902
  8. Yeah that would be good the current navdata from fsproducts which allows the waypoints to show is out of date so it would be handy if somebody would update the airac on that
  9. Thank you!
  10. bump, can anybody help?
  11. Anybody else have any ideas?
  12. I was but when I used it on the layout.tpl it, when I searched it didnt maintain a constant search it turned into the results as well (no iframe)
  13. Im using this on layout.tpl
  14. Its for all pages, an its not iframed I have used the standard form however the airports are not showing in the list, Thanks Jacob
  15. Sorry I didnt test this properly... It works however as its in the layout.tpl it embeds the results into each page. Is there a way so it will always show the search?
  16. I was trying to avoid doing that, but it seems to work better than expected. Thanks!
  17. Hello, I am looking to put a flight booking on the layout using simpilots module however it dosnt reflect the airports, how can I get it to read the airports from the database like it does on its standard page? Thanks Jacob
  18. Yeah that works just swapped the pilot hours and ranks. Thanks!
  19. I know the formula im just trying to work out the code for it
  20. Hello, I'm wondering if there is some code I can use to get the percentage the pilot has completed towards there next rank? Thanks
  21. Yeah a 360 image gen would be useful if anybody knows about one? Thanks
  22. Disregard
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