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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. Hello, I have two problems when I phpecho the days the route is flown it says 1 2 3 4 5 6, is there a way to change this and also at the end of the list it always displays a blank schedule <?php if(!$allroutes) { echo '<p align="center">No routes have been found!</p>'; return; } ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #CCCCCC} --> </style> <table border="0" class="tablesorter" id="tabledlist"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#63003A"><div align="left"><span class="style1">Flight Info</span></div></th> <th bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style1">Options</span></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($allroutes as $route) { /* Uncomment this code if you want only schedules which are from the last PIREP that pilot filed */ /*if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { $search = array( 'p.pilotid' => Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'p.accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED ); $reports = PIREPData::findPIREPS($search, 1); // return only one if(is_object($reports)) { # IF the arrival airport doesn't match the departure airport if($reports->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; } } }*/ /* Skip over a route if it's not for this day of week Left this here, so it can be omitted if your VA doesn't use this. Comment out these two lines if you don't want to. */ /* Check if a 7 is being used for Sunday, since PHP thinks 0 is Sunday */ /* END DAY OF WEEK CHECK */ /* This will skip over a schedule if it's been bid on This only runs if the below setting is enabled If you don't want it to skip, then comment out this code below by adding // in front of each line until the END DISABLE SCHEDULE comment below If you do that, and want to show some text when it's been bid on, see the comment below */ if(Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') == true && $route->bidid != 0) { continue; } /* END DISABLE SCHEDULE ON BID */ /* Skip any schedules which have aircraft that the pilot is not rated to fly (according to RANK), only skip them if they are logged in. */ if(Config::Get('RESTRICT_AIRCRAFT_RANKS') === true && Auth::LoggedIn()) { /* This means the aircraft rank level is higher than what the pilot's ranklevel, so just do "continue" and move onto the next route in the list */ if($route->aircraftlevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) { continue; } } /* THIS BEGINS ONE TABLE ROW */ ?> <tr> <td> <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/details/'.$route->id);?>"><?php echo $route->code . $route->flightnum?> <?php echo '('.$route->depicao.' - '.$route->arricao.')'?> </a> <br /> <strong>Departure: </strong><?php echo $route->deptime;?> <strong>Arrival: </strong><?php echo $route->arrtime;?><br /> <strong>Equipment: </strong><?php echo $route->aircraft; ?> (<?php echo $route->registration;?>) <strong>Distance: </strong><?php echo $route->distance . Config::Get('UNITS');?> <br /> <br /> <?php echo ($route->route=='') ? '' : '<strong>Route: </strong>'.$route->route.'<br />' ?> <strong>Day's Flown: </strong><?php echo $route->daysofweek;?> <?php # Note: this will only show if the above code to # skip the schedule is commented out if($route->bidid != 0) { echo 'This route has been bid on'; } ?> </td> <td nowrap> <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/details/'.$route->id);?>">View Details</a><br /> <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/brief/'.$route->id);?>">Pilot Brief</a><br /> <?php # Don't allow overlapping bids and a bid exists if(Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') == true && $route->bidid != 0) { ?> <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/addbid');?>">Add to Bid</a> <?php } else { if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo url('/schedules/addbid');?>">Add to Bid</a> <?php } } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style1">Flight Info</span></td> <td nowrap bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style1">Options</span></td> </tr> <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ } ?> </tbody> </table> <hr> Thanks
  2. Haha ;') You were right, didnt realise it did that. Thanks
  3. Hello, For some reason the schedules have disappeared off the schedule search. I dont understand because they are still visible on the sql and the admin panel. Thanks Jacob
  4. where can I find the beta? Thanks
  5. I understand this, but is there a way to create a banned option so they can still visit the site but not log in?
  6. avdesigns


    How do I add a banned option like active and inactive? So when a user is banned they will be greeted with a message saying there banned and make it so they cant use the site? Thanks
  7. is there code to put this in the profile main? Thanks
  8. Yes, Didnt know that could be done Thanks
  9. Thanks Lorathon, Works like a treat
  10. Hello, I have a sql column in the pilot part called vatsim and ivao but how do I make it so they go into the registration form? Thanks Solved
  11. Hello, I have a custom pilot list with a column for status, however I want that column to display active or inactive instead of 1 and 2 <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style2 {color: #CCCCCC} --> </style> <h3><?php echo $title?></h3> <?php if(!$allpilots) { echo 'There are no pilots!'; return; } ?> <table width="945" border="0" class="tablesorter" id="tabledlist"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Pilot ID</span></th> <th width="25%" bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Name</span></th> <th width="19%" bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Rank</span></th> <th width="22%" bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Flights</span></th> <th width="17%" bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Hours</span></th> <th width="17%" bgcolor="#63003A"><span class="style2">Status</span></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { /* To include a custom field, use the following example: <td> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> </td> For instance, if you added a field called "IVAO Callsign": echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign'); */ // To skip a retired pilot, uncomment the next line: //if($pilot->retired == 1) { continue; } ?> <tr> <td width="7%" nowrap><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a></div></td> <td> <div align="center"><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?> </div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $pilot->rank;?></div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></div></td> <td><?php echo $pilot->retired?></td> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> Thanks
  12. Hello, is this still for sale?
  13. Thanks I will let you know how it goes
  14. Found it #utopian-navigation > li.active > a, #utopian-navigation > li.active > a:hover
  15. On the dropdowns colour of the text is white is there a way to change it to that grey? Nice Skin though (Fastjetvirtual.co.uk/index.php)
  16. avdesigns


    Thanks Jeff
  17. avdesigns


  18. avdesigns


  19. avdesigns


    I am changing the pilot profile, but I would need that info here is the page so far http://www.fastjetvirtual.co.uk/index.php/pages/center
  20. avdesigns


    Hello For my pilot centre I need the code for the information of that pilot to display would anybody be able to provide the code for the following Name Pilot Id Rank Email Hub Location Hours Flights Miles Flown Thanks!
  21. Do I have to put popup news by simpilot on the module as Im going to be making a thanks to... page?
  22. Hello, Im wondering if there is a module to display staff vacancies, and also so pilots can apply, Thanks a lot!
  23. Well I have put together a nice long letter, which I'm going to send off on Wednesday. Will let you what they say...
  24. Well I have put together a nice long letter, which I'm going to send off on Wednesday. Will let you what they say...
  25. We all make mistakes, the only difference is My letter will have been spell checked by Word
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