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Everything posted by polirom

  1. What script does the cron have to run
  2. I don't know what to write. I don't understand the instructions. She gives an example but I can't get it to work
  3. what is the task and the path that cron has to execute? I put artisan schedule: run the error continues
  4. don't know what line of code I have to put in the CRON. I have the web on the hostinger server. The documents to which it refers, load an empty page that does not contain anything https://docs.phpvms.net/configuration/cron
  5. there is this message in the administration panel There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage/logs/cron.log. See the docs
  6. Why do my flights appear on the vmsACARS map as a straight line? In the Presentation Image of vmsACARS, you see the route points. In vmsACARS I put the points of the route, but they are not seen on the map. IMAGE ROUTE WITHOUT POINTS ROUTE IMAGE WITH POINTS
  7. Ok. Thanks
  8. can vmsACARS be used with Fs2020?
  9. Is this theme freeware? Is it available?
  10. Is this theme freeware? Is it available?
  11. 123/5000 I leave you the file that I modify. With a little patience you can upload phpvms 5 routes, modifying some columns. flights.zip
  12. attached LOGlog.zip
  13. After doing the new installation, the problem continues. I select departure airport, press the Find Flights button and vmsACARS closes. I also changed the API key https://subefotos.com/ver/?9229336f037df68a00d0aaf5464269dco.png
  14. It is already disabled. I press the Bids button in vmsACARS and the vmsACARS closes https://subefotos.com/ver/?64fc4b22bc444bc7d762f745e8cfbbffo.png https://subefotos.com/ver/?5b8b3563ef09c1478301a598bfa0c052o.png I'm going to reinstall, it does weird things
  15. Problems again. Flight reservation made but not loaded in vmsACARS
  16. Have you assigned the fleet to the flight?
  17. I have four subfleets A320-200 B738-800 A350-900 B787-10 In each Flight that I register, I assign the four subfleets. Then I export the Flights in CSV to see how the table looks and I observe that it only assigns one subfleets. The other Fleets he placed inside custom fields and fares
  18. fixed with update. It already shows My Bids. But not the search for Bids
  19. At My Bids, I have a flight. When starting vmsACARS does not load the flight. Cannot search for flights in vmsACARS. As you see in the image, there is no flight to search https://subefotos.com/ver/?b3aa9d623d8c35592ab09ac9b39b512co.png
  20. I can't load the reserved path on the phpvms7 system into the vmsACARS. This option does not exist, or is it that I am doing something wrong? One thing that I see that I would need vmsACARS, is that the routes can be selected and reserved from the vmsACARS
  21. KACARS payware mode is on your site has always been on your site. The problem is that the hosting activated the SSL option in HTTPS and if it is active kACARS does not work and if we deactivate HTTPS, then the website does not work. I'm in a vicious circle. PHP version 5.5 PHPVMS 5.5.2
  22. Hola, mi sitio web está alojado en Hostinger. El servidor y mi sitio web han pasado de ser HTTP a HTTPS. Dado que este cambio, kACARS no funciona porque no se conecta a la web. Intenté cambiar la dirección en Configuración, pero no solucionó el problema. Tengo la versión comprada Francisco
  23. Can this template be downloaded or is this project dead? Thank you
  24. Surely it is a problem of updating the APVMacars, they will have to update it.
  25. where can I download this template for the administration panel
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