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Everything posted by druptown
how does this implementing work exactly?
fixed, it is quite simple actually. the users have to select a skin on registration or after registration in there profile details. If they don't select one. The badge is not created.
same here, it doesn't render the route. It's just a straight line from A to B I guess because the Routemap has this in it and acarsmap doesn't. So if anyone can check how to add that to acarsmap..... One sidenote to make : this should get it's info from the acarsdata table in the db instead of the schedules. Acarsdata copies the route from the schedules anyway and if a pilot enters his own route, that one is taken. <?php /* Populate the route */ if(is_array($mapdata->route_details)) { $list = array(); foreach($mapdata->route_details as $route) { if($route->type == NAV_VOR) { $icon = fileurl('/lib/images/icon_vor.png'); } else { $icon = fileurl('/lib/images/icon_fix.png'); } echo 'var loc = new google.maps.LatLng('.$route->lat.', '.$route->lng.'); var _marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: loc, map: map, icon: "'.$icon.'", title: "'.$route->title.'" }); bounds.extend(loc);'; // For the polyline $list[] = "new google.maps.LatLng({$route->lat}, {$route->lng})"; } } ?>
any updates on this issue? we're having the same problem
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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier Nothing more, it happens as soon as you exceed 10000 schedules approx.
well, there is actually something wrong with google maps. PHPVMS has a module called routesmap, you can use it to show all schedules you have on a map if you remove the limit in the module. Which I did. It worked great......, untill we passed the 10000 schedules. Now it's only a blank page. It seems that googlemaps can 't handle the amount of markers/polylines. It only has to draw 60000 markers and 30000 polylines
it seems that the transfer of hours isn't even in our registration form......how can i add this?
Any updates on the monthly stats not showing correcly? It seems that Util::date can't handle the seconds. We 've got an difference of 7 minutes allready with 45h flown. It shows very hard now since it's our first month and the alltimesstats are shown above, that will get better next month. But still, I'm a perfectionist and like things to be correct.
so the stats are always 1 pirep late that way?
I've also noticed that when I uncomment the line to make the script look at accepted pireps only, the script doesn't work automatic anymore.
I've added this piece of code and the problem is almost fixed, but the times are still off. It works for calculating the hours and minutes correctly, but it forgets the seconds in the pireps flight time. They are not added.... which results in 5 min difference on 10 flights allready.
tnx Simpilot, I wasn't sure.
I'm having some doubts about what to change so it does only count accepted pireps $start = StatsData::GetStartDate(); $startmonth = date('m', strtotime($start->submitdate)); $startyear = date('Y', strtotime($start->submitdate)); $today = getdate(); while ($startyear <= $today[year] ) { $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); $month_stats = TopPilotData::get_monthly_stats($startmonth, $startyear); foreach ($pilots as $pilot) { $totaltime=0; $totalflights=0; $totalmiles=0; if(isset($month_stats)) { foreach ($month_stats as $pirep) { if ($pilot->pilotid == $pirep->pilotid /* && $pirep->accepted == 1 */ ) { $totaltime = $totaltime + $pirep->flighttime; $totalflights++; $totalmiles = $totalmiles + $pirep->distance; } } } if($totalflights > 0) { TopPilotData::record_stats($pilot->pilotid, $totalflights, $totaltime, $totalmiles, $startmonth, $startyear); } } if ($startmonth == 12) {$startyear++; $startmonth = 1;} else {$startmonth++;} } } My guess is that it has something to do with "/* && $pirep->accepted == 1 */". You said to change something on line 52 but that is an empty line in my toppilot.php
I'll bump this one since it isn't really answered.....and because I've got the same question.
where are these expenses defined? Can't find it anywhere?
where are these expenses defined? Can't find it anywhere?
I've got an issue too. For starters I must say that it works great, my compliments for that. but here comes the problem. I've got 2 copies of my website; 1 dummy, which is used to test new stuff (so I don't destroy the real website) and then the real website. On the dummy there are only about 30 airports in the database and it works splendid, but you probably hear it coming: on the real website, which has about 42000 airports in the database, it only shows a blank page. No content what so ever. Not even the navigation bar. Both site are 100%¨identical , except for the database contents. Could it be that the script can't handle this amount of airports?
Instead of using <td><div class="progress-container"> <div class="progressbargood" style="width: <%=flight.percomplete%>"><%=flight.percomplete%>%</div> </td> i've used this : <td><div class="progress-container"> <?php if($schedule->distance > $flight->distremaining) echo '<div class="progressbargood" style="width: <%=flight.percomplete%>"><%=flight.percomplete%>%</div>'; else echo '<div class="progressbarbad" style="width: <%=flight.percomplete%>"><%=flight.percomplete%>%</div>'; ?> </td> but there's something wrong with the line : if($schedule->distance > $flight->distremaining) It seems that I'm calling the data the wrong way since the "IF" function always returns a FALSE value and echos the "ELSE" value. The purpose of all this is that if a pilot forgets to land and flies on, my progress bar turns red. Not it starts counting ASC again when the distance remaining is larger than the totaldistance. Any help would be nice.
Can you show me how you used that <center> in the template? I can't get it right. My bar works, but it's filling from the center out to left and right, just as yours.
It seems that my live fuel prices are still not working, I thought this was fixed?
any been able to check if this works? Mine keeps saying "Waiting for ICAO to change" and price stays "0"
Realistic Airline Passenger Flight Booking Module
druptown replied to AFVA | Mitchell's topic in Releases
it's a nice script but I've got a little bit confused about it, aren't we all pilots who place bids? What's the point of such a passenger module?