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Everything posted by STARs

  1. Hello there, I might be re-posting this, i am not sure but I want to create a schedule table something of this sort: FLIGHT NO | DEP. TIME | DEP. ICAO | SU MO TUE WED THU FRI SAT | ARR. TIME | ARR. ICAO | OPTIONS AA0000 | 00:05 | EGCC | IMAGE OF AIRCRAFT WHERE THE DAY THE FLIGHT FLY'S | 00:55 | EGLL | BRIEFING/BID ETC. Can someone help me with this or make me one or may be any link for a similar thing earlier? sorry i dont seem to find it. Thanks.!
  2. That worked liked a charm! Thanks SimPilot!!!
  3. Hi, Unfortuantely that did not help out i am already of 5.3.29 php. Regards Please assist this is causing big issue for us. thanks.
  4. Negative. Any solution for my issue please?
  5. Hello, I am having the following issue when any pilot tries to add comment to his/her pirep. I am displaying the following code on the view pirep report page (where all data of the pirep is displayed): <?php if($comments) if(Auth::LoggedIn() && Auth::$userinfo->pilotid == $report->pilotid) { echo ' '; foreach($comments as $comment) { ?> - <?php echo $comment->comment?> <i>(<?php echo $comment->firstname . ' ' .$comment->lastname?>)</i><br> <?php } echo ''; } ?> <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/addcomment?id='.$report->pirepid);?>">Add Comment</a><br /> </td> </tr> It does not detect the pirep id when clicked on add comment. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Waiting for assistance, Thanks.
  6. Thanks for your reply but isnt this for SMF Forums, I am using PHPBB3
  7. Hello Everyone, Can someone provide me a script to use with the forums which allow pilots to be automatically registered in PHPBB3 after their approval at the virtual airline system PHPVMS? I have seen a system like this one but that's for 3.0.8 mine is 3.0.11 please can some one provide it to me i will be grateful! Thanks.
  8. hello, its been almost a week im trying to reset my password for vacentral, i do receve the weekly report but when ever i try resetting my password i never the password reset email. please assist.
  9. Anyone with a auto register script for phpbb3 please? phpbb 3.0.11
  10. Hello I am using simpilot phpvms enhanced however when i save any members new settings in PHPVMS Admin Pilot Information it does not save it when i refresh it comes back the old info. Please help
  11. the module is located in weburl/ABVirtual/core/modules/APVacars/APVacars.php but still getting this error what to do?
  12. Mark I don't think it can be a browser issue many other members of the virtual airline also complain the same. I use Firefox chrome and ie. All of them same issue. Jordan Iv already tried doing that no luck
  13. A very strange issue has started with my website and also rest of my other websites in my server after a recent Apache update all websites are loading old data as in until we don't press ctrl f5 the old cache data kwwps getting displayed plz tell me how can I fix this?
  14. STARs


    Itrobb I'm looking to get cities not icaos
  15. Didn't really get your question bro.
  16. Yep that worked the way I wanted I figured out with the 20 flight thing as well. Thanks
  17. That was the XML of receive file. Anyways I solved it my self. Thanks to the "non cooperative / no" support from lorathon though thank him for such a great pirep software
  18. Receive . xml <sitedata><info><flightStatus>2</flightStatus></info></sitedata>
  19. Would you kindly produce your "Email" and "Authorization Letter" from Emirates?
  20. Hello Suddenly I am unable to fly flights with KACARS none of our members can fly anylonger. People are able to login successfully however when they press "GET FLIGHT BID INFO" they get in result "No Flight Found" depsite they have flights in bid. Please assist asap. Thanks & Regards
  21. Let me welcome you more... First of all you have a COPY PASTED theme with SAME LAYOUT ITEMS INCLUDING CSS NAMES EVEN which is a pure copyright of Emirates, Iv reported emirates team as well as bluehost your webhost in concern to your copyright infringement violations. Let's see what action they take against you. I guess another few days left for this site to get suspended.
  22. STARs


    Hello, Please guide me how can I just display the city name in live flight departure board. I want that i just display the departure city and arrival city instead of departure airport and arrival city. Thanks in advance.
  23. STARs


    The above change did solve it however theres another problem now the font color and style and size iv set in appconfig does not work in signatures it shows a very small font size and a weird font style.
  24. STARs


    No one?
  25. STARs


    Please help!
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