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Everything posted by Fernando

  1. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Tom, Thank you, already coded all the tables, but the error continues, it is only in your module others do not have these problems, I'm posting a picture for you to see I tried also use the encoding in the archives, <?php ini_set('default_charset','UTF-8'); ?> but the error continues, in the database appears accented letters, when I open the module characters appear (?????) in each word pronounced. detail: When I create a topic with special characters, is only sent to the database letters before the characters. example: Topic (topic) When I open my database, only the letter T was imported. Any idea?
  2. Thank you!!! Perfect now!!
  3. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Hello, everyone! I'm having problem with the charset using this add-on. My language is portuguese. It has accents into some words. This, for example, should be... não tão bom, mas no momento não há diferença ... and it is being shown as... n?o ? t?o bom, mas no momento n?o h? diferen?a It has to be something inside the add-on, because on other parts of my site and add-ons it does not happen. Does anybody know how to solve it?
  4. Thank you Tom! I am getting the following error below The web page in http://voegolv.net/index.php/registration resulted in too many redirects. Delete your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not solve, the problem may be in the server configuration, not on your computer. Learn more about this problem. Error Code: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS The page redirects to the chosen link, more loads only and does not open the selected location.
  5. Hello friends, I would like to create a restriction on my website, users who are not registered, by clicking on the site would go directly to the page of access to pilots or registration of new entries. Example on the link below, http://crew.flyvawe.com/index.php/ Anyone have any ideas? My interest is to restrict all pages of the site to menros not register the same site above, only release after login.
  6. You change this information within the module, core / module / ACARS / or fsacars.php core / module / FSFK / FSFK.php Particularly I do not use FSFK, only fsacars and Kacars if you provide the module information can help you.
  7. Edit and then send it to your skin and replace the existing www.YOURSITE.com/lib/skins/ <skinname>
  8. enclose in the round function <?php echo round (existing code here), 0);?> Try this script below and check; ?php echo number_format(StatsData::totalfuelburned(), 0); ?> kgs<br /> Just replace teh existing code here with the current code you use to display, there are a couple of variations deppending on your code, some may need to be enclosed with {} as well. This can cause the error you are receiving The Sava, is one of the friends who really help the community, look fondly the link he shared, can help you understand the operation of scripts. hugs
  9. Thanks, worked with the code of you! I changed some to enter the pages that desire. hugs
  10. Yes the list PIREP, I created a table called phpvms_airlines image, changed the first script in admin, so that did not work, I want to appear in the last pireps list
  11. Hello, I have 2 active airline on my site, ICAO example: GLO WEB I would like to when each rider took a flight appeared the logo of their respective companies example; Logo Image #Flight Departure Arrival Pilot Aircraft Time T/D Status GLO2144 SBPA SBCF Philippe Melo B738/M (PR-GTV) 1.54 -61 Accepted Logo Image #Flight Departure Arrival Pilot Aircraft Time T/D Status WEB5801 SBGR SBBR Luiz Fernando B738/M (PR-GTI) 1.47 -111 Accepted anyone have any idea, I believe you have some code if the flight is the GLO image X appears if the flight is the WEB y image appears. Something a little help
  12. Okay, sorry for the delay, the more I'm glad you found, I am a pilot and I'm always flying flying club. best regards
  13. De nada. Your welcome.
  14. FSX30HD I did not have the file, but I did for you. download the module again, within the lib / images Has a new file in PSD Edit_certificate.psd Open with Photoshop or any other image editing program that can read the file and edit the field you want.
  15. Emanuele8180 It's easy to enter the Driver ID, I see where I can fit this certificate and make available.
  16. Hello. Reupload the phpvms, the file is missing or currpoted. Can you post the output from /install/checkinstall.php? First: Make sure the core/local.config.php file has a filesize of 0 and is completely empty before you run the installer If the problem persists please check This
  17. Are you thinking to appear the pilot IVAO ID on the certificate? I believe that the certificate is unique with information only for your business, but there is possibility.
  18. Thank you!
  19. DJRixton, Thank you very much
  20. Please check this. Free host: http://www.000webhost.com/
  21. Dear All, The Certificate Of Promotion V_1.1 is now released. Below please find out how it works: Thanks It is a simple module that generates an automatic certificate for its members according to their respective positions in your Virtual Company.. 1º Download the Certificate_Of_Promotion_V1.1 module 2º Extract the downloaded files 3º Login to your FTP account and send the files within the folder Certificate_Of_Promotion_V1.1 to your server 4º Open your profile_main.tpl page choose the location you want to insert the link below that will appear to its pilots. <li><script language="Javascript"> function abrir(URL) { var width = 800; var height = 900; var left = 99; var top = 99; window.open(URL,'janela', 'width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+top+', left='+left+', scrollbars=yes, status=no, toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, fullscreen=no'); } </script> <a href="javascript:abrir('<?php echo SITE_URL?>/action.php/certificado/');">Certificate</a> Ready, just enjoy the module, if you want to edit the photo that generates the certificate, just edit the photo in lib / images / certificate.png Download Certificate_Of_Promotion_V1.1
  22. Ademar, I can sincerely help you, what exactly you want, I'm doing a module purchase passage through PilotShop else can I try to help him, send me a private message (PM)
  23. I plan on enjoying the pilotshop module, instead of using the module only for purchases unfounded, I weigh in making pilots can use the module to buy Chaters flights. Example: Pilot enters the module and will be 3 categories of shopping! * Chaters Passenger flights - * Chaters Transportation of cargo * Chaters Flights Executives Can I post job restrictions by categories, so I can make the member has an interest in changing patent. Purchased flights will be dropped in on the page reservations of flights, so I think we can leave more encouraged members to spend their money. I'm starting to draft the new PilotShop, every idea is welcome.
  24. The system when you search for flights departing from the current place, it returns flights from its current location and other airports. example I'm in SBCF want to fly SBBR I believe that could appear only flights departing from this airport. SBCF - SBBR SBCF - SBBR SBCF- SBBR SBCF- SBBR However, the system returns thus SBCF-SBBR SBRF-SBBR SBGL-SBBR SBSV-SBBR
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