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Everything posted by Fernando

  1. I do not know the system TOUR however, I can look look and think about something .. Tomorrow I'll post photos of the system, because I'm at work
  2. I'm in the final stages of the points system, work as follows. The Pilot flight booked SBGR to KMIA Starts with a score of 100/100 If the pilot to make the flight in perfect condition, will score 100% .. But has such penalties. Flaps exceeded - 5 points. T / A Superior to the maximum allowed - 10 points Weight exceeded - 15 Points Lights Wrong - 5 Points Speed ​​Taxi exceeded - 5 Points Exceeded speed below FL100 - 5 Points Note: If the flight is less than 75/100 flight will be refused. I'm finishing, I will insert some pictures here for everyone commenting, I have done a test and is working, I'm just adjusting some details.
  3. Ok... wait your PM.
  4. On the page Pilot_list.tpl
  5. I'm switching to be deployed in your VA
  6. Hello members, I worked in the system PilotShop, the result was very good! My Pilots are satisfied with the system, deployed in even the possibility of buying up routes, aircraft, cards, among other products. Everything for pilots spend their wages, the job is done, I am providing photos for you to visualize. Though my language is Portuguese page_index Text (Loja Virtual, Minha Sacola de compras ) = Shop, My Grocery Tote Text in Yellow ( Welcome to your online store, here you will find some items for you to buy with his earnings dummy and enjoy the features of our system simple and objective way ) List_products Text in Yellow ( list roducts associated Shopping Aircraft, valid to point out that the contents advertised here, is virtual character and has no real connection, this store is just entertainment for our members.! ) page_pilothome Text in Yellow ( You can check out below all the items you bought so far! )
  7. t would be a kind of shop? I did a system to manage the money pilots. I am now finalizing a system that withdraws money for errors flight procedures, as well as a score from 0/100 for the flight. The shop already ready.
  8. Thank you!
  9. Hello members, Today I completed a certificate system automatic for my VA. Works to rank through calculation of hours or manual, it will update the data in the certificate automatically. It is simple but today my Pilots are satisfied, it is a kind of homage.
  10. Open the page Pilot_list.tpl and replace the page for this style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #FFFFFF} --> </style> <div class="cufon underline" style="width:auto; padding:5px; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; border-bottom: 3px solid; font-size: 24px;">Time de Águias </div> <?php if(!$allpilots) { echo 'There are no pilots!'; return; } ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tbody> </tbody> <td width="9%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Piloto ID</td> <td width="23%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Nome</td> <td width="10%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Rank</td> <td width="7%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Voos</td> <td width="11%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Horas Voadas </td> <td width="10%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Ultimo Voo </td> <td width="10%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">Status</td> <td width="10%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">VATSIM ID</td> <td width="10%" height="10" align="center" bgcolor="#e97714" class="roster_header style1">IVAO ID</td> <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { /* To include a custom field, use the following example: <td> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> </td> For instance, if you added a field called "IVAO Callsign": echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign'); */ // To skip a retired pilot, uncomment the next line: //if($pilot->retired == 1) { continue; } ?> <tr class="roster_data" style="height: 20px;"> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a> </td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?> </td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php if($pilot->lastpirep == 0) { echo 'None'; } else { $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime($report->submitdate)); } ?> </td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<font class="inactive">Inactive</font>';} else {echo '<font class="active">Active</font>';} ?></td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); if($fieldvalue != '') { echo '<a href="http://www.vataware.com/pilot.cfm?cid='.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank">'.$fieldvalue.'</a>'; } else { echo '<font style="color: #FFAA00;">None</font>'; } ?> </td> <td height="10" class="roster_data" align="center" style="border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC"><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO ID'); if($fieldvalue != '') { echo '<a href="http://www.ivao.aero/members/person/details.asp?ID='.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank">'.$fieldvalue.'</a>'; } else { echo '<font style="color: #FFAA00;">None</font>'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table>
  11. For all, add this in your pilot_list.tpl (core-templates) echo '<a href="http://www.ivao.aero/members/person/details.asp?ID='.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank"><center><center><img src="/images/yesvat.png" width="20" height="18" border="0" alt="IVAO ID" /></center></a>';
  12. Perfect, I thought it was the IFLY. This very perfect for the PMDG. Very Nice!
  13. Sava which is the manufacturer and model of this aircraft?
  14. Sava, Please!!! When you accept the approval, it sends an automatic email, When status denied, is not sent. Is it normal or a bug?
  15. I will correct, Then post the update.
  16. Betweenk Admin center/ news & content / pages
  17. facilitates us also. After all it is not hard to do this, take some more knowledge, and not all here, help!! Only have time for criticism! If you want some help, I can do it for you!
  18. What is the java file that this interconnected slide?
  19. Question 1 Check the link: http://www.axure.com/mobile-website-tutorial Question 2 You need to submit your skin to link www.YOURSITE.com / lib / skins / YourSkin Is then access your admin panel and select the skin you developed
  20. Your welcome!!! I am creating a system that does score during their flight. Example: Flaps Wrong - (- 5 points) Error on Fuel (-15 points) T / D greater than allowed (- 25 points) Exceeded speed below FL100 (- 10 points) The pilot began his flight with 100/100 points, if errors will occur, score decreases, the minimum for approval log should have 75/100. Below this score the log is rejected. You know, what's phpvms module has the function of automatic or manual approval. So I can do the test I've ever done
  21. Just to understand, what you seek is: The pilot log in your account and stay active all the time through reading the IP of the computer that performed the login on your website?
  22. Send me your layout.tpl and photo. I go change for you.
  23. Exactly He wants a system of self approval example. Exceeding undercarriage - Fail Exceed Fuel - Fail T / D higher than permido VA - Fail Pause Flight Simulator - Fail Exceeding speed Flaps - Fail I plan on making a scoring system with the data above, if the pilot does not reach 75/100 points, the log is deprecated. I have a system fitted almost more do not know where the phpvms points to reject or approve automatic logs.
  24. You have two ways to later add the background, In the styles.css file, searching the bottom existemte and change, replacing the default photo to your specifications in the same size and height. 2 If you use dreamweaver to edit the tpl (the pages of the site) you can insert a background Open your layout.tpl with the program Dreamweave click Properties page / category / appearance / background image Choose a photo on your computer that you want as background <!-- body { background-image: url(file:///C|/Users/yourcomupoet/ folder photo /Aviao.png); } Change to <!-- body { background-image: url(<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/pt/images/Aviao.png); } Ai just send the photo to your skin and edit the photo link pointing to your server.
  25. The time that you provide for your member to get online, you can adjust the file Local.config.php lines 59 and 60 # The StatsData::UserOnline() function - how many minutes to check Config::Set('USERS_ONLINE_TIME', 20); 20 = 20 minutes You can change these values ​​to what they find convenient
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