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Everything posted by Fernando

  1. É um prazer! em breve novas novidades.
  2. I will fix it and make a manual explanatory. thanks for the criticism is valid and causes the code to be improved.
  3. Thank you, I'm adjusting some things, most believe will help them.
  4. Dear, Worked to develop a system "SITA" using schedule_briefing page, the system populates all information and calculates the fuel used on the route. System Function The navigation is a navigation that SITA is intended to help the pilot in its own navigation and control fuel and time during the flight. Print I am by posting some pictures of my work so you can see how this development. * White = Written text * Yellow = Populated by the system What is navigation SITA = SITA navigation is navigation that aims to assist the pilot in his own navigation as well as to control fuel, ZFW TOW TFW TPW, MTOW etc. all information of a flight, your virtual airlines more real Installation 1° Download the TPL 2º Replace the file into your skins 3º Open your schedule_birds.tpl 4º Open a field with the name Briefing and below, choose where appears the link to open the file ( CODE DOWN ) <a href="javascript:abrir('<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/brief/'.$bid->id);?>');" target="_self" style="text-decoration:none; color:#666666"> <!-- <a style="text-decoration:none; color:#000000" href="<?php echo url('/schedules/brief/'.$bid->id);?>?" class="lyteframe" data-lyte-options="width:100% height:500" data-title="Briefing de Voo GOLV "> --> <center> <p>Fly Briefing</p> 5° The above code will open the file in popup window 6° Change Line 119,120 and 121 ( insert the name of your company aircraft) $B737 = "B737/M"; $B738 = "B738/M"; $AT72 = "AT72/M"; 7º On the Line 125 Edit with the data of your weight in kilos aircraft as below if ($aer == $B737) { $ewh = "038000"; // peso da aeronave (kg) $maxmtow2 = "079086"; $maxzfw2 = "062732"; $maxldw2 = "066361"; $bow = "038000"; $holdingF = "001000"; 8° repeat back lines 147 and 172. Any problems just post here. schedule_briefing.zip
  5. Dear, Worked to develop a system "SITA" using schedule_briefing page, the system populates all information and calculates the fuel used on the route. System Function The navigation is a navigation that SITA is intended to help the pilot in its own navigation and control fuel and time during the flight. Print I am by posting some pictures of my work so you can see how this development. * White = Written text * Yellow = Populated by the system
  6. Was seeing the files in the program visual studio and realized some command lines. It would not be an easy job more is not impossible. I'm developing something similar.
  7. Sorry wrote wrong. The problem of the touch rate? was corrected? 2º When the pilot performs a flight, the system makes automatic a comment. Example ( After log Send ) Above FL100 you need to switch of the landing lights Where can I edit this comment in your system, because I want to make the translation into Portuguese. It is possible that the log data to be forwarded to the email with this system?
  8. The version was corrigita Tounch Rate? Where can we change the system information about the mistakes of the pilots and recommendations?
  9. I'm having trouble counting flights pilots. Please help The pilot has flown hours, no more records in the number of routes. See the photo.
  10. I have a problem with the system, the pilot is flying, but when it approves the schedule of your flight, Not appear. The page of the pilot is flying like he did appears on the route flown and reporting of route approved not appear over the amount of flights and hours of it on the page.
  11. Very good!! My language is Portuguese. most of our texts have accents, carrying upon entering the biographical page of the staff is well written. Original text: Luiz Fernando é um piloto que tem grandes habilidades dentro da aviação. Within the system is. Luiz Fernando ? um piloto que tem grandes habilidades dentro da avia??o Have any way to change it without messing sql tables?
  12. Parkho, Normally installed the addon (Pilot Manager) But it did not work perfectly. My last flight was more than 30 days, my setup in local.config.php # After how long to mark the pilot inactive, in days Config :: Set ('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config :: Set ('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 3); But the picture appears green, ie as if I was ok. Can you help me?
  13. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Sorry, It worked, I changed the information in Forum_tables. thank you
  14. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Tom, Thanks, what I thought was the APP.CONFIG.PHP Line's 35,36,37 I change to "UTF-8 without BOM" Unfortunately it did not work the problem continues.
  15. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Are all files or just have some that I can change?
  16. Fernando

    VAForum 2

    Hello, everyone! I'm having problem with the charset using this add-on. My language is portuguese. It has accents into some words. This, for example, should be... ... and it is being shown as... How can I move file to configure the language of the forum?
  17. Fernando


    How can I use to carry fspassenger of my flights? uses and can tell someone how to configure? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8334-custom-pirep-display/page__hl__pireps Thankyou!!!
  18. Felipe perfect this work. Thank you! Bye Luiz Fernando
  19. Dear, Does anyone have a script that I can insert in the registration page, example: Last record AXE0150 I wanted to release the pilot EXE0200 vacancies, ie with an information Today we have 50 places available, and decreased according to the record. On reaching the limit of vacancies appears a closed record information. CEO- Luiz Fernando Gol Virtual
  20. Very good! Success and welcome to the virtual skies Lufthansa ... I'll do some flights with you and already I registered .... hugs WebSite: www.voegolv.net
  21. I'll see if I can locate, anyway thanks for the tips. Helped me a lot. Any news I post here ..
  22. Perfect, but have a website that has this system, found interesting, see, visit the link. http://vai.aero/inde...tration#myModal At the bottom of the site has a link ( Primeira Etapa ) green, in English the name means FIRST STEP. Very good, that programmed them using our system Phpvms and by the way did a great job. This site also has the same system, just click on the link below, the site has a version in English. http://www.tamvirtual.com.br/?pag=regulamentation
  23. Kyle (Vansers) Thankyou, you know the way I can now get the IVAO? stay quiet before doing so I want to make sure if they can release the tool.
  24. Dear, I see that the staff is very advanced using PHPvms, I went on a website and found interesting a system that only releases the registration if the pilot has a VATSIM or IVAO VID. It's a pretty cool system, ie the pilot enter the registration page by clicking on the link "I want to register" opens a page to enter the VID, the system does a search if the result is correct the record is released, if not real system show an error message. Does anyone have any idea how can we develop it? Example <div id="myModal" class="modal hide fade"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button> <h3>Checking the network profile desired flight</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="span4"> <h2>IVAO</h2> <form class="form-inline" method="post" action="yoursite.com/index.php/registration" name="formIVAO" id="formIVAO"> <input class="span3" placeholder="VID IVAO" type="text" name="vidIVAO" id="vidIVAO" value="" maxlength="6"> <button class="btn" type="submit" name="checkIVAO" id="checkIVAO" value="checkIVAO">Check</button> </form> </div> <div class="span4"> <h2>Vatsim</h2> <form class="form-inline" method="post" action="yoursite.com/index.php/registration" name="formVATSIM" id="formVATSIM"> <input class="span3" placeholder="VI VATSIM " type="text" name="cidVATSIM" id="cidVATSIM" value="" maxlength="7"> <button class="btn" type="submit" name="checkVATSIM" id="checkVATSIM" value="checkVATSIM">Check</button> </form> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal" >Close</a> </div> </div> Where can I get the information to produce a result?
  25. It may be, for they do not understand programming can have an idea about the functioning of your system. Insert an image of the flight approved or rejected.
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