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Everything posted by Fernando

  1. I'm thinking instead of restricting by rank, can be done by values, so pilots can use the money they earn is an idea that I'm changing to my company. Pilot able to fly, will have to buy the flight, I think we can get more money earned. It is not a criticism but an idea that I'm using in my VA, the module is very good.
  2. Well what we are arranging the is NOTAM, you want the charts is that? To update the images, you have to drive to a location that has Chartsfrom your parents, example here in Brazil we use the http://www.aisweb.aer.mil.br/?i=cartas site, gives me the website you can see the Chartsof their parents and I can correct the error.
  3. I changed your page, please copy the scripit below and change in your current file. Yoursite.com/core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl Make a backup before, after, replace the current script for this I put here and send it to your hosting as the address above and replace. After take the test and let me know about any success or error.
  4. Yoursite/core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl Change the line : 20 and 22 The airport EGKK possibly was not found, that is, the site where this should not directing posuir information that airport.
  5. This is http://ukhorizonairways.com/index.php/schedules/brief/2
  6. Friend who tpl page you are referring to? which code you are using, can supposedly be something simple, more, to help you, we need to be direct. example. I have a problem in Pilot_list.tpl page. The error I'm facing is that. So we can evaluate the errors and help you, wait.
  7. What the site so that we can help you.
  8. There is a VA here in Brazil that the system is very exceptional something similar with your ideai. The member generates the flight range, the system manages a flight for each day of the week. example: Monday day 01/02 - SBSP to SBCF Tuesday - 02/02 SBCF to SBSV Wednesday - 03/02 SBCF to SBSV Thursday - 04/02 - Pilot handily in week / unscaled Friday - 05/02 SBSV to SBRF Saturday - 06/02 SBRF to SBBR Sunday - 07/02 SBBR to SBGR This makes the system a monthly scale for each member when the pilot this off, you can insert a pilot image on a bed or make a creative picture, is very interesting by following the monthly scale of each member. This for riders who have time to do a professional scale feeling a real pilot.
  10. I installed your module, but after installing the flight that participate through TOUR SYSTEM module not identify most. The module is not compatible? when I accept manual log it appears in the module when it is on your system does not appear.
  11. Someone can help me, searched the forum but those were resolved not explained how they managed to have Succeed With this error.
  12. Hello friend, For any change you can follow as below You can edit the information they want to appear on the badge, in the following lines 970 to 977 To change the photo badge, you can edit according to your liking and send to the following folder. You can also change the font, size and color through the app.config.php file..... in the following lines 170 to 180 important as make your changes should always access your data with the administrative part of your company yoursite.com/admin after...................Site & Setting / maintenance options/ Reset Signatures If there is any doubt just post here, good luck in the changes and do not forget to backup your files. Hugs Fernando
  13. Thank you!!! Solved with your help.
  14. I have a little problem, I have 2 identical skins, one in the Portuguese language "and another in" English " On my server is as follows lib / skins / pt (to Portuguese) lib / skins / en (to Inglês) The link to change the language of the page is below: www.mysite.com/?template=en But when I click does not change. Anyone have any ideas?
  15. The problem was importing the data to my new server, thank you.
  16. I am experiencing a very strange problem, use the fsacars and kacars both when I click start log, the flight not appear on the map. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. Exactly what you want? a system that generates automatic flight starting from the current HUB? If it has a module called random! http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/6-phpvms-modules Download and install Credits: http://www.fs-products.net
  18. Insert it in your page layout.tpl <?php /* This is required, so phpVMS can output the necessary libraries it needs */ echo $page_htmlhead; ?> so it is right before the </head> tag.
  19. Greetings friends, I have a simple problem, I'm with a lot of headache to find the error. In Shedule_details.tpl when I open, it seems that exit the system, but when I navigate to other pages I realize that I am connected. anyone have any idea?
  20. I end this weekend in English version. Thank you!
  21. Simpilot, Your system members referred (TOUR), when pilots confirm your presenta events (TOUR) automatically, flights of events is reserved automatically? So I can work through the system table, of course, we need to talk better, but your system is paid. I believe that this integration, you can provide your customers, you can not charge for it, just in your module.
  22. I'm thinking of distributing free, I no usually sell my scripts, I just want to help ... Once you complete details, you both will be favored in their respective VA's
  23. Hey guys, as promised I am posting the photos of the system ready Of course, I'm just setting some details .. The language is Portuguese / Brazil, but translated into English will be fast. Points system The system did, it shows the number of flights by country Here you can see the total points score and the extra amount of hits, All in green, shows perfection in flight. Here follows a pilot who was penalized. The error will be shown in red color. Here the pilot was punished by having TounchRate greater than allowed. Well this is a very detailed system obviously has other feature and can be changed according to the needs. I hope that is what the member expects that opened this topic.
  24. Understand, Do not know your module, over everything to find a way, of course it is possible, just be creative and willing.
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