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Everything posted by William

  1. William

    Email Setup

    So.... To bring some closure to this topic in case anyone needs it one day, these are the changes we went through to make the mail work: .env file setup as in the picture attached services.php modified as in the picture attached mail.php modified as in the picture attached That makes it work with Amazon SES flawlessly. Thank God for the phpvms community and AI 🙃
  2. William

    Email Setup

    Yes, tried SES, but no dice. Somehow, I think the configuration is missing some details. Maybe Nabeel can pitch in when he has a moment.....
  3. William

    Email Setup

    This time I have a more substantial and complicated question. We have set up AWS SES to use as SMTP provider. In the AWS console we have: Verified identities using the same email as the PhPVMS install. Verified Domain. Created SMTP user with credentials. Removed the sandbox and went into production. We went through all the AWS configuration steps properly and sent test emails from within the console successfully. The PhPVMS config states that to use SES, this is what is needed: SES Configuration To use SES, set your .env like: MAIL_MAILER=postmark AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='key id' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='access key' AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='the region if not us-east-1' (We are currently in region us-east-2) We set it up exactly like the above with our valid & active Access Key & Secret Access Key. When we try to send an email PhPVMS throws a 500 internal error which points to misconfiguration or missing parameters in the .env file The LOG also shows a configuration issue. Are we missing some parameters in the .ENV file that aren't stated in the docs? What am I failing to understand? Thanks in advance as always!
  4. Yeah... I think all ranks need to be present in the sub-fleet. For instance, if I am a Sr.Captain and the sub fleet only has a First Officer assigned, it will only show the schedules to ranks of the first officer and not to Captains or Sr Captains. Basically, I understand all ranks need to be assigned to the sub-fleet for all schedules to be displayed. It does not compound from the lower one. Thanks though for making me think harder!
  5. That is absolutely correct and I found that out by changing the skin back to the default one. You have to forgive my ignorance when it comes down to V7 as it is a whole brand new world for me, unlike V5 where I know all there's to it. Thanks again for your input!
  6. Hello again amazing community! Here's another of my phpvms "illiterate" questions: Version is 7.0.3-dev.12 I have schedules that are clearly active and well setup in Admin but are not shown in the flight search frontend. An example is AA Flight 219. Several legs are covering all days of the week. All have appropriate sub fleet and fares assigned, yet they are not showing up..... What can cause this? As always, thanks for your help!!
  7. Hello, This is a vanilla installation of V7.03 with default skin we have started to build & customize. We noticed the Pilot profile page is missing some information compared to another previous test-install on our server. The "dark mode" picture shows the issue-affected page where the API key & other info are not displayed, the second picture (light mode) is from the previous V7 testing instance we had. Any ideas and suggestions are always very much appreciated.
  8. Yes, sorry for mixing things up!! Didn't even think about that.... It's not a theme and there's no developer involved, that is default, vanilla V7, but I'll repost this accordingly. Thanks
  9. Thanks as always for the prompt response. I couldn't see it, but it's there now. Speaking of things I cannot see, after the last update to 7.03, in the Pilot Profile the API key is not shown anymore. Is that normal? I realized the whole bottom part is missing compared to another test install I have (2nd picture)
  10. Apologies if this has been discussed previously. I see the G-Force landing in the vmsACARS report summary after the flight, but the information is not passed to V7 it seems (or at least I cannot see it in the pirep) If I am correct, is there a way to pass that information along in V7 backend? Afterall, G-Force is a much more important parameter than VS when judging landings. Thanks in advance!!
  11. Sometimes I am telling you I want to bang my head against the wall....... You wouldn't believe what the issue was! The php.ini had all values post_max_size, memory_limit, etc. set to numbers without the M at the end so in reality they were all KB. Fixed that, all issues disappeared smh. Sorry for wasting y'all's time!!
  12. Hey, yes I was reading about csrf tokens and trying to figure it out with the help of ChatGPT, but to no avail yet. I will follow ProaAvia suggestions as well and investigate that too. And yes, it has nothing to do with vmsAcars specifically and it is browser irrelevant as it happens with any of them.... The installation is fairly vanilla yet, and there are no themes or mods at this time. Everything is still the "factory" default. I updated it to 7.02 and it did so correctly, flushed all the caches, but I still get the error. The page doesn't even try to load, it just immediately goes to 419. I think there must be some setting server side in the VPS that causes this. I turned off all kinds of server caching mechanisms and still trying to figure out where the solution is
  13. Possibly a silly question from a phpvms V7. Sometimes when saving or doing other stuff on the website I get a 419 Page Expired. In this case particularly when trying to save the newly acquired VMS license, but it's not the only example. Any tips? What am I missing?
  14. Hello everyone, Does anyone have a clue on how the notifications system works? I mean, I have seen the activity.php files related to it but I am not understanding for example how do you clear them? Like the new Pilots for instance, it keeps filling up but there's no way to clear it or at least I do not know how to..... Also, cannot click on them... Is there supposed to be a way to implement that? Any clue would be appreciated
  15. Bump - Fixed all issues so far.... Not over just yet however
  16. Thanks for the logic!! To be continued.....
  17. Apologies if this has come up already. I ran a quick search and could not find any helpful answers. Say we purchased/downloaded the schedule package from a site of the likes of vaschedules.net. Allegedly, they provide the import templates for: Airports (this works) Fleet (this does not work) Schedules (this I don't know yet) So, I thought the aircraft template they used was out of fashion and downloaded the templates pack available in here. I copied all of the values in their rightful spot and tried importing once again to no joy. Same error: "CSV file doesn't seem to match import type" What am I missing? Thanks in advance
  18. Yes, I am afraid as well that may be true. Not that Recaptcha is so efficient anyway..... Great thinking. Thanks 🙂
  19. Hello guys, I am running into a situation I have never seen before in PHP VMS (and I have seen quite a bit). Some script is bypassing the Recaptcha at the registration page and consistently registering new pilots at a fairly high rate (like 50 in 15 minutes). If I put the VA in Maintenance mode the issue stops but as soon as I reopen it restarts...... Not sure how to contain this or where to start looking for issues. Any help would be very appreciated so thanks in advance
  20. Great, thanks. Kind of like the 3rd and 4th idea option. For the sake of being practical and learn if I were to edit the DB, which one is the correct table to look at? The flight idea can be implemented later once we onboard everyone. Thanks!!
  21. OK, I understand. Which would you suggest as the fastest way to do that? I mean, in practice, how would I go about creating a transaction (whether debit or credit)? Really have not understood yet the core logic of this new platform (which seems great however and attracts me) and therefore I am not sure where to start 🙃 As always, I appreciate the time you are taking to help us out.
  22. In the old phpvms we had the ability to modify the amount of $$ a pilot had. For instance we could have implemented a sign-up bonus or similar ideas. I cannot see a way for Admin to access the pilot finances or modifying them. Am I missing something? Thanks
  23. Very valuable lesson learned here!! Clearing the cache was the main culprit. For future reference this is the format that works greatly: MAIL_MAILER=mailgun MAILGUN_DOMAIN='your mailgun registered domain' MAILGUN_SECRET='the long api key here' Want to thank you again for all the help and patience 🙏
  24. It's clearly something wrong I am doing - or not doing The cache is a great hint as I was not clearing it after every try, so..... that's a great starting point. I am sure not clearing the cache has made useless many of my attempts. The config you wrote above should work as you say, thanks for writing it down as a confirmation. I will win this battle....😅
  25. OK, thanks! I've tried many combinations, but not that one. I will now and report. Mailgun is setup correctly with the zone records modified on the domain..... So that's checked. I know where to get all the API details and keys on their Dashboard..... Checked too. For sure emails are not going out so it's phpvms unable to get them out because I have not configured it well...... Check. Ironically, I cannot make it even if I use the SMTP settings as provided by MailGun.... But I will keep trying....
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