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Atcarrillo last won the day on January 9 2023

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  1. @Vangelis is there a way to exempt manual flight reports from automatically being accepted?
  2. So what I’m trying to do is create something of a departure board out of the bids. I have the flight bids on the home page under the acars map. When a pilot books a flight, and then starts to fly the booked flight on the acars map, I want it to say departed in the status column in the table I created @ProAvia
  3. Hello, I have been searching the forums but I cannot find anything similar to what I am looking for. I was wondering if there may be a bit of code to check if flight bids are currently being flown. Im trying to display a flight status under the bids that are in progress such as "Departed", or "Scheduled Departure" Thanks!
  4. Hello, I have been searching the forums but I cannot find anything similar to what I am looking for. I was wondering if there may be a bit of code to check if flight bids are currently being flown. Im trying to display a flight status under the bids that are in progress such as "Departed", or "Scheduled Departure" Thanks!
  5. @Nascoli So we got that module install, had to fix a few things but I am getting this erro code “PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for SMPirepValidator::clearField(), called in /core/modules/SMPirepValidator/SMPirepValidator.php on line 61 and defined in /core/modules/SMPirepValidator/SMPirepValidator.php on line 199” this is the code that we have
  6. @Nascoli when I try the link it still says a 404
  7. @ProAvia thanks, I’m doing this on my ancient work phone and couldn’t figure it out xD
  8. You wouldn’t happen to have a zip file for this would you? The link is dead @Nascoli
  9. Hello, I was just trying to see if anyone here has integrated Rainviewer into their live map, I know there’s a api for it, and I have gotten it close but I can’t get it 100%. Another thing is, has anyone found a way to edit the live map, as to where you click on the flight and the pop up is all styled, as opposed to the little acars bubble pop up…just doing alittle messing around with a test site I have, and I’m stuck at this point.
  10. Okay I think I got it, thanks simpilot
  11. Okay I have placed the code just in the template like this: <?php echo $topflights = TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights('08', '2013', '5'); ?> Would that work?
  12. simpilot where would that code go? Lol Sorry im not good with this stuff lol
  13. Sava, I would be very interested in the code for the buttons that allow the next or previous month. Would you be able to share that with me?
  14. mseiwald thank you that is just what i was looking for
  15. Here is the updated version of the EventsData.class.php that should work. It should solve the problem with the events disappering. All i did was add ".TABLE_PREFIX."events" between public function get_upcoming_events_dates() { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."events"; return DB::get_results($query); } and i basically did that for each function. EventsData.class.php.zip
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