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Everything posted by BaRBeR

  1. I believe this would be a brilliant idea and very useful for potential pilots. I would be interested in helping PM me
  2. BaRBeR

    Sky Template

    Nice and simple. Sure a lot of people will benefit from this template.
  3. But isn't it illegal even in the US if the user requests them to delete them then they are entitled to this and the holder of the data cannot refuse this right, correct? If so I would consider contacting someone in a higher position and let them know they are refusing to delete your data.
  4. I like your main site however I'm not too keen on the select language page. Overall though the main site is brilliant.
  5. So do I it sounds a very good idea. I'd like to incorporate that into va's.
  6. Yep fsairlines needs to be on there forum. However I do like the name 'Airtransvat' makes me giggle every time :')
  7. Your site is a little plain to be honest...
  8. Overall, the skin is clean and tidy however for me it is too plane and white and it doesn't really interest me as it doesn't attract me in.
  9. I also agree with Sava. Although it does look simple and sweet I think it would engage the user more with a bit more colour on it.
  10. isn't it a problem with va central i thought a lot of people where having this problem?
  11. Are you talking about the rank image?
  12. Can't you post some pictures on the forum so we can all see what you are capable of?
  13. website or portfolio?
  14. post a pic of what the site looks like with the problem you are having please
  15. The all new virtual solutions! ;)

  16. oh and also you are now using phpvms but you haven't included "powered by PHPVMS" and i don't think you have paid to take it off. If you have paid i apologise
  17. You are advertising on the PHPVMS forums with a virtual airline ran off a free website creator not PHPVMS? Your website also isn't very attractive at the moment so before announcing the va I would probably seek a different website Dylan. Thanks, Jordan
  18. Apple is so restrictive these days they have even removed the disc drive from the new iMac to make it "thinner" however they have really done it to limit you to buying software and apps from the app store therefore making apple generate more money.
  19. Thanks a bunch loved the va and hope it goes brilliantly Zishan i'll continue flying with emirates!
  20. I have windows 8 and it is very very fast and looks really nice i'd consider getting it if i where you guys there is only one problem my speakers built into my pc and headphone and microphone jack will not work with the os. But other than that its brilliant and my flight simulation runs smoothly on it.
  21. He means how will it work. Amir kACARS is linked to phpvms so a pilot is registered on your virtual airline can download kACARS and then login with there pilot id and password, enter the flight number and then search for the flight all the information will then fill in and its as simple as pressing log flight and then when done stop flight and file pirep. It is the best free software around for phpvms and Jeffrey does really, really good custom built versions on his website fsproducts. You will need a phpvms website however to use kACARS. I will help you with your project AMIR.
  22. Google 'United Airlines Virtual' count how many different united virtual's you can see I counted 6 on first two pages :L
  23. Best of luck. Simple but sweet skin!
  24. They aren't skins they are just images you have drawn up...
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