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Everything posted by magicflyer

  1. Hey there, I am not sure what you mean. I am thinking you're talking about the navigation bar? You can edit that in the file called core_navigation.tpl
  2. Thanks, This one was made specifically for people who prefer full-page designs.
  3. Zumeweb.com/Zumehost.com is proud to unveil a new skin to the community titled "Arctic" for only $25 Features Full Navigation Customized Full-page slideshow Pilot Center w/ Side Navigations New Schedules Page Full-page design Easy to customize design FREE Updates for life No Zumeweb.com branding $15 full year hosting with Zumehost.com voucher emailed to you on January 2, 2013 Demo https://zumehost.com...Preview/Arctic/ Login: demo@zumeweb.com Password: demo1234 Get your copy $25 [Link Removed]
  4. Well, Here's an untested tip: Try to move most of the Virtual airline pilot-staff communications over to the forums. If there is a virtual airline news put it on there. Also, give pilots an award for most posts this month or something similar. That, however, doesn't match the traffic you'll get if you actually put out a small giveaway over at the forums.
  5. Well Tony, To tell you the truth, if you find anyone quoting you less than $100 for a "Professional" cross-platform application, it's going to be a fake offer with a catch. I worked on these apps before, and they are not a 1 hour work and done. Especially if you're talking about iOS apps, which already take $99 out of your pocket just for publishing it on the app store, which means that $100 would be working for free. If you really want "Cheap", you're going need to resort to 3rd party sites that can create an app for you: http://ibuildapp.com/ Additionally, I've seen at least 2 VAs out there in which the CEO decided to take it upon themselves to create the app and end up paying only the Apple Development fee($99). If you have time in your hands, I recommend taking a look at some coding tutorials. Unfortunately, this would not be a quick process either. Bottom line: if it's cheap...read the small print. Regards
  6. Why, thank you! Enjoy the skin Hey there, Sorry your message only recently got approved. This sounds like an internal issue. However, send me the URL string that it redirects to when you click on that login button. The template you're looking for is core_navigation.tpl In this file, you will find a variety of available options(That of which are copy/pastable) which can help you create your own buttons.
  7. Well the code isn't wrong, so that's not the issue. In your templates folder(Either in your skin or in /core) look for frontpage_recentbids.tpl, and check if there is any code inside. Let me know what you got. Also, is there any errors showing on the website, or is it just blank and not showing?
  8. Check this fix out: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/9746-bootstrap-and-google-maps-fix/ Credits to Zach from Cathay Pacific VA.
  9. Hey Emanuele, check this fix out: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/9746-bootstrap-and-google-maps-fix/ Credits to Zach from Cathay Pacific VA. Ill add it to the next update.
  10. I am pretty sure it's because it hasn't launched yet and is still being built.
  11. Check out Line 60, where the <?php ?> code is right before the table, replace that set of php with this one: <?php $q = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."acarsdata"; $l = DB::get_results($q); if($l != null){ ?> Sorry, these posts are separated. The Questions above keep showing up magically, every time simpilot approves a post
  12. I assume you either (1) No hubs, or (2) No airlines. Let me know, If I am right
  13. Well, looks like I went on vacation for too long. The template file error is fixed, I had the wrong skin selected in recent edits. CTRL+F5 if you don't see it fixed. Ill fix the {else} issue as soon as I can. I think I may have done an edit on a Module file, if so, I need to change it so that I can call the DB locally.
  14. That skin my sir always has me in suspense. Firstly, it is a skin from themeforest.net called Aabu, See here for example of the original template: http://gyazo.com/c319b4061c9b901b8258294aa59dc1a6 Now, you see my sir that skin has been originally converted to phpvms by vUAL, and then bu CAV. That however, the skin got around to other VAs through a magical fashion. It also just happens that many of the VAs operating that skin, happen to be in the same VA Alliance. Not saying anything funny here...but wouldn't you consider that to be a great coincidence? Shortly, No that is not a free skin
  15. Here is the fixed version: http://pastebin.com/ywEsa6q2 The issue is that you had the <div class="row-fluid> inside another, the proper format is: <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4"></div> <div class="span4"></div> <div class="span4"></div> </div> Replace span4 with whatever span# for as long as # + # + # is equal to 12. I modified it, to match the edits you made on your website, http://charterairlinesva.com/index.php/ Best wishes
  16. Well this is a new error. I can tell you right now, that I didn't edit any server-side code(as in php), when creating the template. Socket usually refers to a network port, my only guess(with limited networking knowledge) is that there is some sort of issue with port services(As stated by Jordan).
  17. In order to maintain a minimum level of uniqueness among Virtual airlines, this module has been removed from the market by zumeweb.com. No further orders can be made. Zumeweb | Premium Module Detailed Fleet Information: This module allows fully detailed information regarding a particular aircraft in your fleet. Features include, Date of aircraft purchase, statistical calculations, recent flights with aircraft, scheduled flights on aircraft, statistical graph for revenue comparision, and more! All classes are extensively documented. Includes all updates Demo http://zumeweb.com/P...index.php/fleet Price: $15 Woo! This is awesome. How do I get it? If you are interested in acquiring this module, email me at ryan@zumeweb.com or message me on the forums. Ill send you an invoice for the payment, once the invoice is paid, the module will be delivered within 12 hours.
  18. News items requires Simpilotgroup's PopupNews module. Once you have that installed, you can directly go to your admin panel, and add news from there.
  19. That could possibly be, if so, the Acars template is also included in the skin.
  20. Hi! I am not too sure I understand your question. The ACARS needs to be purchased directly from the author(not me). Check the "Payed Services" section of this forum. As for the downloads section(index.php/downloads), it is the default phpvms template and is unedited.
  21. Thanks for the comments! Let me know if you need to have anything fixed.
  22. We are proud to present Pacific Skin, designed by Zumeweb.com Pacific Skin is a 98% free skin, meaning that it is available for download free and you may use it on any site, in condition that the 'Designed by Zumeweb.com' footer at the bottom of each page remains. Features Animated Menu (Compatible with Chrome/Firefox/Explorer 9+) Customized Background New Pilot Center New Flight Info Page Schedule System Redesigned Easy-to-add Navigation(For icons click here) Bootstrap 2.3.2 Integrated QuickFacts Module Current Flights on frontpage Easy to use Pilot Panel(Top of each page) Demo To demo/preview the skin - http://zumeweb.com/...l-airlines-free [Demo account] Pilot ID: JohnDoe@zumeweb.com | Password: demo1234 Download Click here to download the skin: http://zumeweb.com/...l-airlines-free Woo this is awesome! How can I get a custom skin for my VA? Check out our Virtual Airline Design website: zumeweb.com to learn more of Zumeweb's Services for VAs
  23. Avoid BIG companies, Avoid SMALL Resellers. Something in the middle...Since you are using phpvms you can never go wrong with fivedev. I do believe, that their email system is a bit bad though.(Don't quote me on that, I am not too sure) I like eleven2, Their customer service is extremely quick, and barely any downtime. Bluehost, also seems to fit with your criteria's. Their customer service is 24/7 but are not as quick as eleven2
  24. I prefer _ just because I tend to use them a lot in OOP.
  25. What sort of things did you have in mind that the pilot can redeem for?
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