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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. you may made a few mistakes here. you need to add the date function to parse the date. <?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, $userinfo->lastlogin);?> <?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, $userinfo->lastflight);?>
  2. What did your host say on what is causing too much resouces? anything that helps us to solve.
  3. Okay, does your pilot code parse properly? example would be PCA1001
  4. When you installed phpVMS, did everything go okay, no errors at all?
  5. The main question here... who's your host? it sounds like your host is not handling phpVMS well. The error is trying to say that there's something empty in the strpos function. that would be the pilot ID and the code.
  6. I'm going to move this to simpilot group add on forums since it's not part of phpVMS issue. Are you using Airmail 3.0? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5822-airmail-30/
  7. Kyle


    Somehow, it's odd for the the dates going back to 1969. It should go away, but if it doesn't for the next few days, let me know. I'm going to work on this to prevent this.
  8. Be sure you have the full image URL path. Example would be http://www.something.com/images/anewpic.jpg
  9. Kyle

    aACARS v1.0.0

    Since this is does not look like it's in development anymore and the topic starter's account is closed, I'll be closing this topic.
  10. You're welcome! Cheers!
  11. I would be happy to share with you! Let me dig up my code and I'll post them in. Cheers!
  12. What a nice wicked design on your site Roger! I like how the wooden background blends into the site! Well Done!
  13. Do you have thoses airports in your admin center?
  14. This is an example how to round up the distance in the schedule_results.tpl <?php echo round($route->distance . Config::Get('UNITS'));?>
  15. It's just the calculation. You can round it up in the templates area where the schedule is.
  16. I can answer a few here.. It should do that. phpVMS does that for xACARS I haven't used xACARS, but I think it's part of the xACARS, nothing we can really do. I think That's part of the xACARS, we can't do nothing really though. xACARS doesn't really record the landing rate. Other ACARS such as kACARS, FSACARS, FS Flight Keeper and FS Passengers records the landing rate.
  17. That seems to be a skinning issue with it. However, I'm not sure exactly though.
  18. I agree, a great VA shouldn't go under. At least, someone could try to contact the owner and let him/her know that the VA should be ran by some one else.
  19. Kyle


    Build Released! Download Here View Changes Here ================= Okay, I have redone the module and there is a exterme improvement here. 1) You do not need to put in the date and year in the URL for the current's month stats. Example, today's is July 2012, you go to the module at www.va.com/index.php/vStatsCenter, the module will get all of the July 2012's stats. Simple. Be sure to update your URL links to the following code... <a href="<?php echo url('/vStatsCenter/');?>">vStatsCenter</a> 2) If you want to look for past stats, you can use the drop down on the page, and select a month and hit View Month Stats, you'll notice the URL is now clean. Example www.va.com/index.php/vStatsCenter/past/04/2012 Cheers!
  20. Ah, Cheers!
  21. It looks very good, I really think that's a good start here!
  22. Like, you want to display your database info? I don't think that's really a good idea, you could be risking a security risk
  23. I bet you, I would say that's a good idea!
  24. Kyle


    Well, lol. I'm rewritting this module to remove thoses ugly ?month=07&year=2012 urls and putting them into clean. So, I'm pushing the update here pretty soon. Why not wait for the update?
  25. Mark, If you have the beta version and you know those custom pilot status with groups.. Here's I got mine working. Step 1: Add a new setting in the local.config.php (You'll see the 'remove_sessions' part, set it to true for any other groups you have.) 2 => array( 'name' => 'Banned', 'message' => 'Your account is banned, please contact an admin!', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), 'remove_sessions' => true, ), Step 2: Add a new if group removes session in the PilotData.class.php Find this code... line 352ish if(is_array($info['group_remove']) && count($info['group_remove']) > 0) { foreach($info['group_remove'] as $group) { PilotGroups::removeUserFromGroup($pilotid, $group); } } Add after the above code... if($info['remove_sessions']) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions WHERE pilotid = {$pilotid}"; DB::Query($sql); } And that should do the trick by clearing banned pilot sessions. Cheers!
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