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Everything posted by CedGauche

  1. Hi, I've got 3 mails from pilots that wants to fly with our va, but can't register. So I tested it by myself, after I put in all requiered fields I get a new page with message "Error Registering". Some weeks ago there were no problems, the only thing I had change was a translation of the register_mainform some months ago. In the log there is no specify register error, only this: Time: 07.22.14 17:09:32 ===== Time: 07.22.14 17:09:32 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > include Query: SET NAMES 'UTF-8' Error: (1115) - U thx for help
  2. We have the same problem, is there any solution? We checked the DB and added new aiports, also cleared cache but the error is still there. edit This problem happens only when I start a flight from and to the same airport, example KSFO-KSFO and started, when I added the progress bar to the acars map. Before that, also there flights has been shown.
  3. CedGauche


    We also wish to use kACARs custom for our VA, but I think there's no way right now to buy it. I have contacted Jeffrey in March and also received the mail, that he is not accepting orders. If the development for kACARS custom really ends, is there an opportunity to make it open source?
  4. This is great Vangelis, hope this will be an option for kACARS Free. Thanks
  5. Thank you Vangelis
  6. Thank you, I will try it later
  7. Hello, I have noticed that pireps pending and rejected would affect to the finances. Is there a way that only pireps which are accepted would be in the fincances?
  8. I like this addon, but is it possible to disable auto pirep with a switch in the admin menu in the next versions? I need this for maintenance options when I dont want that pilots send their pireps. Also it would be a nice feature if auto pirept could check the aircraft.bin fileinformationen with the scheduled aircraft, so if a C172 ist filed and the airfile in kacars reports a B737, the flight will be reejected. Thank you for your work
  9. Yes we also need this feature. At the moment there is no way to upgrade to kACARS custom, because Jeffrey is very busy.
  10. Hey Tom, is this project still alive? I am very interested in an update. The indication for new posts would be a nice feature...
  11. Nice, now it works Thank you stuartpb.
  12. Ok I will test it tomorrow..thx for your development Looking really nice during your "test-flight"... Also the option to save the real flown flight track in the pirep and shown on the acars-map would be fantastic.
  13. The same happend as I also put the code in
  14. Hi Vangelis, Thanks for your development. Some nice Features would be: - Search and book flight by number.(like kAcars) - Place a bid and search in the va schedule into APVacars - Tracking the flightpath and show and save the route on acars map - Logging departure and arrival Airport - Option to upload va-logo for admins of va - Easy translation options for admins cheerz Ced
  15. CedGauche


    Hello, new Version looks nice, but I have a problem. I am connected to the Server and I see my Pilot ID, but on "Schedules" I get every time "Could not get data". The right php module is on my website and I can also choose my aircraft, but also "No Schedules..". Using PHP 5.4. Thanks for help.
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