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Everything posted by poole3003

  1. i would like to use it on my VA if poss
  2. i would love to i have tried doing it my self and only half able to do it are you charging or you doing it threw the goodness of your heart
  3. i have read it in another room where someone posted it but its all in foreign so cant read but i get the problem is the same as mine but no solution so there we go
  4. Hi thanks for the reply i am getting no sense form the gentleman who did the software BRUNO so no look second i have tried running the software in admin mode i have paid for my hosting so its not free
  5. I own Etihad virtual airways which is still up and coming i am wanted tyo make a virtual star alliance with some other owners of VA if interested PM me
  6. why dont you try you acars map on my VA if that ok as i not seen anyone buy it you could use my VA as a product guide
  7. i have yeah heard nothing back as the etihad livery pete did went wrong s ohe making a LOTUS F1 livery which not heard from since
  8. poole3003


    why is this software not connecting to the FSUIPC withn fsx
  9. i am looking for an aircraft painter who is very confident in paint then liveries of etihad and making custom liveries with ideas given
  10. My custom CAVacars isnt connecting to the FSUIPC it does on the first time you load application then it disconnects from it. it will track you flight but you can not submet as you get an error saying there was a problem with the application if you click continue it will try to work but you should quit now
  11. yep Tom all the files are in the right place
  12. i keep getting this message when i try to send out a warning email to pilot who have not flown Fatal error: Class 'PManagerData' not found in /home/etihadvi/public_html/admin/modules/Pilotmanager/Pilotmanager.php on line 80
  13. soloved and sorted
  14. How do i change the color of the text on the signature's backgrounds
  15. poole3003


    hey bruno how would i change the logo in the .EXE file as you stated to me please PM me info please if possable
  16. thanks simpilot could you give me a link maybe please
  17. i am not 100% on that whta or where abouts would it be at html/pics or html/lib/pics
  18. All my ranks are in from Cadet to ATP Commander and my highest pay is $1500 now for staff what rate of pay do i use as at the minute it is giving the CEO staff $1500 as well how do i change that so it goes off the rank system not just what it says for that rank
  19. thank you so much TOM your a legend lol thanks again
  20. hi the website url is etihadvirtualairways.co.uk i have uploaded the files to the admin and to the core folders TOM i take it it also needs going into the skins folder as well
  21. i keep getting this error every time i install pop up news Notice: The template file "/home/etihadvi/public_html//lib/skins/Sim Widget/popupnews/popupnews_list.php" doesn't exist in/home/etihadvi/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.phpon line 231
  22. so how much would it be for a VA promo video then mate
  23. how do you change the group so for example you want to add a job as Hub Manager how would i add that to the drop down menu
  24. hi i got this error after i installed the module Warning: move_uploaded_file(pics/1402201904_Desert.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/home/etihadvi/public_html/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php on line 75 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpAsaIij' to 'pics/1402201904_Desert.jpg' in/home/etihadvi/public_html/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php on line 75 There was an error uploading the file, please try again!
  25. i have i dont remember doing that sorry if it has affended you my friend but i had a gentleman helping me as i am new to phpvms and even php coding i dont what he has done compared to what i have done so be sorry for what you said and if i could fix it i would but the VA i have is going so dont panic as i cant do any more withit so thanks for all you help tho
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