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Everything posted by poole3003

  1. any chance of this being customized for a VA
  2. well i have a VA that i might be givig to who ever unless someone want to partner up over it as i hve done as much as i can do to it so theres an offer
  3. hmm sorry to be noob lol butbisnt there pnly one css for the whol thing
  4. thanks mate
  5. hahahah who the dumb one lolol im think lol should have thought of that lol
  6. could you please do an example
  7. well if i am flying long haul at Fl300 it will not let me insert that FL i have to beloew 050
  8. poole3003


    we need a new for the module as the one on the website you have provided doesnt work and can i send you an email so i can see if a custom one would be good for you to do and the module would be great like i said thanks
  9. hahah sorry for laughinh should have posted back that i had sorted it out lol what file is the one were the colours for the admin centre can be changed is it the profile_main.php
  10. poole3003


    i looked at smartcars and didnt like the program so if kacars goes then what will there be as i am coming back empty every time i look
  11. poole3003


    Forget the last as he not taking orders is there any other tracker i could use
  12. poole3003


    How long does it take to hear back from the owner of KAcars as im after a tracker for my va
  13. which file does the pilto centre need to be dit to change the colours
  14. were do the icons go
  15. its ok i got rid of the mod but the link is etihadvirtualairaways.co.uk i hve a little problem on site with exam admin centre
  16. which folder would i inseret the airport logos to
  17. sorry to say still waiting for someone to help
  18. sweet how would I play music just on the home page as I have the Etihad boarding musiic
  19. i would like to try his just on the main oage can some one help me to were i would place this
  20. i have but it still states that it is MH lol and in the hubs module when i select a hub like EGCC then i get a little cross in corner with EGCC in a little box next to it should that be for airport logo's
  21. when i click on any off the hubs i get an little box with a cross in and states EGCC as that is my hub is that for pictures of the aurport logo to add and if so where do they go
  22. sweet i have done it the other one is were do you change the color to the sibr bars in the admin centre and add a logo
  23. ok the airmail module tables are ornage and the admin panel on the side bar they are still white and the header for my website is black but i have changed all the colours in the .css and cant find them any where else
  24. could you tell me where the file is i need to change as im neew to this mate
  25. well its the admin centre bars and the ornage bars that are on some of the moduels could you take a look so you know as i dont kno im still learning lol ] etihadvirtualairways.co.uk things like the top pilot module bars and airmail
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