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Everything posted by poole3003

  1. Every flight my VA is doing is not gaining profit from it have i set up something wrong
  2. how is yes the answer for it to work flyalaska hahah sorry to say lolo
  3. When the smartcars tracker is tracking a flight it doesnt show up on the live map ?
  4. what lines does this go on
  5. sorry yes i have you have sorted it legends all of you
  6. right ok i dont have that on line 145 sorry to say guys im using the atlanic skin
  7. and where do i add that or where can i find that
  8. hahah thanks mate legend o you one
  9. How do i get the Metar Data to show on all flight plans for all Airports ?
  10. i have sorted it out thank you very much lol silly me lol only thing now is how do i make a link appear on my site
  11. and your pointing me to phpmyadmin are you if not would you be able to use skype or teamviewer to show me as im lost lol ? sorry by the way
  12. hello mate would you be able to make a etihad based one for my VA please
  13. i have uploaded all the files but yet i have got this code events/sidebar_events.php
  14. sorry to double post once we have added the ID and the airline logo how do we see that flight do i need to create a link or import a schedules module
  15. when you mean get the schedid do you mean the flight number
  16. right iv redownloaded it and and changed the MH to ETD and still doesnt work lol
  17. id not paying sorry i would like a little help that was all but sorry for wasting ur time
  18. yep i have done that and it has gone in wih no colums and when i change the MH in the file to ETD nothing happens and nothing shows on the website under routes
  19. the blue is goinf to change when i find out where in the css file it is
  20. <li><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">home</a></li> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>">Login</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>">Register</a></li> <li><a href="index.php/http://etihadcodeshare">Etihad code </a></li> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/profile'); ?>">Pilot Center</a></li> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pilots'); ?>">Pilots</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/acars') ?>">Live Map</a></li> <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>'; } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/logout'); ?>">Log Out</a></li> <?php } ?> Thats my file and it isnt still showing up mate
  21. etihadvirtual.co.uk is back and even better new smartcars and better looking we still not open fully and i would like to ask if someone is free and would be able to donate a free admin panel skin Etihad based if it isn't hard as i have tried to do this and have failed so main times
  22. when you mean your_page is that the bit in the pages part
  23. and how would the code me my friend would it be <lil>a href then the following code
  24. Hello mate please could you make a pilot centre skin for my VA Etihad Virtual please anda an Admin Panel
  25. No i mean in the tab ont the home page so its a clickable link so all pilots can see
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