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  1. Sorry for my lateness, we got hammered by a snow storm nobody was expecting. Almost a foot of snow. Power just came back on. Ah I see mischka beat me to it.
  2. Dunno if this will help David or not, but did you also change the VACENTRAL_API_SERVER to https://virtualairlines.eu as well? That might cause an issue if the vacentral url is still there.
  3. Yup that was exactly the case. My db had IATA and it was looking for iata. Working beautifully now, thanks for the help. Hopefully the schedules still work. And I changed the template form for the airports admin/lib/airport_template.csv as well to show the extra colums: icao,iata,name,hub,country,city,fuelprice,altitude,lat,lng,timezoneoffset,timezone,chartlink
  4. That worked! Now I just have to figure out why the IATA code isn't going in. Thanks for the missing piece to the puzzle. And I haven't tried the import function yet either, I'll get back to ya in a bit.
  5. AH, that might be the piece that's missing. let me try and see what happens
  6. Could you? That would be awesome if you could figure out where I went wrong. I've been racking my brain for days now trying to figure out what is wrong. Anything you need from me to help figure this out please let me know.
  7. I'd really love to get this working correctly, as it makes the airport listings more professional looking. Just can't get the columns in the admin section to populate correctly. Haven't tried the import/export yet either.
  8. mischka, I followed the instructions to add the extended values. For some reason the table on my admin side isn't showing the extra information, yet it populates when searching and in the db. Here is what I changed in ops.airportlist.php: colNames: ['ICAO', 'IATA', 'Airport Name', 'Hub', 'Country', 'City', 'Fuel Cost', 'Altitude', 'Lat', 'Lng', 'TZ Offset', 'Timezone', 'Edit'], colModel : [ {index: 'icao', name : 'icao', width: 30, sortable : true, align: 'center', search: 'true', searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne']}}, {index: 'iata', name : 'iata', width: 30, sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'name', name : 'name', width: 65, sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'hub', name : 'hub', width: 15, sortable : true, align: 'center', search: 'false'}, {index: 'country', name : 'country', width: 65, sortable : true, align: 'center', searchoptions:{sopt:['in']}}, {index: 'city', name : 'city', width: 65, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'fuelprice', name : 'fuelprice', width: 30, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'altitude', name : 'altitude', width: 25, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'lat', name : 'lat', width: 40, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'lng', name : 'lng', width: 40, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'timezone', name : 'timezone', width: 40, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: 'dbtimezone', name : 'dbtimezone', width: 65, sortable : true, align: 'center', search:false}, {index: '', name : '', width: 100, sortable : true, align: 'center', search: false} This is what was changed in the phpvmsadmin.js: $.each(data.airports, function(i, item) { $("#airporticao").val(icao); $("#airportiata").val(item.iata); $("#airportname").val(item.name); $("#airportcity").val(item.city); $("#airportcountry").val(item.countryName); $("#airportlat").val(item.lat); $("#airportlong").val(item.lng); $("#airportaltitude").val(item.altitude); $("#fuelprice").val(item.jeta); $("#airporttimezone").val(item.timezone); $("#airportdbtimezone").val(item.dbtimezone); $("#statusbox").html(""); $("#lookupicao").show(); The ops_airportform.php is changed at instructed: Changed in operations.php: $data = array('icao' => $this->post->icao, 'iata'=> $this->post->iata, 'name' => $this->post->name, 'hub' => $this->post->hub, 'country' => $this->post->country, 'city'=> $this->post->city, 'fuelprice' => $this->post->fuelprice, 'altitude'=> $this->post->altitude, 'lat' => $this->post->lat, 'lng' => $this->post->lng, 'timezone'=> $this->post->timezone, 'dbtimezone'=> $this->post->dbtimezone, 'chartlink' => $this->post->chartlink); operationsdata.php: Line 550: if ($data['icao'] == '') return false; $data['icao'] = strtoupper(DB::escape($data['icao'])); $data['name'] = DB::escape($data['name']); if ($data['hub'] === true) $data['hub'] = 1; else $data['hub'] = 0; if ($data['fuelprice'] == '') $data['fuelprice'] = 0; if (!isset($data['chartlink'])) { $data['chartlink'] = ''; } if($data['timezone'] == '') $data['timezone'] = 0; if($data['altitude'] == '') $data['altitude'] = 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "airports ( `icao`, `iata`, `name`, `hub`, `country`, `city`, `fuelprice`, `altitude`, `lat`, `lng`, `timezone`, `dbtimezone`, `chartlink`) VALUES ( '{$data['icao']}', '{$data['iata']}', '{$data['name']}', '{$data['hub']}', '{$data['country']}', '{$data['city']}', '{$data['fuelprice']}', '{$data['altitude']}', '{$data['lat']}', '{$data['lng']}', '{$data['timezone']}', '{$data['dbtimezone']}', '{$data['chartlink']}')"; $res = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; CodonCache::delete('all_airports'); CodonCache::delete('all_airports_json'); CodonCache::delete('get_airport_' . $data['icao']); return true; } Line 596: public static function editAirport($data) { $data['icao'] = strtoupper(DB::escape($data['icao'])); $data['name'] = DB::escape($data['name']); if ($data['hub'] === true) $data['hub'] = 1; else $data['hub'] = 0; if ($data['fuelprice'] == '') $data['fuelprice'] = 0; if($data['timezone'] == '') $data['timezone'] = 0; if($data['altitude'] == '') $data['altitude'] = 0; $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "airports SET `icao`='{$data['icao']}', `iata`='{$data['iata']}', `name`='{$data['name']}',`hub`={$data['hub']}', `country`='{$data['country']}', `city`='{$data['city']}', `fuelprice`={$data['fuelprice']}', `altitude`={$data['altitude']}', `lat`={$data['lat']}', `lng`={$data['lng']}', `timezone`={$data['timezone']}', `dbtimezone`='{$data['dbtimezone']}', `chartlink`='{$data['chartlink']}' WHERE `icao`='{$data['icao']}'"; $res = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; CodonCache::delete('get_airport_' . $data['icao']); CodonCache::delete('all_airports_json'); CodonCache::delete('all_airports'); return true; } I'm scratching my head over this and can't figure out how to get the columns to give the correct information. Any suggestions?
  9. lol yup, now I'm just having to align all the modules to be within the "box" of the website. Most are flowing outside to the edge. Keeping me busy to I don't get in the way (according to the wife)
  10. Hey love this skin. Had one issue where I forgot to place an "</I>" and the entire page went nuts. Took me about 6 hrs of scouring thru the files to find where it was supposed to go.
  11. Well it was solved, but it's back again, so no idea what is going on. Drop down menus are there as well, only thing is I don't have drop down menus in the core_navigation file yet. Thinking the server at my host isn't letting go of something ***UPDATE*** I had to follow the SSL documentation in the forums, as the https wasn't throughout the site. Problem solved!
  12. Dunno what happened, but after this last re-install everything is working.
  13. Ok I'm no new comer here, been using phpvms for years now. And for the life of me I can't get past these issues. I had this working beautifully for years, then I had to do a clean reinstall after a db failure (nothing worked). I have reinstalled v5.5.2 several times in the past 2 days and each time it is the same issues. The ACARS map isn't showing up, the pilots list isn't showing up, and schedules nor aircraft show up. Yet they are in the db. This is on a new install v5.5.2 where one aircraft and schedule is added to the system after it comes up. I am not on a shared hosting system. I would be grateful if anyone could explain what is going on, as right now I am completely at a loss. Any info you guys need from me just let me know.
  14. Parkho, please don't take what I said as any disrespect, as that was not my intention. I thoroughly enjoy your modules. My apologies if I came across as disrespectful. As it's all good, and the module is working.
  15. No it is not version 4.0. This is what myphp admin version is through my host provider: Version information: 4.3.8, latest stable version: That 4.0 version is what was on the file from your add-on: -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host: localhost:3306 -- Generation Time: Dec 20, 2015 at 09:21 PM -- Server version: 5.5.45-cll-lve -- PHP Version: 5.4.31 I am using php v5.4. This is copied directly from your sql file after extracting it before it is uploaded into the server. But I have it working with the corrections I made to the file, so it's a moot point now.
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