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Everything posted by web541

  1. I could see this being possible, too bad that pilot's flight duration was 00:59
  2. Hmm ok, it would be better to go ask TFDi about this one and see what they come up with. I've got no idea.
  3. Ok, can you log into smartCARS and then look in your database for the table called smartcars_sessions and see if there is anything in there.
  4. smartCARS shouldn't be any different as long as it is being reported. Check here for the official smartCARS log and you should be able to get something out of it. Also, are you getting any bids from your website in smartCARS, or are you able to file a PIREP? If not, then it may be an issue to do with the linking of your smartCARS folder to the client. If you've done all of this, then check the logs to see if it is a PHP or SQL error.
  5. I would recommend doing a complete re-install. It is the easiest and will work the most efficiently. So yes, delete all files and databases (in phpmyadmin) and start again.
  6. This version of phpVMS is currently the most stable, so install that one. Here's how it should look. PHP Version: 5.5 phpVMS Version: 5.5.x Yes, it will still work for .tpl files, but that version is old and outdated so some things may break, but it is still usable if you find the fixes however I do not recommend it. If you are using .tpl version, use PHP version 5.3.
  7. Ok I was able to reproduce this error. Try the following: Go to lib/skins/crewcenter/core_htmlhead.php and change your google maps api reference to this <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOURKEYHERE"></script> Notice there's no async defer in the script reference as it is waiting to asynchronous load the map via the &callback function, because phpVMS is programmed in a way that it loads after the page, not with it (i.e. there's no function init() to load). This seemed to fix it for me. Also in lib/skins/crewcenter/acarsmap.php add this back in <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> And it should be fixed, report any further issues back here.
  8. First, try making your PHP version 5.5 (at least) as it is most stable. Secondly, try using this version of phpVMS if you have not already Third, if there is still a white page, try looking in your public_html folder for a file called error_log which should give you some more details if it's a server error If that's all resolved, but you cannot connect to your database, in other words, you cannot log in, then try debugging.
  9. Cool! Glad you got it working!
  10. Do you have a website url?
  11. First try removing this line mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, Also try replacing your <script> (the one with the api key) with https:// instead of http:// Also try this link <script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_KEY_HERE&sensor=true"></script>
  12. Ok thanks, that gives me a better idea. Try placing this in lib/skins/YOURSKINNAME/acarsmap.php <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> Without the center, it might fix it. At the moment, it is still looking for the 'defaults'.
  13. Can you please replace all content in lib/js/acarsmap.js with this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/master/lib/js/acarsmap.js I can see that you have not done it yet, the rest seems to be fine. Can you also try removing this out of lib/skins/YOURSKINNAME/acarsmap.php <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> But please copy the contents of the above first, that will fix one error, you seem to have overwritten it in a step above.
  14. Nope, you've done it in the wrong file. Follow these steps: Go to lib/js/acarsmap.js and replace all content with this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/master/lib/js/acarsmap.js Go to lib/skins/YOURSKINNAME/acarsmap.php find this <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("50.007739", "9.580078"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> And replace it with this <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: true, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> Go to core/local.config.php and find these (or similar) Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '45.484400'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '-62.334821'); And replace it with these Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '50.007739'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '9.580078'); Check the outcome
  15. In your acarsmap.php file, find this center: new google.maps.LatLng("50.007739", "9.580078"), Replace it with this center: new google.maps.LatLng(50.007739, 9.580078), See if that works
  16. Yes, go to lib/js/acarsmap.js and replace all its contents with this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/master/lib/js/acarsmap.js And see if that works. If it breaks your map center, then we can fix that later.
  17. No, if your debugging logs were not enabled in the local.config.php file, then the logs won't record anything until they are enabled, so you would have to wait until yo have enabled them and you've started a flight.
  18. Yeah, the logs will only show if there are flights active.
  19. There is no simbrief section in schedule_searchform.php file by default, you will need to install the full module and follow the instructions. Once you've done that, enter your SimBrief API keys in the relevant places and you should be able to get it to work.
  20. Yeah that's correct, just confirm you've got flights going at the moment? And check the logs to see if there is any data being populated. Also, in your hosting, go to phpmyadmin and check the phpvms_acarsdata table and see if there are any rows populated.
  21. Keep an eye on this forum post for updates, there's no definite answer at this stage. To add airports during the downtime, the easiest option is to go to https://www.world-airport-codes.com/, enter the ICAO code and copy the coordinates and add them manually.
  22. There's no default function to do this and it will require editing some of the core files and adding some lines here and there. It would be better to look into a flight search module that does this for you, but it is still possible to do it with the default search.
  23. For the "google is not defined" error, try replacing the contents of your core_htmlhead.php file with this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/master/core/templates/core_htmlhead.php And then replace this line <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> With this one <script async defer src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOURKEYHERE" type="text/javascript"></script> And replace YOURKEYHERE with your Google Maps API Key (from their dev console). Remove any google maps <script> from your layout.php file (keep it in core_htmlhead). Just remember to keep the order of the lines correct and don't move any around otherwise it will screw up the loading sequence.
  24. Are there any errors in your browser console and does it happen to all aircraft? Does it happen to the normal ACARS map? It might just be overridden by the weather.
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