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Everything posted by RafaelLetras

  1. Hello , I'm the CEO of Air Corsica Virtuel , we liked your acars , possible to get in touch with you to discuss about some features etc?
  2. Can you reupload the module?
  3. Thank's that fixed , there is anymore templates from you ? Because its a cool template this one
  4. Hello I followed your tutoria , I'am using PHPVMS 5.5simspilots , and I get this error : Notice: The template file "/home/u731954971/public_html//lib/skins/Bootstrap_Metro_Dashboard-master/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/u731954971/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 VERSION BETA
  5. hello , look at my website please http://aircorsicava.16mb.com/index.php/FBSV11 the slider images dont work with your module and when I click search flight i got an error
  6. Hello , could you please tell me how do I change the avatar by default ? I alredy changed the noavatar.png but doesnt works
  7. Ola Tenho Um Problema Na Altura Do Login onde meto ele , como instalo ele ? English Hi , I have a Problem , how do i Install the login part?
  8. Hi I have a problem while installing the on hostinger sql , DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpvms_autopirep;# MySQL a retourné un résultat vide (aucune ligne). CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS phpvms_autopirep ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, criteria_description text NOT NULL, created_by int(5) NOT NULL, enabled smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', criteria_variable text NOT NULL, criteria_custom_message text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;# MySQL a retourné un résultat vide (aucune ligne). INSERT INTO phpvms_autopirep (id, criteria_description, created_by, enabled, criteria_variable, criteria_custom_message) VALUES (11, 'Simrate 8x Speed', 0, 0, 'Simrate set to 8x Speed', 'Exeedet max sim rate'), (37, 'Overspeed', 0, 0, 'Overspeed ', 'Overspeed '), (35, 'Paused', 0, 1, 'Paused', 'Paused');# 3 lignes affectées. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpvms_autopirep_settings;# MySQL a retourné un résultat vide (aucune ligne). CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS phpvms_autopirep_settings ( setting_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_I[...] THAT MEANS Nothing on the sql file
  9. Hello I am the CEO of Air Corsica Virtual And I have a problem while puting skins , http://ccmvirtual.altervista.org/phpvms/ I have that problem I only see the text I cant see the design , I tried 3 templates
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