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  1. @Vangelis Hi, I'm encountering this issue when trying to load the plugin - Any suggestions please?
  2. Hi, I'm trying to login to my virtual airline but I keep getting the message after entering my credentials: You must be logged in to access this feature. I've tried changing my password but still receive the same error, Any suggestions please?
  3. Hi, After a pilot has booked a flight from our schedules I would like to have there pilot name displayed on the flight Briefing page under the title Flight Crew Is this possible? Thanks,
  4. I followed what another user had posted in another topic about fixing the issue - This fixed my issue. Thanks.
  5. Thanks for your reply servetas, I ran the query through phpmyadmin and the result was: 1286 rows affected. (Query took 0.0070 seconds.) UPDATE phpvms_schedules SET daysofweek='0123456', week1='0123456', week2='0123456', week3='0123456', week4='0123456' I reloaded the flight schedules page but I'm still getting the same result, no flights are appearing.
  6. Hi, I needed to update some of our schedules so I exported the schedules from the admin panel and opened them with Excel 2007. After I made some changes I saved the file as file type CSV. When I imported the schedules back into the admin panel it stated "the import process is complete". The schedules all appear in the admin panel and I can also see all the schedules in my database in my cpanel/phpmyadmin. But my issue now is that no flight schedules appear on our flight schedules page - https://www.scootvirtual.net/index.php/schedules From checking other topics about the same/similar issue I changed the skin back to the crystal skin in the admin panel and the flight schedule search appeared correctly. Then I switched back to my main skin the schedule would still appear but only until I refreshed the page again. I have been able to import schedules on many previous occasions using https://sheet.zoho.com/sheet/excelviewer but this is the first time I have edited the schedules using Excel 2007 so I'm wondering if that may be the issue. I did find a minor solution that works, and that is to "edit" a flight from the my flight schedules and routes from the admin panel and press save. That one flight from the schedule will than appear on my schedules page correctly. I have 52 pages of schedules though so obviously I don't want to go into each flight and press edit/then save for them to appear. If anyone has a quicker solution I would highly appreciate it. I have also attached a copy of my schedules file from excel if anyone is interested but I don't think it's the issue as I have checked it over and over. Thanks, Mike. schedules.zip
  7. Thanks Pro, Unfortunately its connecting but its not recording any flight statistics (see link below). When you end the flight there is no Pirep etc to send. https://i.imgur.com/NZJt6FC.jpg Anyway appreciate you taking the time to try and help me out. Thanks. Hopefully someone else maybe able to shed some light on the issue.
  8. Yes Pro, the Xacars program opens fine. I looked in the xacars.ini file and the password line was already inserted. I changed the 'https' to 'http" as you advised and Xacars now connects to the Scoot Virtual server. Thank-you! But....theirs always a but right lol? When retrieving a flight from the server it displays strange characters in the departure, destination fields etc. I have taken a screenshot to help illustrate the issue - https://i.imgur.com/CdmauLX.jpg
  9. Thanks, I have downloaded the Xacars config file which shows this: [Server] Address = https://www.scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/acars PIREP = https://www.scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/pirep FlightInfo = https://www.scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/data User = TGW001 [ACARS] POSReportTime = 1 EnableLiveACARS = 1 EnablePIREP = 1 AutoPIREP = 1 I then entered the same information from above into the Xacars preferences. I then get the same error when trying to grab a booked flight from Scoot Virtual through Xacars - Retrieving flight data via ACARS returned the following error: [Error: Connection to ACARS server failed: [Check URL.]]
  10. Retrieving flight data via ACARS returned the following error: [Error: Connection to ACARS server failed: [Check URL.]]
  11. Hi, I am trying to setup XACARS for my virtual airline https://www.scootvirtual.net We use smartCARS for flight logging, but I need to setup XACARS as I have a mac/X-plane user who cant use the smartCARS program as it's not compatible. I am currently using these settings for XACARS: [Server] Address = https://scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/acars PIREP = https://scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/pirep FlightInfo = https://scootvirtual.net/action.php/acars/xacars/data Every time I open XACARS and try to establish a link with Scoot Virtual I get a server error. If anyone could help with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Hi All, Scoot Virtual opened last year and continues to grow strong with website improvements and new features. We don't only simulate the daily operation of the Scoot airline, we also simulate some of our Value Alliance partners. Members can select aircraft and flights from Scoot, Nokscoot, Cebu Pacific, Tigerair Australia and Vanilla Air. We recently acquired the Airbus A319/A320 aircraft from Tigerair Singapore who merged with Scoot under the Scoot brand. With the release of the Quality Wings 787 our Scoot Dreamliners are even more hungry for operation! Please check out our website and if your interested in joining we would happy to have you. https://www.scootvirtual.net/ Thanks, Mike.
  13. Cheers mate, I have sent you a reply.
  14. Hi, I am the owner of scootvirtual.net which is a fully functioning virtual airline. The website was originally built by Sava Markovic from my design. I require someone with experience in PHP/SQL to help make changes and modifications when and where required to Scoot Virtual. This would be paid work obviously. You can contact me on skype " Scoot Virtual " or leave me a message if you are interested. Thanks. http://www.scootvirtual.net
  15. I couldn't find any information on how to do this. Thanks to your instructions I was able to complete the process. Thank-you!
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