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    Bembibre, Spain
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    Programming, Mathematics, Phisics, Aviation...

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  1. I would offer some suggestions regarding the Airline´s site: Hit me up if you wanna hear them. thanks!
  2. Hello: My name´s Cristian Tabuyo, and I´m the CEO of Crystal Designs. A brand new business with the purpose of changing things in the world of Virtual Aviation. I am looking for one employee to work for us. In case you are interested fill out the next questionaire: Click here The questionaire will be opened till 18th of June. If you have any doubt do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks,
  3. We will be posting weekly updates on our Facebook: https://www.facebook...signTechnology/ Best,
  4. Hello: After months of development I´m delighted to show you(a bit) of the project I´m working on right now, it is called VACars, and it is a revolutionary ACARS software. What is special about it, is that it is developed with the latest technologies and under the latest UI Standars, not only that, but it will be the very first ACARS Software on the world that will be Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, Windows Phone capable since V1.0. I have been working on this for a long time(started on late December 2015). And I decided it is now the moment to show a bit of it. Since I´m developing for 5 platforms at the same time, it takes long time to develop... Today I´m just going to show you the login screen in Windows OS.... In case people is interested on it, I will be posting more exciting photos on the following days... I don´t like to tell release dates, but,... my plan is to release it on Late June early July. To accompany this ACARS, I´m also working on amazing stuff. That´s why if you are a Ruby On Rails programmer and want to collaborate in this project, please tell me! Kind regards! P.S: And remember, if people is interested on it I will post a bunch of photos of the ACARS in the following days!!!
  5. If I don´t remember bad, I read a post from Nabeel that stated that the charts were hard-coded and there was no way to change them.
  6. You have to be careful mate!!!! If you copy websites from REAL airlines you might be infringing their copyright and you might have legal problems with them. Just a friendly advice!! Take care,
  7. Looking for a website for your start-up Virtual Airline, or may you just want to update your old website? Well, in that case this is the correct place. Continue reading...! Some of you might already know us, however we do want to become even more famous. That´s why after some time, we have decided to roll new packages for Virtual Airlines developement. They were done thinking always in the customer. We have rolled 2 packages, one offers the best experience for VAs that operate at a hobby-level. And another one does for VAs that operate on a professional-level: *What are you waiting for? - Click here and discover the amazing things we do. Order it now!! Help us become the best!!! Merry Christmas to all of you! -- Kind Regards, Cristian Tabuyo ZumeWeb VAs´ websites developer
  8. ctabuyo

    Caalair Skin

    In that case you haven´t set what to do with your menu on mobile devices on the .CSS file: Try something like this, (you might have to adapt the code, and change the name of the menu in this code): @media screen and (max-width: 643px) { ul.nav-menu, div.nav-menu > ul { display: block!important; }} Regards!
  9. But this guy already found a developer as you can see on the title. As a guy already said, watching just images it´s difficult to say anything. A link to a demo will be better.
  10. ctabuyo

    Caalair Skin

    Have you use bootstrap for it? If so, did you use the bootstrap resposinveness functions? Regards,
  11. Sorry for the delay I am really busy with some other proyects.: Ok, let´s try this, Go to: Core->Modules->Pilots and open Pilots.php Then, inside the public function index modify the code look like this: class Pilots extends CodonModule { public function index() { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=$host; dbname=$database;', $user, $pass); $stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT "pilotid" FROM "phpvms_fieldvalues" WHERE "value" = "IVAO Pilot"'); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); if(!$result) $result = array(); foreach($result as $res) { $this->set('title', 'IVAO Pilot'); $this->set('allpilots', $res); $this->render('pilots_list.tpl'); } P.S: Notice this is a kind of pseudo-code that I haven´t had the chance to try it, so it might not work correctly at all. Regards!
  12. Hello Bastian, and welcome to this forum: In order to achieve what you are trying to do... ...1st step: You´ll have too look for the pilot_list.tpl of your current skin, and then you will probably have an HTML table, like this one for example: <table id="tabledlist" class="table table-bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th>Pilot ID</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Rank</th> <th>VATSIM ID</th> <th>IVAO</th> <th>Flights</th> <th>Hours</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> So what you have to do is add a new <th> called Status, so like this: <th>status</th> 2n steep: Look for the php code at the bottom of the file, you´ll have to add there something like this, being carefully of respecting the order of the <th> created before with the <td> on this section of the code if you know what I mean: <td> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'Status'); ?> </td Kind regards, and let me know if it worked!
  13. No, he means you have to configure your Android´s browser to show pages in "Desktop Mode". I tried like that in my father´s Android and it worked! Regards,
  14. I don´t understand your question, can you please add more details such as the code you are having problems with? Thank you
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