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  1. Hi everyone! I just saw the latest version has been pushed but the updater seems to be broken: GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException cURL error 3: (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) So I have already started building a custom design etc on Beta 3, previously I created a fresh install and transferred everything over from another VM but the database import took forever. Is there anyway to update the version without having to delete all the current files and/or having to change any data? I was thinking of manually importing the GitHub file and then running the installer but I don't know if my custom skin and existing DB would break it? Thanks!
  2. Hi there! I have gotten phpVMS 7 set up and was trying to get the automailer to work however I can't get it to work, I have tried MailGun and Sparkpost but all result in the following error "Expected response code 220 but got an empty response" and "Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport::assertResponseCode:445 vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:445" I can't find the .env file either?
  3. I am running a custom admin skin but that isn't the issue because I am using that same version on another server and it works perfectly fine.
  4. The only errors are the Google Maps API error. Archive.zip
  5. On the Admin Panel it says '5 Pilots Pending' but when I click on the link nothing shows up..
  6. I searched your errors and Found this topic (https://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8192-solution-strict-standards-errornew-php/) That should fix your errors.
  7. I would suggest a re-install , I had these errors when my server updated its php version, I had this with phpVMS 2.2.x (If you have this version you might want to upgrade to phpVMS 5.5.x)
  8. I don't think that is a captcha issue? Can I get a link to your site?
  9. Hi All, I have set up phpVMS on a AWS LightSail Instance and all the features are working besides the mass emailer.. I have tried to enable SMTP and use gmail's (as a test) SMTP server with no luck. I do not know what is causing the mass emailer not to work. I have checked the Spam section of my Email and it is empty. I would appreciate any help I can get on this matter! Thanks. EDIT : I Fixed it! Google was blocking the SMTP!
  10. I am not surprised for 0.50 Euros!
  11. Memory as in RAM ,Which host are you on?
  12. Your Demo seems broken? But I will give it a shot to install... Have you tried it on phpVMS 2.X?
  13. How did you do that?
  14. Could you share some code on how you did this please? Cheers
  15. Link? I used David J Clark's phpVMS (SimPilot) and It was bugged out.. If I want to transfer my DB Contents from V2 to V5 what would be needed?
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