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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Did you remove the <meta charset="utf-8"> from your layout.tpl?
  2. flyalaska


    No idea! Been working on that solution myself What php version does your host have installed?
  3. flyalaska


    You may have a typo somewhere. If you got 3 to work, you did something wrong on the 4th.
  4. flyalaska


    Locate the css .art-slideheader0 { background-image: url('../images/slider/slideheader0.jpg'); background-size: 100%; background-position: 0 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .art-slideheader1 { background-image: url('../images/slider/slideheader1.jpg'); background-size: 100%; background-position: 0 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } on a new linw after the add .art-slideheader3 { background-image: url('../images/slider/slideheader3.jpg'); background-size: 100%; background-position: 0 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } Dont forget to change image url and slider number .art-slideheader3 Now open your layout.tpl and find <div class="art-slide-item art-slideheader0"></div> <div class="art-slide-item art-slideheader1"></div> on a new line add <div class="art-slide-item art-slideheader3"></div> Make sure that your slider number matches the number in your css.
  5. flyalaska


    I dont have a flight board, just replace your flighboard code with the latest flight code.. Look for <?php Template::Show('frontpage_reports.tpl'); ?> </p> around line 275
  6. Airport or Plane doesn't exist. Make sure they have been added first.
  7. flyalaska


    Can I have your link?
  8. flyalaska


    You need the tpl version of the module. Sorry about that. Install the tpl version. I will pm you with my email. You can email me frontpage_main.tpl and I will put it on for you.
  9. flyalaska


    Install Touchdown stats by Simpilot - https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-TouchdownStats Than add the code below where you want it to display. <?php $lstats = TouchdownStatsData::get_landingstats_currentmonth(10); if(!$lstats) { echo 'No Greased Landings Recorded '; echo 'For '.date('F Y'); } else { echo '<center>'; echo '<table width="750px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="aka_table">'; echo '<thead><tr><th>Callsign</th><th>Pilot</th><th>Aircraft</th><th>Departure</th><th>Arrival</th><th>Landing</th></tr></thead>'; foreach ($lstats as $row) { $pilot2 = PilotData::GetPilotData($row->pilotid); echo '<tr><td>'; echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($row->code, $row->pilotid).'</td><td>'.$pilot2->firstname.' '.$pilot2->lastname.'</td><td>'; $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($row->aircraft); echo $aircraft->icao.'</td><td>'; echo $row->depicao.'</td><td>'; echo $row->arricao.'</td><td>'; echo $row->landingrate; echo ' ft/min'; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</center>'; } ?>
  10. flyalaska


    I had some issues with that version. Haven't had the time to work them out. That is why the download is tpl files only/ You are getting the error probably because you are using tpl files when they need to be php files.
  11. Open a ticket on his site. I have bought several mods and he always has great support.
  12. flyalaska


    That code wasn't added by me. I don't have that on the skin. You are probably missing a opening or closing bracket.
  13. flyalaska


    I see this above the header image [if lte IE 7]>var baseurl = "http://www.daanair.nl"; var geourl = "http://ws.geonames.org"; Your site is messed up on all browsers.
  14. Have you set your exspences to high?
  15. flyalaska


    Can you show me a screenshot of what you see in IE? Also can I have your link?
  16. flyalaska


    It works perfect for me on on IE11?What do you see when you go to it? Did you happen to remove this lin in the layout.tpl? <!--[if lte IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ocean_blue/styles/style.ie7.css" media="screen" /><![endif]-->
  17. flyalaska


    Locate the art.footer in styles/ocean.css. Around line 2386 .art-footer { background: #0075DB; background: linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; background: linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; -svg-background: linear-gradient(top, #0080F0 0, #0070D1 40%, #0070D1 50%, #0070D1 60%, #0080F0 100%) no-repeat; border-top:1px solid #C1CFD1; padding:15px; margin:0 auto; position: relative; color: #BDE0FF; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial, 'Arial Unicode MS', Helvetica, Sans-Serif; text-align: center; } Replace it with . art-footer { background: #0075DB; border-top:1px solid #C1CFD1; padding:15px; margin:0 auto; position: relative; color: #FAD9D9; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial, 'Arial Unicode MS', Helvetica, Sans-Serif; text-align: center; } Change 0075DB to what color you want.
  18. I miss ready your post. I thought you were asking if it does show up. Sorry!
  19. flyalaska


    Whats your email? PM it to me and I will send you the adjusted css.
  20. flyalaska


    What color do you want? I can do it for you,
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